Comments from a few folks I've heard in the MA, coupled with some of my own experience have had some thoughts running through my head lately, so I thought I'd bounce em and see what you folks who make the decisions for us think.
Alot of the bomber jocks dont fly in the CT becuase capture is off. We've tried making it tougher with more troops needed, harder buildings, etc.; someone always ruins things by milkrunning the bases during the off hours. So we sit with it turned off, and lose people because of it.
I've said this part before, but I'll repeat it. If we want a lively CT, we dont need MA overflow, we need an MA alternative. MA is easymode, but it does offer something for squads to do besides cover each others butts in a big furball. And right now (as much as some of us may like it that way), thats what we have, and it only attracts a small group. TrueKill and several others have tried the Thursday night missions, but for many (me included) that one night isnt viable. Thats a start though. So here's my ideas.
My first one isnt really viable right now, but it could be in the future, depending on how hard it would be to implement. I have no idea what changes would be necessary, and it may be totally impossible. If so, no big loss as we dont have it now. For those of you who remember the old ETO map in AW, (the little one for the later AW guys), when the map was reset the bases in the middle all went neutral. So when the fight started, everyone was back away from the front. It was a rush to grab the bases at the front so the furball in the middle could start. First one to get a base and get it operational had the advantage. Then the bomber jocks could concentrate on porking elsewhere, but there was usually a pretty fierce battle over the forward bases. They always see-sawed back and forth. My idea would be to re-create that idea by enabling capture only at some bases in the middle of a map. As I said, I dont know if thats possible. If not, is it at least possible to disable fighters at those "forward" bases? Of course I support increasing the number of troops required to capture above the MA standard and making the buildings harder. We dont want this to be easy. It should be a challenge. Challenges draw squads, not individuals. Any variation on this might work, I'm just throwing it out there, you guys chew it up and see if something useable comes out.
My second idea is to scrap the idea of making some bases different than others, and only enabling capture during "prime time". That would at least have the advantage of spoiling things for the milkrunners. Someone turns on capture at one time, and it's turned off after another amount of time. Sort of "freezing" the map, so to speak. If at some point we start having CT activity around the clock, then this could be evaluated and discarded if necessary.
Ok guys. Blast away.