Author Topic: Fixing heavy bombers  (Read 2529 times)

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #75 on: February 22, 2006, 06:01:19 AM »
a Bombers a Bomber, A Game is a Game, Neither can be perfect, We as bomber pilots need to work with what we have, Less complaining more Bombing. :D

Offline ChopSaw

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #76 on: February 22, 2006, 09:25:03 AM »
Originally posted by outbreak
a Bombers a Bomber, A Game is a Game, Neither can be perfect, We as bomber pilots need to work with what we have, Less complaining more Bombing. :D

That is rather the point.  A bomber is in fact a bomber and should act a little like it.  A heavy bomber is not a Stuka, P38, P51 or any other type of dive bombing aircraft.  It was not designed for it.

Yes, it’s a game.  However it is a game that attempts to emulate WWII battle.  In the pursuit of that goal we have these discussions.  What we’ll have to “work with” will hopefully be better than what we have now.  The complaints about dive bombing heavy bombers are valid.  They annoy fighters, gv’s and other bombers alike.  The problem should be fixed and hopefully HighTech will read some of this and fix it when the lot of them are done tweaking ToD.  In fact this is hopefully one of the things they will fix in ToD and retroactively to the main arena.

Offline Simaril

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #77 on: February 22, 2006, 11:05:28 AM »
Originally posted by ChopSaw

The idea is to eliminate unrealistic game play.  


Not really.

I 100% guarantee there will ALWAYS be unrealistic gameplay in AH, because no matter what "rules" you make --- in the end nobody dies for real. That fact alone means people will fly and fight in radically different ways than the real pilots did.

And, there is no command structure, so jobs important for the team will NOT get done unless they're fun. So, forget enormously realistic techniques like, oh, combat air patrol at set alts, or long range escort.

Now add in the compromises reality has to make in order to keep things fun (instead of pure work). Things like the stall horn, or ammo counters, or trim (which works VERY differently than it does in real planes, since computer joystacks act very differently than ones in aircraft.) Things liek not having to sit on the runway to warm up engines, or not colliding with friendlies who happen to choose the same runway 2 seconds befroe you get there.

AH will never get realistic gameplay in the sense you mean it.

What AH CAN do is give realistic models. That means duplicating hard performance characteristics (like climb rates and maxc speed at each alt); it also means duplicating the "feel" of weapons systems when the model has to bend for practical reasons (like having 2x fuel burns since airfields are close, so short ranged planes feel short ranged, and having the T-34 load ammo slowly to "simulate" the cramped turret arrangement).

Every time AH appropriately bends reality to make things work, there will be an opportunity for gamers to exploit the compromise in "gamey" ways. Its just gunna happen, and there's nothing you can do about it.

BUT you can strive to make the models as realistic as possible (in both the measurable data and in the imponderable "feel" planes and vehicles have). Thats generally what HTC does, and they do a good job of it.

For whatever reason, they have decided to apply a different standard to bombers than they do to every other weapon system in the game. While bombs and bullets are precisely charted with careful tabulations based on physics, drawn as if with sharpened draftman's tools; the bomber itself is sketched with a thick fingered crayon.

(BTW I am NOT talkingabout buff guns, which I think are 100% appropriate. They get kills, but they balance for the fact that bombers od not operate with large crews and in large formations, escorted by fighters. The current gun system seems to me to be a completely valid design set up.)

I've said it befoire and I'll say it again....bombers should ahve bomb bays. This single measure would change the way they're used, bu thats not the point. (In fact, including the bomb bay angle drop limits would not eliminate dive bombing the way you guys mean it -- especially for the lancs.) The point is much simpler: bombers were designed around bomb bays, and AH shouldn't ignore that. Its the whole point of the weapon system, and AH is such a quality product that it feels plain wrong to have such a huge compromise made.

I've been watching...dive bombing is MUCH less common than you'd think from these forums. It's no t a gameplay problem, it doesnt impact the MA,  and buff guys who had to avoid exceeding  30 degrees (for B-17) would still function the same. BUT....

It is silly to require pilots to press "o" to open the bomb bay, and then let them "drop" the bomb inverted through the top of the wing and the fuselage's main spar.

(Should it be a bit embarassing... ??)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 11:08:32 AM by Simaril »
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Offline ChopSaw

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #78 on: February 22, 2006, 11:54:52 AM »

Your comments regarding unrealistic game play are valid.  Of course they're valid.  The comment I made regarding elimination of unrealistic game play was made within the confines of the current discussion.  Finding a way to stop heavies from being used as dive bombers.

I don't see how an angle restriction in addition to the F6 limitation could fail to halt dive bombing heavies.  Note, I'm not talking about low level drops where the attitude of the bomber is relatively level.  The reason we're forwarding these two solutions is because they would seem to be the easiest way for HTC to fix the problem.  Putting bomb bay modeling into the heavy bombers would also probably fix the problem and perhaps be a more complete solution, but I think that would require a lot more coding.  We're trying to come up with a solution they're likely to implement instead of one which might be less likely because it requires a ton more work.  That having been said, I like the idea of bomb bays with their inherent restrictions.  If that's the solution HTC finds most appealing, I'm all for it.

I too do not often see dive bombing going on, but then I'm not usually in a position to see it.  That doesn't mean the guys in gv's or cv's who it occasionally happens to don't have a valid complaint.  One that I think should be addressed.  I'm more of a bomber in this game than anything else, but fair is fair.  Tanks shouldn't be able to fly and a B-24 shouldn't be able to drop bombs through its nose or any other part of the fuselage
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 11:57:58 AM by ChopSaw »

Offline ChopSaw

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #79 on: February 22, 2006, 11:56:00 AM »
Sure would like to see a B-29.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 11:58:33 AM by ChopSaw »

Offline Jackal1

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #80 on: February 22, 2006, 12:58:39 PM »
Originally posted by MadSquirrel

We play "Someone’s way" every day.  l  <>  

Good point. That is exactly what I am saying. That "someone" is HT. When changes are made it is going to displease some and please others. That`s just the facts. Some of the changes I have seen I dislike, some I like. Some I hate, some I agree with.

If it were not for people wanting to improve things, we would still be playing Aces High I if anything.

There ya go. "Improvement" in one players eyes may be totaly negative to another player. If I had "my way" I would gladly go back to AH1 in a heartbeat. I loved it.  I don`t have "my way" and neither does anyone else. It`s HT`s way or the highway and he is trying to do a balancing act continuously.

Right now "My way" is the few dive bombing buff bunnies that come in from 5000 feet, dive down, dropping 40,000 lbs. of bombs on one Panzer that is slowing there advance because he has the skill to kill vehicles from 4.0 out.

 That seems to me like intead of saying "your way" that you are actualy saying you are being forced to play "someone else`s way" and you think the tables should be turned because of it. In your words....If a " few buff bunnies" and drop 40,000 pounds of bombs on ONE panzer, then what are you disagreeing with the most? Is it the fact that you are the ONE panzer on occasions or the fact that you want the buff driver to come in with more alt and fly the way you wished they would. In other words..."your way". I could easily reverse that and ask why you don`t up a fighter and take out some low alt buffs. See what I`m getting at? Do you like it better when 2 dar bars of a "scorched earth " squad comes in with alt and takes out the whole shabang ? I see a lot asking for what they are calling the "old way" of bomb calibration to be put back in action. Actualy it is not the "old way". The "old way" was in AH1 with a pretty simple and accurate bombing setup. Most of the bomber guys were dropping with alt and with great accuracy. Too much accuracy was complained about then mainly by the GV drivers and the fighter jocks who didn`t want to put out the effort to shoot down bombers when you could see it coming from 2 or 3 sectors away. It was changed, then changed again. Now it is being asked to be changed back one step. I can quarantee that if it is it will be complained about by as many players who are asking for this change now.

If that same person were to kill me on equal ground, I would salute them. But I don't get to shoot at them with 3 different vehicle lives and something that has a 100 by 1000 yard kill zone.

You could if you would make the choice to up a fighter instead of a GV and take out the bombers coming in low and making them easy pickings. It`s your choice and the other players choice to do what you wish.

I am almost to the belief that these same buff bunnies couldn't drop a bomb and have it hit the ground from 10,000 feet and above like the real AHII Bomber Pilots do now.

So they wouldn`t make much of a difference if they were at 10,000 feet or a 1000 ft, right? Not much damge on the whole either way. So what`s the main problem that you are wanting changes to be made for? You are actualy wanting things to be changed to suit your playing style and the other guys are playing the way that they desire to.
Don`t get me wrong. I am not totaly disagreeing with you and not toaly agreeing with you either. What I am saying is we have only one choice as far as gameplay goes and that is to either play or not play with what is available at any particular time. The big picture and the decisons are lfet up to HT. Discussing it and exchanging ideas is great. Getting bent totaly out of shape and demanding things be changed because it is what any particualr player wants is senseless.
I know of one player who totaly quit AH when the first bomb sight change was made in AH1 because he didn`t like the change. That was his choice. I didn`t like the change either, but I liked AH on a whole enough to go with the flow. It`s the big picture that matters. If the game ever gets to the point to where I don`t wish to participate anymore, I want, but until then I either play or not. You gotta "dance with the one who brung ya" or stay home on the porch and whittle. :D
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Offline Simaril

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #81 on: February 22, 2006, 01:00:14 PM »
Chop, take a look at the thread in my sig.

The primary way that bomb bays would be modelled istn graphic -- its simply by inluding an inclinometer reading. Just like the software now checks to see that the bomb bay doors are open, it would have to check that the aircraft angle is no more than 30 degrees of horizontal pitch, and under10 degrees off neutral roll (for B-17). If not, no drop.

The number for the lancaster though will be much more generous due to its bomb bay geometry. So, miodelling the bay's limits will not stop dive bombing -- but then, thats not the point of fixing the model.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 01:02:25 PM by Simaril »
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Offline ChopSaw

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #82 on: February 22, 2006, 01:35:38 PM »
Originally posted by Simaril
Chop, take a look at the thread in my sig.

The primary way that bomb bays would be modelled istn graphic -- its simply by inluding an inclinometer reading. Just like the software now checks to see that the bomb bay doors are open, it would have to check that the aircraft angle is no more than 30 degrees of horizontal pitch, and under10 degrees off neutral roll (for B-17). If not, no drop.

The number for the lancaster though will be much more generous due to its bomb bay geometry. So, miodelling the bay's limits will not stop dive bombing -- but then, thats not the point of fixing the model.

One of the fixes we've been discussing is the inclinometer limitation.  That in conjunction with the F6 limitation (limiting ability to drop bombs to the F6 position) would fix dive bombing heavies.  So are you saying the heavy bombers could actually dive bomb in real life?

If the point of fixing the model isn't to eliminate dive bombing heavies, what is it?

Offline Simaril

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #83 on: February 22, 2006, 01:58:02 PM » model it right?

What we do in the MA could be called "emergent behavior" -- patterns arise based on the rules and the situations we encounter. HTC doesnt generally like to force behavior -- witness the 13 page thread about starting the ENY system, where HTC repeatedly declined to pursue systems that involved making people do anything. Instead, teh system is set up and we're free to choose the path that seems best to us. HTC sets up the models, and lets us do what we want. So, there is going to be dive bombing, and vulching, and porking, and ack hugging. Nothing will change that, and I suspect HTC doesnt care too much what we do with his accurate models, as long as we have fun and (more or less) respect each other.

His job is to model it right, and keep the arenas running.

BTW, you may want to do a search on the topic. Each of this thread's suggestions (the F6 drops, the strats tied to planesets, the no external view, and even the dive angle limits) have been considered and discussed extensively before the thread even started. There probably wont be a response from HTC, because there isnt really any new idea around to talk about. HTC has (so far) declined to make any changes, including the ones I favor. Ghosth played the BBS game right, making a proposal and explainig it, then leaving the issue for HTC to consider and decide. Neither of us particularly like dive bombing heavies, though we have different approaches and tolerances for the problem.

But, neither of us thinks we can make HTC do anything by the volume or frequency of out complaining.

I'd advise you guys to just state your case, dont get worked up, and lets see what happens.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 02:12:16 PM by Simaril »
Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
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Offline ChopSaw

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #84 on: February 22, 2006, 02:18:35 PM »
Originally posted by Simaril model it right?

What we do in the MA could be called "emergent behavior" -- patterns arise based on the rules and the situations we encounter. HTC doesnt generally like to force behavior -- witness the 13 page thread about starting the ENY system, where HTC repeatedly declined to pursue systems that involved making people do anything. Instead, teh system is set up and we're free to choose the path that seems best to us. HTC sets up the models, and lets us do what we want. So, there is going to be dive bombing, and vulching, and porking, and ack hugging. Nothing will change that, and I suspect HTC doesnt care too much what we do with his accurate models, as long as we have fun and (more or less) respect each other.

His job is to model it right, and keep the arenas running.

BTW, you may want to do a search on the topic. Each of this thread's suggestions (the F6 drops, the strats tied to planesets, the no external view, and even the dive angle limits) have been considered and discussed extensively before. There probably wont be a response from HTC, because there isnt really any new idea around to talk about. HTC has (so far) declined to make any changes, including the ones I favor.

So, just state your case, dont get worked up, and lets see what happens.

If HT’s job is to “model it right and keep the arenas running”, it is mine as a consumer to express dissatisfaction with the current situation.  This gives him the feedback needed to do that job.  I’m assuming he cares about his customers concerns.  Merely because the material has been stated before doesn’t mean it shouldn’t continue to be stated, thereby notifying HT of the continued concern.   I want nothing more or less than you do.  Correct modeling of the bombers ability to release bombs.  If that means they should be able to release bombs at up to a 30 degree glide angle and/or 10 degree roll, so be it, but not greater than that.  That may well mean we’d have to give up on the idea of the F6 limitation since going to F6 puts the aircraft in automatic level flight.

Since dive bombing heavies isn’t something that directly effects me, it’s unlikely I’ll get “worked up about it”.  I’m seldom in a situation where dive bombing would kill me.  Usually I’m bombing and I never employ jabo technique with a heavy bomber.

Case stated, blood pressure normal and waiting to see what happens.  If nothing happens, no big deal for me.  I’ll deal.  I’m not sure the guys in gv’s feel that way though.

Offline MadSquirrel

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #85 on: February 22, 2006, 05:33:18 PM »
What I am saying is we have only one choice as far as gameplay goes and that is to either play or not play with what is available at any particular time.

So why not correct something that is unrealistic so that it is available at any particular time?

Yes, I spend a lot of time on the ground.  And for those that don't see Dive Bombing Buffs every night, I can tell you that it happens EVERY night.  Dive Bombing buffs appear at almost every V-Base that has vehicles defending and a nearby enemy base with ords up.  Last night alone, at one base I witnessed multiple dive bombing attacks with both Lancasters and B-24s.  Don't even assume I am limiting this to one side.  All sides do it.  And it is wrong.

To say,
I could easily reverse that and ask why you don`t up a fighter and take out some low alt buffs.
, well wouldn't that be the same as letting the buff bomb us.  The result is no defense at the base.  I get bombed by Jabos all time.  And though I may not like it, it is in line with actual events and the Jabo is doing what it was designed for.  Instead of me ditching my vehicle and upping a fighter to look for those dive bombing buffs, shouldn't the question be, why doesn't the Dive Bombing Buff up a heavy fighter to drop bombs on vehicles?

All I am asking is that "Unrealistic Dive Bombing" by heavy buffs be corrected so that they are used the way heavy bombers were used in WWII.

Don't go to the extent of reading more into this post than there is.  Don't dissect each word and sentence to find fault and put specifics to it.  The simple fact is this.  Dive Bombing Buffs are wrong and inaccurate.  Let’s try to fix it.

LTARsqrl  <>


Offline ChopSaw

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #86 on: February 22, 2006, 06:11:45 PM »

How steep a dive are those buffs in when they're bombing you?

Offline MadSquirrel

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« Reply #87 on: February 22, 2006, 11:38:07 PM »
Anywhere from 30 to 60 degrees.  Then if the do a loop, maybe 60 to 90 degrees.  And you can hit them repeatedly and not kill them.  There are occasions when you get a one or two-ping kill, but very rarely.  So even if 3 Osties are lighting them up, the still manage to carpet bomb the entire area with what’s remaining of 18 500 lbers and the big 4000 lber.  Oh, and remember that is times 3.

LTARsqrl  <>

Just F6 the Buffs.

Offline Krusty

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #88 on: February 22, 2006, 11:53:44 PM »
Originally posted by Beefcake
Put in an angle lock on the bombers so that when the plane is diving or climbing over a certain degree it locks the bombs from dropping. An example would be like locking the B17s bombs at 6 degrees down, this way the pilot can have some room to climb or dive but if they dive to much it locks the bombs from dropping.

I'm not going to bother reading this entire (-ly too long) thread, but I skimmed through and saw this.

Angle means nothing. That has to be pointed out. What if you're theoretically pulling up from a near vertical dive? Your angle may be steeper than "x" degrees, but the pull on the bomb only is pulling it directly "down" from your bomb bay -- thus in a dive you could release the bombs (without precision aiming) and still do it safely. It depends on forces and which way the bomb is dropping/being thrown at the time of release.

Angle alone won't dictate that.

Now we currently have no gamey system. You would rather we institute an arbitrary gamey system? No arbitrary limits is better than arbitrary limits.

Have to keep looking, that idea won't work.

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Fixing heavy bombers
« Reply #89 on: February 23, 2006, 03:13:39 AM »
You totally misread my point Krusty, which is good as I need to think of a better way to explain my idea. Let me try this:

Ok imagine you're flying over a flat map and you're perfectly level, this would mean your plane is flying parallel to the earth. (And I'm talking about the template of the map not the terrain such as hills and stuff) Ok now say you start to dive down, well you're no longer in parallel with the earth and once your angle with the earth passes a certain point, IE 6 degrees as an example, it locks your bomb bay. (hrm still think this one is clear as muddy water)

Another way of doing this is simply tying the bomb bay to the pitch guage or whatever the gauge is called. (the one that displays how many thousand feet a minute you're climbing/diving) Basically lets say that if your plane starts to lose more than 250 feet a minute, according to the gauge, that it locks the bay. Or something to that extent.
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