Author Topic: Rook Zany No-Brainyness  (Read 2049 times)

Offline wolf37

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Rook Zany No-Brainyness
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2001, 07:08:00 PM »
hello all:

well I must have missed the great air battle at a1 last night. I did how ever help take a19, then a18. then help flatten Rook city.
It was so great to see the Rook women and childeren running for there lives, and to straff them down.

Now after destroying the Rook city, some of us lousy Knight pilots went and took A25 from the Bishops, then moved on to A22, V23, V44, V2, A43, then A1. not a lot of defenders to stop us. well then us lousy Knight pilots flew over and took A4 and V3.

Wait, what is this, some Bishops have decided to attack Knight base A24. danm, not a single one of us baboon Knights went and stoped them, but now they want A25, not going to happen. as griz and I will stop them, and stop them we did.

well I logged shortly after that, so I dont know what happened then.
