Author Topic: Windows XP problem  (Read 291 times)

Offline Replicant

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Windows XP problem
« on: August 16, 2005, 05:58:59 AM »
Howdy guys

I have a Dell Inspiron 9100 laptop, P4 3.2g, 512mb RAM, ATI Mobile 9700 128mb graphics running Win XP Home SP2 with latest updates.  

Last week I logged in as usual but was faced with just my desktop wallpaper.  I used Ctrl Alt Del to open Task Manager and I noticed that Explorer.exe hadn't loaded.  I attempted to run it manually but it wouldn't work.  

I rebooted and went into Safe Mode where everything seems okay - Explorer actually loads.  I ran Adaware, Virus checks, chkdsk /f, scannow etc., but without any results.

Problem is that I had SP2 preloaded on my laptop but it didn't come with the disk (it's a legal copy).  I have two copies of XP Home SP1 but since it is SP1 my laptop won't allow me to use the Repair feature because it's an 'old' copy of XP.  

Anyway, I would assume that Explorer.exe is corrupt or something wrong associated with the Registry or ini files that allow explorer.exe to run (other stuff does not load with explorer.exe either).

I've looked in msconfig, registry, dxdiag but can't see anything obvious.  Incidently during 'normal' login I can access programs and files via the Task Manager (using the run/browse feature).  

So, any ideas?  Since I'm in Germany I'm waiting for an English copy of XP Home to arrive!

Cheers for any help!

Offline bloom25

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Windows XP problem
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2005, 04:31:32 PM »
Press F8 when Windows is loading and try "last known good configuration" if the choice is present.

Offline Replicant

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Windows XP problem
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2005, 12:59:04 AM »
Thanks for the reply Bloom.

Sorry, I had already tried that but it didn't work either.  It's almost as if Windows thinks it's actually working okay!  I tried system restore.

Anyway, I spoke to Dell and they're sending out all the disks free of charge (which of course they should do).  Only problem is that they won't send to my German address but only my UK address so I'm having to have everything couried over!  Oh well!  Hopefully the CD repair function will work otherwise it's a new install!