Author Topic: The Republican Party  (Read 3117 times)

Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2005, 11:33:43 PM »
Originally posted by Silat
And there you have it.
Another righty blaming the dems for it all.


woa way to stinky!


to be honest I can't remember the last republican that I saw speak that politically motivated me.

I can remember the last democrat.  Barack Obama DNC convention.

Offline rpm

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« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2005, 11:40:15 PM »
Originally posted by FUNKED1
The DNC is a pile of **** and the GOP is a pile of **** with chocolate sprinkles.
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Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2005, 11:54:12 PM »
my cats bellybutton smells like republicrats.
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Offline Silat

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« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2005, 01:44:52 AM »
Oh well, the truth hurts. Live with it. Get some real candidates besides the losers you guys run, and offer a decent alternative. Of course, I guess Kerry is what you would call a decent alternative to ............................. ............................. ............................>>

I got the Clinton comment from your post. If you didnt say it then Im sorry.

What does Clinton have to do with the Republican party?

Loser candidates? The dems sure dont have the market on that .

It is telling how the Clintons , Gore or Kerry come up whenever the question is about Republicans. I guess Bush was right when he said he couldnt remember ever making a mistake. LOL

And I didnt run anyone. You have no idea what my party affiliation is. If you guess dem then you are wrong.:)
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Offline APDrone

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« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2005, 01:57:46 AM »
Interesting topic, Nash.

I was involved in the GOP in my youth.

Back then ( mid 70s ) we stood for smaller government and balanced budget.

We fought the invasion of Pat Robertson movement and the religious whackos back in '88.

Left my precinct soon afterward.

Not sure what changed or when.

It certainly isn't the same party I admired and respected as a child.

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Offline SIK1

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« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2005, 02:13:41 AM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
I agree with seeker right now.

Currently...and I do stress that....the Republican party lines up with most of my ideals in their agenda.  I don't agree with them on everything.

Liberals/dems-  I cannot bring myself to associate with the party that spat on war vets returning from veitnam.   I just can't do it.  I know I know not all feel this way but the hippies of the 60's are now the liberals of today.  The anti-establishment anti-corporate nanny law making party of the left lines up with almost none of my IDEALs.

I vote right because I don't like the left.  It's pretty sad...I agree.  

I think the democratic party of the US is more in a shambles then the republicans.....they can't even agree on WHAT there message is let alone produce one.

I know this thread is about the right and not the left so I dont want to wander and start a hijack of Nash's troll but I think what I like most about the republican party is the basis of its agenda.

The laws they try to pass are mostly based on personal responsibility.  Something I think is sorely lacking in today's America.

Excelent post Gunslinger.
I couldn't say it any better than that.
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Offline Xargos

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« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2005, 02:23:31 AM »
No way in hell I'd vote for the Commie Democrates and the Republican Party seems to be drifting too far to the right.
Jeffery R."Xargos" Ward

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Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2005, 03:41:42 AM »
I dont like them.

They are too far to the right and seem to be extremly religiously oriented. I dont share their "moral values"

Offline Wolf14

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« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2005, 04:41:57 AM »

Both sides have pro's and con's and there is this joke some may know a varient of but the gist is there:

A Republican and Democrat are walking together down a sidewalk in DC one day after lunch they happen upon a homeless guy asking for handouts.

The Republican responds first and he gives the guy $50. He then tells him that around the corner  there is a Good-Will store and that he needed to stop in and get him some good clean clothes. Then he said a few doors down from there is a YMCA. Check in, get cleaned-up, get a bite to eat, and a goodnights rest. Then tomorrow a block down from the YMCA is an employment office. Go in there and start applying for jobs,to get a job, and to start making you some money to get up outta the gutter and be a productive member of society.

The homeless man says thank you, gets up, and ends up doing what was suggested.

A few blocks away the Republican and Democrat happen upon another homeless man asking for money. The Democrat didnt want to be out done gave the homeless man a $100 and told him to go to the hotel accross the way, get a room for the night, and tomorrow hail a cab to take him to the welfare office to apply for welfare until he feels he is on his feet again.

The homeless man says thank you, gets up, walks around the corner, sits down, and proceeds to ask for money again, but with a bigger smile.

Alot of things will work out in the wash. Changes in economy are never instantanious. I worry about my right to defend family, property, and myself. I believe that is what the second ammendment is all about. Democrats want to wait the 2:30- 3:00 minutes it takes for the law enforcement to reach me when it only takes :30 seconds for me to be stabbed/ shot to death and loved one killed, beaten, or raped.

Get off your butts and work
Take control of yourselves and be responsible or pay the cost.
Be strong to family values,

Let us be apart of everything you do and  we will tell you how to do everything.
We will protect you from all evil.
We will all hide in the corner when the boogymen arrive and let them do as they will with us.

I feel that both sides will have issues I wont agree with but the Republicans are more down to earth to me than the Democrats.

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Re: The Republican Party
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2005, 06:25:34 AM »
Originally posted by Nash
Is it still the same party that your dad voted for?

Not if your dad is old enough to vote before Reagan. What Reagan was able to do was to attract two somewhat conflicted groups:

1. Libertarian voters: mostly from western states, they favor less government regulation, lower taxes, etc.

2. Christian fundamentalists: mostly from southern states, they favor more government restriction on certain social matters, such as abortion, gay marriage, etc. Many of these voters previously leaned Democrat and you can argue whether they moved toward Reagan or away from the Democrats.

Reagan himself leaned libertarian, throwing just enough bones to the Christians to keep them on board. Dubya is the opposite – basically a Christian fundamentalist who is having some difficulty appeasing the “less government” faction of his party.
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Offline Ripsnort

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Re: The Republican Party
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2005, 08:31:29 AM »
Originally posted by Nash
I wanna know what you think about it.
Is it still the same party that your dad voted for? Or does that even matter?

Dad didn't vote the Republican party. He used to vote democrat. In his words.. "I didn't leave the Democratic party, IT leave ME!"
Now, why do you suppose he said that, Nash?

Do you like the state it's in? Do you like what it professes? Do you like what it actually does? Do you like where it's going?

I vote issues, not straight party lines. Considering most of my votes went to the republican side of the isle (although I did vote for at least one state democrat) in the last election, I would say that yes, I like what it professes, and where its going.The Republican Party more closely represents my personal convictions and the Democratic Party moves farther and farther to the left. Do I agree with everything the Republican party does and offers? No. I just happen to find more issues that I agree with on the right side of the line, than the left.

But I'd like to hear your best defense of it, because I find it so utterly beneath contempt, and lacking of any redeeming value whatsoever, that I strain at the notion that good men can knowingly leash themselves to the mast of a ship gone so astray.

Starting in the late 50s the democrat party became more and more liberal.  I don't mind the liberal agenda provided they support it with their own money. Both parties buy votes with liberal policies but the Democrats have perfected the practice.  But to abandon America, I cannot tolerate that. I'll use Jim McDermmot for a typical example of the senators from the liberal agenda. Jim McDermott is a unique product of liberal Seattle, but the truth is McDermott hates America, he despises our heritage.

Upon his return from Baghdad, (where he had accepted a check from the Baath Party for $5,000,apparetly for legal reserves from Shakir al-Khafaji, an Iraqi businessman with close ties to Saddam Hussein, and retured the money after he was exposed)McDermott addressed an anti-American rally at downtown Seattle's Denny Park, continuing his rants against Bush and justice. The truth is McDermott hates America.  Congressman Jim McDermott who disgracefully aligned himself with Saddam Hussein and against the US in the run-up to the Iraq War, and was actually given a public official of the year award by radical Islamic front group CAIR, now has his own Daily Kos diary.
Daily Kos, for those of you who don't know is a far-far-left group blog, infamous for the kind sentiments of its leader (all anti-American sentiments) towards Americans murdered and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.

McDermott is just one of the rants I have about many just like him on the left side of the isle. I could go on and on, talking about Kennedy, Senator Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Patty "Osama provided daycare in Afghanistan" Murray... but I do not have the time to explain someone who doesn't live in this country what I feel.

But what I will say to shorten the length of this post is this:
The Lefts goals have changed from extending the boundaries of what was considered "right" to having no boundaries at all. Moral relativism has become status quo.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2005, 08:41:35 AM by Ripsnort »

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2005, 09:00:47 AM »
Originally posted by Silat
Oh well, the truth hurts. Live with it. Get some real candidates besides the losers you guys run, and offer a decent alternative. Of course, I guess Kerry is what you would call a decent alternative to ............................. ............................. ............................>>

I got the Clinton comment from your post. If you didnt say it then Im sorry.

What does Clinton have to do with the Republican party?

Loser candidates? The dems sure dont have the market on that .

It is telling how the Clintons , Gore or Kerry come up whenever the question is about Republicans. I guess Bush was right when he said he couldnt remember ever making a mistake. LOL

And I didnt run anyone. You have no idea what my party affiliation is. If you guess dem then you are wrong.:)

It was Raider who brought up Clinton, and opened the door for all of that. All I did was comment on his post. Too damned bad it doesn't suit you.
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2005, 09:04:25 AM »
It's pretty simple really.. they are power hungry and self rightious...  course... they are less so than the democrats... the real deal is...

Both Republicans and democrats want bigger government to control our lives more... the dems are just in a much bigger hurry.

There is no real alternative..  No man would vote for a democrat socialist..

What I do is.. If it is a close race... I work like hell to get the Republican in... If it is a landslide looking race in favor of the republican.... I vote for the libertarian..  

Never vote for the democrat... no matter what he or she says.... when they get on the hill..... they will owe people... and the people they owe... have a socialist agenda... they will throw out anything they told ya and vote with the other socialist democrats..

I do kinda wonder why a canadian is so interested tho.... sorta like soros I guess... feel powerless and left out so want to have some effect on the most powerful country in the world...  sorta.... pressing the old nose against the glass kinda thing...

When all is said and done tho...I am glad that you don't have a vote here nash...  

Oh... and we all used to vote democrat... all the anti civil rights guys in the south did too... the democrats fought civil rights.... the Republicans have stayed the course.

Offline AWMac

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« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2005, 09:49:04 AM »

Please Don't Feed the Nash!!!!

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2005, 02:55:14 PM »
Originally posted by Silat
And there you have it.
Another righty blaming the dems for it all.

I know, that is exactly the attitude I am talking about.