A couple weeks ago, a friend at work was telling me about a CD she copped from a Street Merchant called the Grey Album, A few years back.
She described it, and being a huge Beatle Fan, I aquired it . I was a bit taken back when I first heard it. DJ Danger Mouse, took Jay Z's Black Album, and the Holiest of all Beatle Albums, and mixed it together. (Black + White = Grey)
Im not a big Jay Z fan, I never have been. Truthfully I despise Jay Z. But after a few weeks of listening to it, It grew on me.
I had never heard any of JayZ's Black Album, until now.
Honestly the album's mix quite well. Songs like Helter Skelter and Jay Z's 99 Problems, make for an awesome mix.
The Album was released a few years ago, AFAIK, And was banned due to copyright issues. If you are a Die Hard Beatles Fan, its worth getting. You might not like it, but its worth a listen.