Author Topic: Film viewer request  (Read 510 times)

Offline Krusty

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Film viewer request
« on: September 15, 2005, 12:23:40 PM »
Currently the film viewer has a timeline, of sorts (time tags) for certain events. Events only happen once the time tag (that point on the "timeline" if you will) has been reached.

However, once you reach that time tag, the event happens in its own little timeline. It's independent of the rest of the film. So when you pause, rewind, or slow motion, you get problems. Shell casings fall in odd directions while paused and slow mo'ed. Smoke trails persist even after rewinding. Parts/debris acts a little wierd too.

I would like the film viewer to check the current position of the display on the "timeline" (to use a term previously brought up), and to determine during playback HOW events should display. If you pause the playback timeline, the events should pause as well (instead, smoke often disappears, as the sprites run through their lifespan and fade away).

The film viewer would sort of superimpose the generated events onto the playback timeline, so that they were "pinned" to it. If you paused the events paused. If you rewound so did the events (including smoke and vapor trails).

This would require more CPU power for the film viewer, but it's not like it's maxing out your CPU anyways. I think this is doable (but it would require a total re-write of the viewer, I think :( )

I have some other suggestions, but this is the big one. Suffice it to say the other ideas revolve around full screen mode and enabling keys to move the camera and speed up/slow down/pause the playback while in full screen mode.