Sorry I do not own airline stocks (not enough margin)
I never wish to see people laid off, or out of work, if it sounded like that to anyone, I apologize profoundly.
But it was easy to see that everyone was going to take a hit.
Most of my stock is in high risk, high profit, offshore issues. Come next Wed or so I'll be buying like mad on the stuff that will likely rebound quickly. This will include "utility bonds" if they go on sale. There will not be a lot of profit in them but they will be good for the overall economy.
The stock markets, in general, are not good for people who run for cover at the first sign of trouble. (they ALWAYS loose while the "big boys" rake in the gravy). If one does not have the nerve to to ride the whirlwind one should stay in mutual funds and the like. I can almost guarantee that NONE of the real players lost a dime, and you can take that to the bank!
pun intended.