Author Topic: 99% of New Orleans crime rumors BS  (Read 359 times)

Offline Chairboy

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99% of New Orleans crime rumors BS
« on: September 26, 2005, 11:23:50 AM »
This is for folks like BTW and others who have been talking about all the raping, killing, and butchery in New Orleans:

It looks like rumors spread out of control, and a lot of people heard what they wanted to hear, which is itself awful sad.

I sure am glad to hear that this stuff wasn't really happening the way the stories said.  Has anyone heard any formal body counts on the disaster yet?  It would be of interest to find out what the total toll was.
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99% of New Orleans crime rumors BS
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2005, 11:45:47 AM »
And why is it for me. Did you miss this post, written two weeks ago? Does this post mention the wild rumors flying around? Why is your post for me?

Yea there were wild rumors flying around and real looting. I don't know if you've ever lived in a state of lawlessness, but it requires different measures to protect yourself. You don't have the luxury of sitting in comfort pondering your moral superiority. Again your empathy moves me.

Here's my post

>>Your story is BS. First of all the bridge (Crescent City Connection)exits in Orleans parish, not Gretna. Gretna police have no authority there. Orleans Parish police (NOPD) stopped people from crossing the bridge, and 80% of NOPD is black.

And you want to know something else? They stopped me three times (three days) from entering the West Bank of New Orleans, and I'm white.

Just another example of creatively writing the news.

Edit just a note - there were an extraordinary amount of rumors spread during and after the hurricane. Most of the rumors were started by the news media.

Here's a few..

Harry Lee (Jefferson parish sheriff) was killed
Eddie Compass (NOPD chief) was killed
A coast Guard Helicopter was shot down
Oakwood Mall burned to the ground
Explosions were heard before the levee breech

ALL BS, all reported by the media.

And even after weeks and weeks of reporting on the storm and New Orleans, the news media seems incapable of realizing there are two destinct parts of New Orleans - the east bank and the west bank. Thats because as room full of reporters couldn't scrape up a double digit IQ.


Basically, the article you posted has the media trying to dump off the cause of the rumors on people when actually it was WWL radio in New Orleans starting most of the rumors. Is WWL radio mentioned in the article? Nope - it just puts down the first responders , yet again. It takes a special type of person to use comfy cosy 20 20 hind sight to pick apart first responders. It takes a Times Picayune rag reporter.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2005, 11:56:44 AM by BTW »

Offline Chairboy

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99% of New Orleans crime rumors BS
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2005, 11:58:51 AM »
With respect, the article actually quotes the first responders as being the people who are popping the rumors.  I don't know what your problem with them is, those guys willingly went into what they thought was a war zone, and should be commended.  The cops that did bad stuff (eg, abandoned ship or turned escaping refugees back) were a very small segment and not representative.  

If WWL was spreading rumors, then shame on them.  Who know how many people died as a secondary effect?  Eg, the people in Gretna might not have turned back the crowds if they hadn't heard these shock-stories.
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Offline Krusher

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99% of New Orleans crime rumors BS
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2005, 12:11:33 PM »
The times Piquane (spl) has an article in todays paper basicly saying the same thing.  

The MSM was full of crap in almost all of their reports.

Offline BTW

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99% of New Orleans crime rumors BS
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2005, 12:37:06 PM »
Originally posted by Chairboy
With respect, the article actually quotes the first responders as being the people who are popping the rumors.  I don't know what your problem with them is, those guys willingly went into what they thought was a war zone, and should be commended.  The cops that did bad stuff (eg, abandoned ship or turned escaping refugees back) were a very small segment and not representative.  

If WWL was spreading rumors, then shame on them.  Who know how many people died as a secondary effect?  Eg, the people in Gretna might not have turned back the crowds if they hadn't heard these shock-stories.

You have neat little way of brushing away pertinent facts and inserting a lie or at best, a misrepresentation. *I* have *NO* beef with the first responders. How you could ask " I don't know what your problem with them is, those guys willingly went into what they thought was a war zone..." is beyond me unless you use misrepresentation routinely.

Oh then you want to sarcastically censor WWL radio (shame on them) for their rumors, then completely ignore the rest of the media reporting untruths (Matt Lauer reported there are 500 people in New Orleans- there are about 40,000), and still stand firm on the bogus story of Gretna police shooting over the heads and turning back children. It did not happen. But in your zeal to smear the first responders, you continue to throw out this unsubstantiated story. And then you ask me what my problem is with first responders? YOU are the one ragging them!

Offline Chairboy

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99% of New Orleans crime rumors BS
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2005, 01:13:31 PM »
Hold on...  I think we have a misunderstanding here.  I assumed YOU were smearing the first responders.  I must have misread what you wrote.  

_I_ definately was not smearing them, I think they were super brave.  My beef was specifically with the Gretna PD, who were not first responders, as they stayed in their town.

I was confused by your reality distortion field where you kept throwing in references to unrelated events, like trying to say that the Gretna incident had something to do with the police arresting a shooter, and stuff like that.  You kept trying to say that the bridge incident never happened, and I guess in your chaff storm, I got the impression you were dissing on the rescue workers/national guard that went in to help.

BTW, find a single reference in this entire BBS where I have lied and I'll give you $10.  You're a jerk for trying to impugn my character.  I might disagree with plenty of people here, but I've never been dishonest, and I pride myself on the fact.
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis