creamo ...let me phrase this right, i dont want to appear too rude...
diddly off you gay boy reno rent boy
oops sorry, seems my rudeness limiter is broken.
1. NEVER claimed WW2ol was better than or equal to AH
2. i left AH for reasons i stated, not to play ww2ol.It was not released in UK and i only just decided to order it a week ago.
3. i dont intend to return until new features are added, the 'month or so' was a guess at when 1.08 may arrive.
Would it not have been easier to entitle your post "I tried WWIIOL, Im coming back to AH." Simple.
er no creampuff, dont get your easy anal access knickers in a twist.WW2ol is a different game and by all accounts a great one that is in an early beta like state.
AH was not always the perfect game either, and offered nothing much more when it went to subscription in terms of actual 'game' and models(number of units).It had a much better infrastructure, servers, stability and less demands on the system but i happen to have a system that can run it(WW2ol) and run it well so why should i be bothered?
AH has had my money for almost 2 years.Thats $720? mmm WW2ol has cost me $40 so far and at the moment is free to use.where is the so called rip off? In 2 years time after i have subscribed for $240 MAX will the game be improved you think? refined the way AH has been? more units like AH? i think it will.
BUT seeing as how you never subscribe creamo this isnt something you think about is it?
if WW2ol offered free H2H i think you'd use it and love it.
simple? i think we all know whos simple round here creampuff.Hes wearing 'boy toy' t-shirts has a sore bellybutton and goes by the name of creamo.
[ 06-24-2001: Message edited by: hazed- ]