Author Topic: Wish list for buff's!  (Read 642 times)

Offline Scotlvr

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Wish list for buff's!
« on: September 25, 2005, 12:53:42 PM »
I thought I'd post a few thing's I'D like to see in buff's.
 1. Pilot wounds
     Now if the pilot get's wounded..everyone else in the aircraft is wounded too? Come on now. So I take it pilot's mans all the Guns and the co-pilot is smoking crack or shooting up heroin....realistic. :rollseyes:
 2. Fire's
     I think Buff's should be-able to dive and have a "chance" to put the fire's out,or at least be-able to dump the fuel out of those tanks and have a chance to put it out. Since we don't have extinguser's I think this is only fair.  Before the fighter jock's go crazy..any bomber with 2-3 engines is a lame duck and easy
pickings for anyone.
  3.Why can't we shut off fuel tanks?
     This is pretty much for everyone. If we have a leak in the Left wing tank,why cant we just close it and run off the rest of the fuel the AC is carrying? I don't know for sure if the real AC had this option but if they did it would be nice to have it here too.

 Just a few thought's. (Puts on cup) Let the bashing begin!

Offline icemaw

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Wish list for buff's!
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2005, 03:04:44 PM »
You can turn off fuel tanks. Hitting shift f cycles through the different tanks. The default setting is auto select. This cycles though the different tanks automatically.
Army of Das Muppets     
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Offline viper215

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Wish list for buff's!
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2005, 04:24:11 PM »
i like the crew driveing the AC when the pilot is killed thing and the crew putting out the fire also... u can shift through fuel tanks real good ideas they would be cool to have in the game
- Viper215 - Birds of Prey - Falcon Wing -
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Offline Sandman

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Re: Wish list for buff's!
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2005, 04:29:57 PM »
Originally posted by Scotlvr
2. Fire's
     I think Buff's should be-able to dive and have a "chance" to put the fire's out,or at least be-able to dump the fuel out of those tanks and have a chance to put it out. Since we don't have extinguser's I think this is only fair.  Before the fighter jock's go crazy..any bomber with 2-3 engines is a lame duck and easy
pickings for anyone.  Just a few thought's. (Puts on cup) Let the bashing begin!

Would this really work? I have my doubts.

Offline Softail

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Wish list for buff's!
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2005, 09:20:02 PM »
actually the Buff Model in AH is very simplistic because you could dedicate an entire game/sim to multi-engine bomber flight.  But in my opinion these are not "unreasonalbe" requests within the AH model.

  Multi-Engine bombers could transfer fuel from a leaking tank to a good tank not only stemming the leak but saving some fuel in the process.  In the B-17 the Top Turret gunner would run the transfer pumps located behind his right knee on the cabin door.  This could be done "auto-magically" as part of the damage model.

In the case a pilot and co-pilot were serverly wounded, many bomber crews were cross trained in more than one funciton on the bomber.  Each had their specialty but other crew members were cross-trained as pilots.  ie navigator, bombidier (sp), radio man, top turret gunner, etc.  Respectively, all were trained to man guns and operate the radio and basic navigation.  Flying a bomber in this game is not rocket science...a backup pilot just needs to get the thing home.  As far as could randomly generate a chance of a crash.

Fire extinguisers for each engine are right there on the console infront of the throttle....unfortunately they are just painted on...they dont move (sarcasm ;-P)  Lord knows I tried pulling them as I watched #3 burst into flames.  But alas, we must bail or burn.  ( Note: there were fire extinguishers througout the entire fusalage of the aircraft not just the engines)  

one question I have is why is there a "fixed" convergence point for bombers?  (  it "used" to be adjustable a few versions back which was better than it is now )   The best scenario would to have each gun position should  fire at a bandit independantly.  The problem with convergence at d800 (which I "think" is what it is) is that if a fighter gets in close...d400 and in...the drone guns become useless.  They shoot behind the bandit.  (at least on my screen they do)  So the only hits are from the center "piloted" plane.   Now before everyone screams "bombers are already too hard to kill."  May I say....SHUT UP!  

I've been blown out of the air by a single P-51B (4x50 cals) on 3 passes from above (12 oclock high).  Each pass left one of my bombers in flames.  The pilot just used the time for me to explode to climb back up and do it again.....and again.  I've also lost two bombers in one pass of a FW-190-A5 and a BF-109-G2.  I have been flamed by a P-38 sitting back at 50's had a neglible impact on him (all those pretty sprites)...his 20mm's were devistating to my bomber.  Flames...aways with the flames.  So they are NOT that hard to kill for the "skilled" AH pilot.  (FYI... I aint one of em...but everybody knows that)

I would like to see a little more complexity and survivability for the Heavy Bombers.   Probably stems from cutting my teeth on "B-17 Flying Fortress -  The Mighty 8th" Sim.   If you like complex bomber sims...that one is it.  Only downfall is that it never made it "on-line".  

I do remember actually landing bombers with only two engines running, no flaps and damaged gear in earlier versions of AH.  But that was a long time ago.  I haven't had to land a "severly" damaged bomber in a long time....because I explode long before I get a chance in the newer versions.  

Nowadays I might have an engine out, maybe some gear damage....other than that I am either completely intact or completely dead.

Bring back the convergence for bombers

Offline Scotlvr

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Wish list for buff's!
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2005, 07:44:38 AM »

 Here's some proof that a STEEP dive can put out a fire. I'm sure there's more out there.