Originally posted by funkedup:
And remember it needs to be lit at night. Otherwise take it down.
this is very true.
for the entire set of protocal relating to Old Glory, refer to this link
http://afpubs.hq.af.mil/pubs/publist.asp?puborg=AF&series=36 then DL afpam 36-2241, then on page 127. everyhting you want to know about the history and the display of our Flag.
edit, i didnt realize how big this regulation is, 36 meg...maybe I will just spell out the fine points.
24 hour display is outlined in title 36 US code, section 174A. permits the dipaly of the Flag for 24 hours a day if properly illuminated.
horizontally displayed-- Always display the Flag with the union to the observers left.
Hanging across a street-- supend it vertically. If street runs primarily East-west the union will be at the top and to the north. If the street runs north-south display the union at the top and to the east.
when displayed with flags of other nations-- Display flags on seperate staffs of equal height. American flag is to its own right..or observeers left.
Much more on this subject. Perhaps the link that toad posted has it all. My regulation has 8 pages on the subject with images.
[ 09-21-2001: Message edited by: -ammo- ]