Author Topic: Donut Map  (Read 3182 times)

Offline SlapShot

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Re: This topic is/has been posted to death.
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2005, 08:52:35 AM »
Originally posted by NAVCAD
OK!, Not that this horse hasn't been beaten and re-beaten to death, but SLAPSHOT, If you want to Furball, and not participate in " ...your silly war..." then go to the DA.  Don't make everyone who DOES want to win the war (on all sides of the map) suffer.  Don't get me wrong, vulching when taking a base is a viable tactic, keeping the enemy down while taking the field.  But when a furballer is at a field, and when asked to help in the taking of the field refuses, or when the furballers start crying because a bomber came and dropped the Ftr hangars (as he should when taking a field) that ruins the game for everyone, furballers and real estate takers alike.  

So if it's strickly furballing you want to do...FINE...grab some of your furballing bretheren and head to the DA.  This benifits both sides, you don't have to worry about the Ftr hangars being dropped, and the people who are trying to win the war don't have to hear the whining or get their prettythang shot off from lack of help.

Just my opinion, which is like an prettythang hole, everyone has one.

But lighten up on chris3, he's one of the better players and deserves more repect!


..."Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid....", John Wayne as Sgt D.L. Stryker (Sands of Iwo Jima).

NAVCAD ... guess your just another dim light bulb that can't cast enough light to see the forest thru the trees.

There is no need for me to go to the DA. The MA can handle both styles of gameplay without causing angst and grief between the two.

How in hells bells have I tried to make "make everyone who DOES want to win the war (on all sides of the map) suffer" ? Please explain that to me.

Myself, and plenty of others CHOOSE to furball (AIR-TO-AIR COMBAT). When this takes place in the center lake of the new "Donut" map, how is our participation in that activity causing you to suffer ? Can't wait to see your answer on this one.

Maybe when you play this game long enough ... you'll understand but just for ha-ha's let me clue you in.

A 256 x 256 map is up ... there is a raging furball betwee 2 bases ... key here is the number 2.

Now ... there are hundreds of other bases/choices on the map that can be squashed by the toolshedders ... the whole war, on any map, can be won by any side WITHOUT taking either of these bases.

So, why would you/they then choose to interrupt the furball that is raging between 2 bases. I'll tell ya ... because your ilk can't stand the thought of those that are participating in the furball, aren't playing your precious WIN THE WAR. It's supposedly a waste of resources that could be used to WIN THE WAR. This is call "griefing". Those that go out of their way to spoil/ruin the enjoyment of others. Tell me how furballers "grief" the WIN THE WAR faction of this game. How do we spoil/interrupt your idea of fun when all of us are doing our thing in the center lake on the "Donut" map or furballin between two fields ?

One more time ... I DONT GIVE A RATS ARSE WHO WINS THE WAR !!! and as long as I pay my $14.95 a month ... I am entitled to feel/play the way I choose. Where is it stated anywhere in the Aces High world that I MUST participate in your efforts ... where has HiTech or any representative of his company stated that inorder to play this game you MUST bomb/JABO/capture ? Let me save you some time ... you'll never find it. This game was designed with and for CHOICE and the choice is up to the subscriber.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2005, 08:55:09 AM by SlapShot »
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline TDeacon

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« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2005, 08:55:28 AM »

It's not reasonable to suggest that furballers be restricted to the DA.  Show some tolerance here.

Offline Clifra Jones

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Re: This topic is/has been posted to death.
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2005, 09:34:52 AM »
Originally posted by NAVCAD
OK!, Not that this horse hasn't been beaten and re-beaten to death, but SLAPSHOT, If you want to Furball, and not participate in " ...your silly war..." then go to the DA.  Don't make everyone who DOES want to win the war (on all sides of the map) suffer.  Don't get me wrong, vulching when taking a base is a viable tactic, keeping the enemy down while taking the field.  But when a furballer is at a field, and when asked to help in the taking of the field refuses, or when the furballers start crying because a bomber came and dropped the Ftr hangars (as he should when taking a field) that ruins the game for everyone, furballers and real estate takers alike.  

So if it's strickly furballing you want to do...FINE...grab some of your furballing bretheren and head to the DA.  This benifits both sides, you don't have to worry about the Ftr hangars being dropped, and the people who are trying to win the war don't have to hear the whining or get their prettythang shot off from lack of help.

NACCAD, in your enlightened reality please tell me how Slapshot or any of the others who do not want to participate in your WIN THE WAR strategy are making you suffer?  Is it because we are not HELPING you? Well, tough chit, little man. As far as refusing to help take a field, so what. If you want the field bring enough of your own people and DO IT RIGHT! I have seen so much total ineptitude when it comes to taking bases that why should I help you if you can't organize it properly. IT AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE!

As far as dropping the FHs, It's not necessary to do that to take a field. Only no skilled dweebs need to kill the FHs to take a base. The Unforgiven take bases all the time w/out dropping FHs. Sometimes we take bases without dropping ANYTHING except the town.

As far as your prettythang, that's your responsibility, not mine. Again, bring enough people, maintain CAP. Many a time I have watched these same people who whine that they are not getting help chase a con miles away from a base and lose CAP. Is that my problem? Sorry no.

Don't blame your lack of skill, planning and execution on others.

Let me ask you how you would feel if the furballers on all countries got together one day and porked troops and ord all over the map to essentially SHUT DOWN your war winning game? When you complain they responded, "your taking resources away from our furballing". Would you feel they are justified? Don't give me that "the object of the game" BS either. The object of the game is to have fun.

As far as the DA, the DA is not for furballing. It is for dueling, that is what the D in DA stands for. The MA is where everyone meets to play this game. The MA is where scores are made. Yes, some of the furballer do care about their score as in Hit% and K/D.

Your attitude is not only arrogant it is insulting! All these guys want from any of you is to be left alone. When they ask for a field not to be hit they are ignored and in some cases the field is deliberately attacked. Even when it has no strategic value.

What most of you guys are totally ignorant of is that some of us have lives outside of AH. Our flying time is very limited and in the 1-2 hours we may have to play this game we would like to find a good fight and enjoy it without some skill-less dweeb ruining it for us.

I'm sorry if this post sounds like a personal attack but your post sounded like an attack on all of us. It would be nice if we did not have to have this debate but it is not by any means the furballers who are perpetuating this situation. It is the people who have the same arrogant, insulting attitude you do.

Offline Wilbus

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« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2005, 09:38:25 AM »
Well Howitzer you've proven to be one of the reason people have started bashing the BK's as of lately. Too bad all the BK's have to suffer for what some people do. :rolleyes:

You're 100% German but born in the US, do you speak German? Just interested. Often the people who bash peoples spelling are the same people who can't speak any other language. Guess they feal inferior...
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

Liberating Livestock since 1998, recently returned from a 5 year Sheep-care training camp.

Offline NAVCAD

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« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2005, 09:44:33 AM »

First of all, although I don't post a lot of threads I have been in this game for over 2 years, so don't ASSume that I'm new.

Second, The center of the donut map is perfect for furballing, that isn't my grief.  And yes, the majority of the maps we have can accomodate both sides of the coin.  

It is unfair to arbitrarily assume that the real estate takers purposely seek out the furballers.  Most of the time both sides are pretty well separated.   Mabye "ruined" was too harsh a word , but when the furballers and the realestate takers meet at the same base, all that seem to happen is a lot of *****ing from BOTH sides.

The donut map is a great example of a compromise.  Yes you pay your money just like I and everyone else pays theirs.  You seem to take personal offense to other opinions (mabye a little less caffine in the diet would help).  This is not a personal attack on you.

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2005, 09:48:11 AM »
[SIZE=25]Hitech please hurry up and finish ToD so sphynchterII can have his arena filled with guys  who like to win the war and doesnt have his life ruined by losers who just want to fight. [/SIZE]
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Re: Re: This topic is/has been posted to death.
« Reply #36 on: October 13, 2005, 09:52:35 AM »
Originally posted by SlapShot

How in hells bells have I tried to make "make everyone who DOES want to win the war (on all sides of the map) suffer" ? Please explain that to me.

Slap, I am more furballer than "win the war" child, so in general I would agree with you. But just for the record.
One of the problem with donat map is disbalance. For a long time HTC and community struggled for the side balance: eny limiter, battles and discussions on the board, etc. This map makes the problem worse. For example, at Tuesday evening, when Rooks were going to lose the war there was very interesting situation - 40 rooks against  2-3 knights and bishops in FT, and just few rooks tried to defend couple of fields  on the south against hords. I flied for the rooks in FT, and wouldn't say that it was much fun. Everybody just tried to steal others kills, that is it. And I could understand frustration of "win the war" guys who saw huge resources wasted for nothing in the FT.
Once again, I am furballer. But let be honest, furballers can and sometimes do destroy others fun.

Offline Morpheus

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Re: Donut Map
« Reply #37 on: October 13, 2005, 09:58:09 AM »
Originally posted by syncrII

somethink about the donat map. she is one of the best maps i thing. but the fighter town is a litel problem for it. it tacks many aktion to this place and all other regions a realy quit. I like the maps more were the main target for all people is to hit the enemy and win the rest and not only furbaling at one place. For example i had done a ju 88 mission on sunnday, we had flow with 6 formations about 3 sectors into enemy teretory and we were untached on the complet flight to target and back home because the most people want to fight a senceles fight in fighter town. Thats not nice and it isnt god for the howl gameplay in the MA. I hope that the map creators think about this by building a new map next time. There must be a other way to rise the game fun we dont need furbalplaces we need a great war all around. the small maps are good for it. if the old smal maps were up datet with more spawnpoints i think we were on the right way.
what did you think about the situation?

cu chris3

p.s.: im sorry for my bad spelling

Originally posted by syncrII
Myself and many others DO NOT CARE about winning the WAR.

++++jes many but i belive not the most!!

One more time ... Myself and many others DO NOT CARE about winning the WAR.

++++jes many but not the most. the point is if i do something in my live i do it to get some succes and i belive that many others do it the same i belive that thay dont like to do something senseless.

We just want to engage in air-to-air combat and what is so wrong with us trying to do just that ?

++++nothing i do the same, the most time im in a fighter lucking for a nice fight but i always keep in mind that my fighting is needed to get my country forward, Yes it sounds silly for you but for me the succes of my country is the litel price of my fliing. the kills are not so interestening for me but working togther to reach a goal is mor funny than sensles furbaling, try it but i think you are long enough here in. on the other hand if  your opinion is forced so hard she is somthing for the dueling arena and nothing for the MA were we still have a war and three countrys. in your opinion it were enough if everyone is his own country and fight against everyone or not?

Why MUST we participate or be FORCED to participate in your silly WAR ?

++++why must we participate in your furbalworld why must we banded to a world were the fliing is senseles?
keep in mind that this war here in AH is the only war in the world who is not silly because we have a big comunity and we have frinds on all sides and we are doing alot togther in your furbal world there is no place to do somthing together no missions are needed no big bombraid no sneeking noe missions no tankbadels for a town nothing like that but these thinks are part of the fun of this funny war.

Originally posted by syncrII
ok, i feel a litel bit mis understod.
in the beginning i told you about the new map and the fighter area and want to explain my afraidnes that these furball places have a bad influence at the gameplay because thay dreag to many people away from the "real batelfild". Ok maybe it is a time proble because the most time im online in germany not many people are online if there are nearly 500 people are only it is at my home 5 o clock in the morning by this numbers there is no broblem im sure.

but the other thing is that i miss the old gameplay with all his tactical abilitis i cant understand why it was changed and im sad that Aces high becomes more and more stail like an egoshoter and AH was always more than that. im in now since 4-5 years and i love this game i had dreamed of a game like this since i was a child and now im afraid about the future of aces high. but in real life it is the same people want to use always the easyest way and this staile comes now step by step to AH too.

to shane nice idea with channel 200 but it is not the same.

cu chris3

I dont think you realize what kind of a hypochritical tard you really are there Chrissy. You dont like the donut Map because people arent playing your way and they arent helping you win the war. mmmkay? You arent going to play with us obviously, so that being the case, and you sucking in fighters, you'd rather no one be able to furball in the donut. We cant play our own way, but its cool with you if we play your way.

A few things... No one is forcing you to furball with us. Got that? There are plenty of you tards in the MA to hold a war which is waged without us. YOU on the other hand force US to play your way when you start killing our bases. Sooo...
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Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #38 on: October 13, 2005, 09:59:33 AM »
It is unfair to arbitrarily assume that the real estate takers purposely seek out the furballers.

Not really ... I can't tell you the amount of times where a fellow countryman has pissed and moaned that the country's resources are being wasted in the furball. Then, said countryman lifts from the same airfield that is feeding the furball, with bombers, and flatens the FHs at the opposing field.

Or ...

said countryman lifts from the same airfield that is feeding the furball between an airfield and a CV, with bombers, and takes out the CV. When asked multiple times, on the way to the CV, to please take out the destroyer, we get ... "screw you ... I'll bomb what I feel like bombing".

I speak from actual experience ... not just "arbitrarily assuming".

I take personal offense to those who seek to eliminate my style of play and/or purposely "grief" my style of play. That is all ... nothing more ... nothing less.

I have said this in many other threads ... don't pee in my pool and I won't pee in yours.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #39 on: October 13, 2005, 10:05:40 AM »
I think when I come back I will devote a tour to porking strat. Ord, troops, you name it. I'll recruit some of the heavy hitting strat dweebs to help me on my mishun to ruin the fun of you toolshed furball-fight wrecking terds.

The hell with taking your bases... I dont give a rats bellybutton about them anyways. I'll take your bombs, and presious troops away...
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Offline NAVCAD

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« Reply #40 on: October 13, 2005, 10:07:31 AM »
Cliffra Jones:

My caffine suggestion goes for you as well.  You have taken this as an attack of you from me.  I simply don't like all of the whining, FROM BOTH SIDES.  And yes you're right, if taking a base, bring the right people and equipment.  I personally hate the fact that there is a contingent in the game that seem to think you have to kill troops at all the bases.  That doesn't help anybody (except mabye the furrballers..and I don't mean that in a negative way).  Once you take a base, or if you take a string of bases, then you have to stop and spend time re-supplying.  Not that it's a problem, but it breaks the momentum.  

The best way to take a base, at times, is to drop the hangars.  No problem!  You're right again that "it aint rocket science", no argument.

I routinely roll into a town with nothing but an Osti and an M-3 to take a base (really pisses off the other side:)).

You talk about "Your attitude is not only arrogant it is insulting!" , I'm not the one yelling here, again les caffine I implore you.  This started as an opinion and in the midst of the responses has turned into a personal war.  Lighten up, it's a game.  You like to play it your way, others like to play it theirs.

As I said in my first response, this is just my opinion.  You (and apparently SOME of you furrballing bretheren) have taken it personally.  WHY?

Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #41 on: October 13, 2005, 10:17:12 AM »
You ask WHY ? ... read below.

but SLAPSHOT, If you want to Furball, and not participate in " ...your silly war..." then go to the DA. Don't make everyone who DOES want to win the war (on all sides of the map) suffer.

You come sauntering into this thread and tell ME to go do what I want to do in the DA and then you go on to tell me that, what I LIKE to do in Aces High causes suffering to others.

There is nothing wrong with my coffee ... there is/was something wrong with your approach/introduction in this thread.

I don't need you and anyone else telling me where I need to go or where I should go to enjoy this game. I would bet dollars to donuts that you would not like someone to tell you the same.

You still haven't answered the question ... How is my style of gameplay causing others to suffer ?
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #42 on: October 13, 2005, 10:20:55 AM »
One thing you tards have yet to show me is how we make you people who want to "WIN THE MIGHTY WAR" suffer.
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Yes there are butt headson each team that take out personal vendettas against furrballers or war winners.  That's sad!  I don't subscribe to that and I would hope that neither do you.

Is it me or did this go off on a tangent of the original post?:)

Again I re-emphasize, everyone of us pays the same amount each month.
Everyone of us has the right to play his or her own way, but not to the detrement of the other players.  If in the course of the game, the "war winners" and the "furballers" happen to meet over the same field then that's the breaks of the game.  The solution of "there are other fields..." goes both ways.  It just seems lately that there is an inordinate amount of whining, namecalling and otherwise complaining on Ch 200 and in the posts.

Offline megadud

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« Reply #44 on: October 13, 2005, 10:25:03 AM »
a bruised and beaten man once said "can't we all just get along"...