Author Topic: Change name of Dueling Arena to Furball Arena  (Read 2437 times)

Offline Morpheus

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Change name of Dueling Arena to Furball Arena
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2005, 09:35:00 PM »
Originally posted by CAV
This is true... makes me think, how many are going to fly TOD after "new" is off of it...


I wouldnt be surprised if HT has air spawns.
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Offline Nomak

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Change name of Dueling Arena to Furball Arena
« Reply #31 on: October 15, 2005, 09:55:41 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I had you pegged as a carly simon fan.

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Offline Toad

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Change name of Dueling Arena to Furball Arena
« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2005, 09:58:38 AM »
Originally posted by rshubert
What, pray tell, makes you clowns so sure of your own superiority?  

Further proof, totally unnecessary, that  you don't understand the argument in the least.

It isn't about superiority in the least. It's about fun. It's about "you play your way and I'll play my way and we'll both have fun."

It's about the clear evidence from the FT example that the Toolshedders are the ones that "force people to play my way".

When you run out of strawmen... and that's not much to begin with.... you really show how intellectually bankrupt you really are. I'd say your vault's been empty a long time.
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Offline TW9

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Change name of Dueling Arena to Furball Arena
« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2005, 10:24:29 AM »
Originally posted by rshubert
What, pray tell, makes you clowns so sure of your own superiority?  It can't be intelligence.

Originally posted by Toad
I'd say your vault's been empty a long time.

!!!!!!!JAAAAAAAAAAaa TEh V@uLt5 B33n 3mPty J000Oooo HyP0CrYt3!!!!!
Quote from: sax
The community lacks personality , thank #@# for TW9 or
there would'nt even be anyone --------- left .
Quote from: Krusty
Edit2: BAN the ass-hat. That's not skuzzy, that's a tard named TW9

Offline DipStick

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Change name of Dueling Arena to Furball Arena
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2005, 11:11:47 AM »
Originally posted by rshubert

There aren't enough furballers to support a furball arena.  It didn't work when it was tried in the CT, and FT was so polluted by "impure" types that it was another failure.  Face it, there weren't any furballs in FT--just a bunch of vulchers, cherry pickers, and alt monkeys.

Translation: I don't have more than 2 working braincells on a good day ie: I am a bop. It didn't work in the CT due to the setup and field proximity's. Yes, FT was polluted by our types (bops, etc...) but was mostly fun for all nevertheless. Great furballs there and I'm sure alot of you who like to fight love the map.

Originally posted by rshubert
I, for example, often launch my missions from bases a bit further away than the shortest distance to the target, to get altitude, or climb over mountains, or get the flights organized.

Translation: I am a bop. We are cherrypickers who have to fly high in Lalas, gang up, pork a base and setup vulches to get any kills (and rarely have the sense to actually take a base even with a horde of Lalas).