mrfish, maybe the fact that the government is becomming more and more dodgy every year and more "above the law" (read: finding loop holes in the laws to keep themselves out of trouble), and the fact that people are pushing for gun laws so citizens can no longer carry guns is so that our government can turn the USA into a billion drones.
When we can no longer over throw the government when it becomes too powerful and overwhelms us with itself because we have a lack of arms, we may be up toejam's creek without a paddle.
First the government becomes above and beyond the law, then weapons will be outlawed in the hands of civilians, then the police become the equivelent of Hitler's secret police, mind control agents are pumped into the drinking water, television (one in every household, remember?) broadcasts subliminal messages or images that activate these mind control agents or trigger the population to be slaves to these power hungry government bastards...
Oh yeah... uhm... nevermind.