Author Topic: Next FSO  (Read 360 times)

Offline o0Stream140o

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« on: October 16, 2005, 01:31:14 PM »
Fork Tailed Devil

Background Information
When the P-38 Lightning returned to service with the USAAF's 8th Air Force in mid 1943 it was considered the premier US fighter in the ETO. The P-40 had proved unsuited for operations in Europe and the P-47 did not possess the range that the twin engined Lightning had.

On October 15th 1943, just 24 hours after the disastrous Schweinfurt raid, in which 60 of 291 B-17s had been lost, the P-38 equipped 55th FG flew its first combat sweep over the Continent. From this point onwards, untill the introduction of the P-51 in sufficiantly large numbers, the P-38 would provide much of the long range escort for the USAAF's heavies.

...for the 'experten' of the Luftwaffe's fighter arm, the P-38 provided yet another challenge to overcome as they sought to stem the growing tide in the Allied air forces bombing offensive.

This squad operation recreates some of the action in late 1943 and early 1944 when escorted B-17s became the new strategy for the Allied daylight raids.


Country Percentages
LW: 40

Units: B-17G, P-38L, P-47D-11, Mosquito VI
Restrictions: *Each a/c type must be used every frame in squadron strength (12 min). B-17s will be used at 24 players minimum each frame to recreate the Heavy Bomber Group. At least 50 percent of the escort force must be P-38 equipped.

*Airfields: A134, A135, A138, A139, A140.

*Max alt for B-17s is 25k.

*P-47 and P-38 may not carry ANY air to ground ordnance. Drop tanks are allowed.

*The Mosquito must be used in the bomber role, and is not permitted rockets. It may operate at any altitude.

*USAAF may refuel (time permitting) at any friendly base.

Bf 109G-6, Fw 190A-8, Fw 190A-5, Bf 110G

*Each a/c type must be used every frame in squadron strength (12 min).

*Airfields: A96, A97, A98, A122, A124. No more than 3 squadrons may roll from any one base.

*LW may refuel at any friendly base.

Victory Conditions
Based on points for a/c and ground targets. Fighters 10 points, twin engined bombers 15 points. Four engined bombers 25 points. Each ground target is worth 200 points to either side and scoring is based on the % destroyed for enemy targets and the % undamaged for friendly targets.
Arena Settings
Arena Settings
- Terrain 'Rhur'
- Fuel 1.0
- Icons short
- Ack .5
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 5 miles (26400)
- Tower based radar 25 miles (132000)
- Radar off
- Friendly collisions off
- Killshooter off
- No wind
- Set time to noon

Designer Notes
The Mosquito is provided for the sake of completeness, as it was one of the RAFs primary fighter-bombers at this time, and provides the LW with another interesting adversary.

CM Notes

Design By

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Offline o0Stream140o

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« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2005, 03:40:20 PM »
I will be replacing the Ruhr map with the BOB map.  Was unaware we didn't have the ruhr map for AH2.

Offline Dace

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« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2005, 07:31:17 PM »
Speakin objectively, I hope that this write up is old and the P38L is the only thing we had then. The L model seems too much for mid '43. Correct me if I'm wrong there.


Offline Scotlvr

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« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2005, 08:26:04 PM »
Yea L would be a little rough on the Axis. J seem's a better choice here.Also why don't we sub in some 24's also to go along with the 17's? Since both was making runs at this time might as well make it as Historical as possible. Just some thoughts.

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2005, 08:39:36 PM »
Actually, we need a P-38H, and this, along with Husky, is why I campaigned so hard for the P-38H when we got new P-38's. The G model was not the plane that fought this battle. Both the 20th and the 55th went to war over Europe in late 1943 with the P-38H. The P-38H is similar to the P-38G, however, it has more power, and it has WEP. The P-38J-15-Lo we have would be fine for this. Although it is better than the P-38H, as it has more power, and WEP with a longer duration and more power as well, it doesn't have dive flaps.

By the way, having flown both extensively, I've found the J to be at least as effective in air to air combat as the L. The only real advantage the L has over the J in combat is the dive flaps. The J is just as fast as the L, because the true ratings for the L were not officially accepted by the USAAF/USAAC. So the L has the same power as the J, and the airframe is identical. The L is actually a little heavier than the J.

All that being said, we should have the J in this tour. The G is a little too underpowered for this era.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Scotlvr

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« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2005, 06:08:43 AM »
Since your changing it to the BoB map will we get a updated list of take off fields?