I think you guys are missing my point. I dont like the idea of selective shield laws, in those cases the best lobbiest wins.
Here in Michigan we have a shield law for the drug companies, tell me they are not hiding detrimental information under the guise of intellectual property rights.
The auto companies plug in actuarial litigation numbers into the cost of production to detirmine if it is cheaper to make the product safe or pay the claims over the life of the vehicle, and if you notice they are pushing for federal shield laws as well.
Since the bad faith penalties have been abolished against the insurance industry here all auto medical claims by the three largest carriers are denied because the most that the companiy can be mad to pay in litigation is what was due the policyholder anyway, they have plugged in the numbers and know that enough people will just go away to pay the company lawyers plus return a nice additional profit.
If you guys cant see this, I cant help you.