Author Topic: Harriet Miers withdraws nomination  (Read 902 times)

Offline rpm

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2005, 07:24:00 PM »
Thank God there are still good men like John McClain in the GOP. It is their contrast that shows just how morally corrupt this administration is.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2005, 07:30:18 PM by rpm »
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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2005, 09:35:11 PM »
McClain? I thought his name was McCain. If we're talking about the same guy, the one from Arizona who will do just about anything to make the media fawn all over him, regardless of what he really thinks.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline oboe

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #32 on: October 27, 2005, 09:54:07 PM »
Holy Crap.   I look at that, then I think of the "Our Leader" billboards that sprung up after the election.    I mean holy, holy crap.    Looks like we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Offline Gunslinger

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2005, 10:02:42 PM »
What's amazing is how some of u derive the word "torture" from abuse.  There's a difference.  But yes please read between the lines.  Our VP is advocating tying prisoners on their knees to the floor for hours at a time, then when their knees have so much blood build up hitting them in the knees with bamboo sticks.  Yup that's the ticket.

The day we let a known terrorist loose because some ACLU lawyer argued that keeping him awake and not letting him sleep is torture is the day we will lose.

Offline Sandman

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Re: On the Miers Nomination
« Reply #34 on: October 27, 2005, 10:08:02 PM »
Originally posted by Clifra Jones

Reagan won the cold war and a true Reaganist can win the WOT and put this country back on track and put Western Leftist/Liberalism where it belongs, on the "Ash Heap of History".

The WOT will never end.

Offline oboe

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #35 on: October 27, 2005, 10:13:53 PM »
Most of the time I hear detainees referred to as "suspected" terrorists.   That means not all of them are known terrorists.   I wonder what the percentage of 'suspected' to 'real' terrorists is?

Anyway, what would be wrong with sticking to the techniques authorized in the Army Field Guide?   Aren't we supposed to be the good guys?

Offline Lizard3

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #36 on: October 28, 2005, 03:46:32 AM »
I called it when the nomination came out. She was a front. Plain and simple.

Her nomination has gotten everyone slighty right of middle in a froth and now they WILL ram home the strict constitutionalist over the bodies of any dem that THINKS about sillybustering the nomination. Now its a set peice. Game over. Good deal.

Offline CavemanJ

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #37 on: October 28, 2005, 07:33:29 AM »
Originally posted by oboe
Washington Post editorial piece:

Vice President for Torture

Also highlights from a story in the Boston Globe

I can barely believe it as I read it over again....

Ya know.. I'm not really in favor of torture... but given a situation like The Sum of All Fears... hook the bastiges' testicles up to the car batteries.  Sometime ya just gotta do what ya gotta do.

Offline lazs2

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #38 on: October 28, 2005, 10:49:42 AM »
oboe... you really need to see "michaelmoorehatesamerica"  it is a great movie and interviews the people that moore supposedly interviewed along with his fans..  In all fairness... you need to see the movie.... every thing that moore does is suspect because so many have debunked him and caught him in outright lies...  MM hates America movie is a two thumbs up one that no one is saying is unfair or missrepresents anyone..

How would you feel for instance if you knew that, by law.. the NRA  had to have their meeting... they are a corp. and it is corp law..  if they wish to change an annual meeting they needed to inform 4 million members by mail in 9 days that they had moved the meeting date.  an insurmountable task...

And... why is it in poor taste to have it there anyway?   They do not advocate school shootings.... they train millions of young people every year in gun safety.   They advocate harsh penalties for gun crimes.   what makes them a pariah to you?

see the movie and tell me what you think.   I will pay for the rental if you will watch it.


Offline oboe

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #39 on: October 28, 2005, 12:39:34 PM »

Thank you for that offer - its not necessary for you to pay, but thank you anyway.   I've never seen that one in the video store but I will take a look.   You gave me a good tip on Firefly, after all.   Though I would expect it was made by someone equally skilled at making people look bad, just on the other side, thats all.   Is it at least amusing, like Bowling For Columbine is?

I don't think I consider the NRA a pariah.   I just said it was probably insensitive to hold the gun rally there after the massacre.  Marilyn Manson received a share of the blame for Columbine, and he cancelled the last 5 dates of his tour out of respect.  Violent video games and movies were blamed as well.   It might've been difficult but if the NRA wanted to cancel, postpone, or move it, they could've.  

I do take a dim view of the NRA, but I was much more influenced by the Wayne LaPierre mass mailing in 1995 that was offended GH Bush to the point of resigning from the organization.   And I recall a Minneapolis police chief I admired, Tony Bouza, denouncing them for insisting that 'cop killer' bullets remain legal.   Long time ago but it was part of the impression that I formed at the time.  I'm not a particularly harsh or vocal opponent of theirs however.    

BFC didn't bend me outta shape about guns.     I found it more about how wacky American culture is -- fueled by consumption driven by fear.   It wasn't just fear of criminals - he had snippets of newscasts warning about Killer Bee invasions, severe weather, and some news station did on 'expose' on the danger of escalators!    (They are waiting to grab and mangle you!)   The public is bombarded with stories like this daily.    I gave up watching network news years ago because of it.

Have you seen BFC?    Or do you boycott MM films?

Offline Sandman

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2005, 12:45:53 PM »
Originally posted by oboe
some news station did on 'expose' on the danger of escalators!    (They are waiting to grab and mangle you!)

They've killed more people than ephedra... and the FDA has banned ephedra.

Yeah... I know, it's off topic. ;)

Offline john9001

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2005, 01:42:15 PM »
Originally posted by oboe

I.   And I recall a Minneapolis police chief I admired, Tony Bouza, denouncing them for insisting that 'cop killer' bullets remain legal.   Long time ago but it was part of the impression that I formed at the time.  I'm not a particularly harsh or vocal opponent of theirs however.    


those bullets were made by ammo makers at the request of the police, the police wanted the bullets to kill bad guys who were wearing bullet proof vests, the police were upset the the ammo makers sold the bullets to the general public.  

"cop killer bullets" is a miss-nomer, it should be "bad guy wearing a bullet poof vest killer bullets".  but that is too long for a headline.

Offline lazs2

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2005, 03:29:45 PM »
oboe... there is no such thing as "cop killer bullets" and police chiefs are politicians not cops.

the movie is very interesting.... it goes out of it's way to be fair.   It is painful for the guy doing it since he hates moore but gillet penn (of penn and teller) and his cameraman and a world famous documentary director (real documentaries not moore types) constantly badger the guy to stay honest... at one point penn tells him that if he missrepesents what he says he will hunt him down and kill him.... the cameraman threatens to quit when mike wilson does an interview under dishonest pretense.

The NRA and manson.... in the one case... the NRA was bound by law to hold the meeting by that date at that place or notify everyone 4+ million people!.   They only had nione days after the shooting....

It was not a media event in any case... and... the NRA has never advocated violence with firearms much less school shootings... Now... take the now sensitive and calm manson.... this ahole advocates violence as a way of life... the shooters were big fans of his.... he was in fact a mentor....  he is far from the introspective innocent he portrays in the moore interview.... so he cancelled some dates?  took him what, 5 minutes on the phone?  and he did it in order to lay low not out of any sense of respect.   If he thought it would sell records he woulda had a concert over in the school courtyard and danced on the blood stains.

If you can't find a copy for rent I would be glad to send you my copy and you could return it when you were done.


Offline oboe

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2005, 04:08:13 PM »
The guy named his movie "Michael Moore Hates America", and you expect me to believe its fair?    I'll look for it, but when I watch it I'll take it as seriously as I took Moore's film.

All the NRA leadership had to do was get together and pass some kind of resolution or amendment allowing them to change the date or cancel, postpone whatever.    Leadership's hands are not really bound by organizational bylaws.   I've found they can still do pretty much whatever they want and rationalize it or justify it and get away with it.    Seen it over and over again.  

Look at how quickly the NFL rescheduled the CHiefs/Dolphins game when Wilma threatened Florida.   I bet that involved a lot of people and changes to contracts to pull off.

I can't defend Manson, because I don't know that much about him or what he says in his music.   I've seen some footage of him, and he strikes me as a more vicious version of David Bowie or Alice Cooper.    You wonder what day these rockers will finally reach the edge of the envelope they are pushing, and what it will look like.  I was just surprised to see he spoke in complete sentences, and was fairly eloquent and understandable.

Offline indy007

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Harriet Miers withdraws nomination
« Reply #44 on: October 28, 2005, 04:09:10 PM »
hey lazs check your pm's.