Originally posted by john9001
islam had not yet been invented when jesus was a baby, i think it was about 700 AD when muhammed had his "vision".
Did not say anything about islam.
Was talking about the middle east in general.
It will never stop amazing me how we the smartest of the primates
just keep killing one another and over what?
Just think if the energy and money spent on killing was used to help cure sick people and educate our kids what we could do.
When I was younger I was about kill kill kill but as I get older and closer to my own death I started realising that human life is so much more valuable than we know.
Eevry time I hear about another soldiers death i cringe on the impact that that one death will create.
The emptyness of his family and friends the complete impossibility of what he might have become later in life.
The fact that if he has kids that he will never see them grow up and If he had not started his family how he will be denided to joy of holding his baby in his arms for the first time.
So dont missunderstand me I love America and all her people.
I just want them to not die for someone elses cause thats all.