Moose, so they expect US to upgrade OUR hardware to work with THEIR CDs because they are too damn greedy to let go with a couple hundred bucks?
Geez, last I checked almost all bands made big bucks- atleast the ones in the limelight. CDs produce a very small amount of their income in the first place, it's all in their tours and concerts that the big bucks come in.
I foresee many record companies going bellybutton end up over this, I ain't gonna buy a new CD player and new CD-ROMs to run copy protected CDs because the greedy record companies' wallets aren't fat enough.
Vulcan, do you know where an OFP NO-CD crack is? Send me an email ( if you do, I can't stand the noise of my CD-ROM spinning up everytime I start the game... nor do I want to get this CD damaged.