Originally posted by SunKing
No ragdoll, same maps from COD1. Like quake4, another disapointment.
More or less same as COD1. #1 set the quality bar so high that its kinda hard to expect to beat it the 2nd time around, atleast with a 2 year turn around. But this time the AI isn't as stupid and I get to call in arty strikes. The duck and cover damage model is a bit wack - but whatever, it beats hording health packs. Using the smoke grenades is I think the best addon that occured - literally walked upto a guy I didn't know was there, saw his eyes, went **** and shot him 5 times with a Thompson.
But the only game in existance which to this day still gets me ****ting my pants was the Rainbow Six series, especially rogue spear. I'd literally be creaping around a corner, hoping to hell the guy doesn't see me thats 6 inches away. Then when the mission is over, I think i'm home free and a crack from the blue - BAM! literally jumpstarts my heart.
Only game that was able to do that.