Author Topic: Pullin' The Plug  (Read 3398 times)

Offline Naso

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #75 on: August 18, 2000, 10:57:00 AM »
WOW   !!!!

Really ugly, indeed  

Offline sourkraut

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #76 on: August 18, 2000, 11:40:00 AM »
Sooooo..... back to the original subject ->
capital punishment.
I get a kick out of all these folks that are vehemently against capital punishment yet play wargames where the goal is to kill each other. It's like the anti-gunners letting there kids play with guns or play quake games. The excuse that it is just a game doesn't hold water. Stand up for your position in the real and virtual worlds.

My issue with capital punishment is that it is not always applied fairly. It is usually applied when the press whips everyone into a frenzy about the horrors of a particular crime. And of course, it is imperative that there is no doubt of guilt.


JG-2 Richthofen

"Hey - someone has to be the target...."

Offline RAM

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #77 on: August 18, 2000, 12:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by AKFokerFoder+:
The Basques go nutso every now and then

You have no F**** idea of what do we,basques, do or not do. So why dont you go and learn SOMETHING before saying one more single word about this matters?...

There are innocent people dying here ,people who is menaced because they want freedom here, people who sees his home and business burnt by terrorists because they are part of a Spanish national party. I have had my own ration of problems with people supporting ETA,too.All because I want peace in my land.

This is a fight,and we fight day after day. One side,a vast minority with bombs, guns, molotov cocktels, sticks and use of the violence as deterrant.
Other side, a vast majority, only with peace, silent manifestations...who we try to bring peace to our land.

Still you have to spread your ignorance about the problems of my land and put BS on those people ded,wounded, or frightened by a terrorist group...

So learn something about us or shut the hell up at once,Sir.

Note I am trying to not to explode...keep saying stupidities about Basque country and I wont keep my mouth shut any more.

What are you doing about Nazis being elected in Austria? Nothing, that's what.  I really wonder if you guys really do hate Jews and would like to burn some more.  Your actions speak louder than your putrid words.

Again you show no F*** knowledge about the situation in a place, still you have to use your deficient knowledge to argue something.

Listen, Austria did NOT Elect a nazi regime. A party was in minority and Haider's party had the numbers to make them have the power. So they did a pact with a nazi.

I am quite sure that next elections this party will have way less votes.

But Haider had VERY LOW nomber of votes by himself.

You have NO idea of what are you talking about.

You don't have to spend a big chunk of your tax dollars keeping America peaceful..  Yet you think you have the right to get on a BBS and tell us how to run things.

For sure I do think it. Its called "freedom of speech" Maybe too much difficult thing for you to understand?

You are nothing but an ignorant, sir. You dont know a toejam about many things,  still you have to argue about them.

Stop doing it(Specially with my land's problems), or, finally you will get a proper response from my side. And it wont be a soft one.

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 08-18-2000).]

Offline StSanta

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #78 on: August 18, 2000, 12:33:00 PM »
Heh, am reeling 'em in.

Think this one is big enough for a Texas BBQ, ripsnort? Oh; I forgot. Texans only eat red meat. Dead red meat, unless they're very hungry.
Well first of all it is so transparent what you think of us, no big deal.
Naw, I like Americans in general. They're straightforward, easy to talk to and pretty direct. In the USA, I see this rare combination of extreme raw power, naeivity(sp?), cynicism and innocence.

I'm having a good time here. Maybe it isn't so clear when I'm joking and when I'm not, something I was recently told by a close friend of mine, and it puts people off. For this I must apologize, but I don't think I will change. When I am not joking and poking/being poked at, I am most likely either depressed, angry, bored or engaged in a pointless discussion about how many atheists you can put on top of a very large beer can. I prefer the first and last, so I do what I can to stay happy  .

But, since I am drawn into discussions like an American Opportunist to a low target, here I go.
Most of your European countries are smaller than out states. It blew my mind when I found out that Paris to Berlin  was only 500 miles (800 km). I've taken my kids to skating competition that far on a weekend, and didn't think much of it (the distance). I mean that would be like me being raised in North Dakota (I was), speaking a different language than those in South Dakota, and going to war with them every 30 or 40 years. It's mind boggling, it really is. A little speck on the map, but Northern Ireland, they slaughter people on the streets. (don't give me all that kee rap about all their money coming from the US, very few Americans support the IRA) The Basques go nutso every now and then, the Serbs and Croats are at each others throats. Chechnya is a blood bath, Albania is a powder keg waiting for a spark… this list goes on
Well, it is important to recognize that what matters is not physical distance, but cultural differences. Here in Europe, we've happily slaughtered each other in the name of power for literally thousands of years. While the USA is a very heterogenous place, I believe Europe is even more so, especially if you include places like Chechnya into "Europe". And only 90 miles away from the US, you have Cuba. Huge cultural differences. Sort of illuminates what is important.
The American people have spent untold fortunes, and over a half a million American lives, trying to keep you Europeans from each others throats. We still have troops in Europe, some in Bosnia, some in Kosovo, Spain, Italy, Germany… Costs us a lot of bucks.
And if you think that this is because the Americans are great altruists, you are either a patriot or very gullible. The US have interests, and it will do what is necessary to expand or keep up its influence. As will Denmark, except it doesn't have much military influence, so it does less.
I mean why aren't there Danish troops in Kosovo??? I'll tell you why, because you     won't spend the money, let the Americans do it.
There are Danish troops in Kosovo. There were Danish troops during the Balkan wars. Some came home in body bags. All were volunteers. I believe the US do not have conscription, so one could argue that US soldiers knowingly accept the risks and rewards of their jobs.

We even sent a tenth of our air force to do some bombing (a whooping eight or ten F-16's, woohoo, power to the Vikings!)
What are you doing about Nazis being elected in Austria? Nothing, that's what. I really wonder if you guys really do hate Jews and would like to burn some more. Your actions speak louder than your putrid words.
Uhm, you haven't been following the European political scene. The EU have taken some pretty drastic measures, even interfering with the internal affairs of a sovregein nation. And, despicable as those idiots are, they were democratically elected, and they are a legal party. And if you knew what the German government has been doing since WWII, I don't think you'd say that. It and Scandinavia has taken more refugees/immigrants than other nations in Europe.
You don't have to spend a big chunk of your tax dollars keeping America peaceful. Yet you think you have the right to get on a BBS and tell us how to run things. You can't clean your own backyard up, but you can sure get on a BBS and call us Ugly Americans. Tell us how to run our country. So we can be like Europe?
I would if I could. But then I would be meddling in your internal affairs, and you'd be upset about that, too. And I do have the right to tell you how I think the US should be run. However, in this thread I haven't. Others have pointed to things they think are screwed up, and you've pointed to things you think suck. This is the very freedom you value as highly as I do.

I'll defend with my life your right to disagree with me. Judging from the content of your post, it seems you're not willing to do so for me, since I in your eyes do not have the right to critizise matters that take place within a certain geographical area.
Have standing Armies at our borders??? Let me tell you that not one rational Canadian or Mexican will go to sleep tonight worried about a military invasion of their country from the US.
Well, we've feared the East Block more than each other, and have had peace (developed countries) since WWII. With a few disputes, such as the Falklands Islands being the exception. Why do we have armies? To handle threats that might arise in a very quickly developing society. Now I wonder why NATO (the US) were opposed to a standing European army that were to deal with internal security? They key word is influence; the US has it, and wants to keep it. But, influence costs. Lives, and money. Then again, ya can't both have the cake and eat it. And this is true for every nation, not just the US.
Now cultural Empiricism, and trade dominance are another story.
I like Coca Cola. Hollywood generally sucks, and most American mainstream bands are bad. On the other hand, European dogma films are exceedingly boring in most cases.
You guys better clean up your act before you pontificate…
My country is clean.  
You may have noticed that not once have I told you how to run Denmark. You wanna confiscate guns?. Go for it. You want to elect Nazis? Go for it? You wanna burn books,give you freedoms to the government, go for it. You want to make heros out of guys who bomb children, go for it. You want to turn your rapists and murders back on the streets, have at it. You run it your way we'll run things ours.
Heh, and if you notice, I've several times stated in other threads that you do what you want; you guys live with the consequences. This does not hinder me from having and expressing an opinion on the matter, one you can either address, ignore or discard as trash.
I just concerns me that we Americans have to spend a fortune to keep the lid on Europe.
You don't have to. Stop doing it, and you'll lose some influence. All your call; Europe cannot force you. Maybe it is a good idea to ask yourself why you're doing it. And have the same cynical attitude towards your government in this matter as you have in the question of gun control.
Ugly American and proud of it.
Great looking Dane and thinks little about it  

So, did I manage to push some buttons?  

JG54 "Grünherz"
"If you died a stones throw from your wingie; you did no wrong". - Hangtime

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #79 on: August 18, 2000, 01:11:00 PM »

Hehehehehe, man my sides hurt!  

TOOO Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!      

You crack me up you really do  

Can't wait til your next post!!

Keep 'em comming, I haven't had such a good laugh in a long time    

hehehehhe  Woooo (wipes tear from eyes)

Tooooo much!  

[This message has been edited by AKFokerFoder+ (edited 08-18-2000).]

Offline RAM

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #80 on: August 18, 2000, 01:33:00 PM »
Still you thing is funny...

wont lose my time anymore with you.

Get lost, man.

Offline JimBear

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #81 on: August 18, 2000, 01:37:00 PM »
RAM,   sorta gets one upset when they make blanket assumptions about difficult situtations in your country? Guess you get a leetle idea of how some of the state side folks feel  when they get a "StSanta" hook. Ya know it should come out easy with a pair of pliers, but it sometimes gets stuck in your craw.


"Its a small world after all...."  argggghhhh

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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« Reply #82 on: August 18, 2000, 01:59:00 PM »
Great post RAM!  

ROTFLMAO!  Keep it up  

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #83 on: August 18, 2000, 03:28:00 PM »
So learn something about us or shut the hell up at once,Sir

LOL! didn't I say the same thing to you in another thread?  If you are going to plagerize.. at least you can give me credit  

Maybe now I could say something like "Everything FF needed to know about you he learned from TV"  

As for you St. Santa... I understand the antagonistic aproach you take.  It is pretty funny.  I don't think RAM gets it tho.  Antagonizing people is easy... making yourself sound educated without provoking someone isn't.  I think its time you moved to the next level. I'm still working on 3 levels behind you BTW  

BTW.. I've spent some time in Denmark.  I visited the beaches during holiday.  You might remember me... I was the only American that didn't have a camera  


[This message has been edited by AKDejaVu (edited 08-18-2000).]

Offline StSanta

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #84 on: August 18, 2000, 05:23:00 PM »

Well, it might fog up due to heavy breathing.

Been there, done that  

JG54 "Grünherz"
"If you died a stones throw from your wingie; you did no wrong". - Hangtime

Offline Dinger

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #85 on: August 19, 2000, 06:18:00 PM »
I don't have a home yet, nor a solid internet connection.  You won't see me around AH for at least another week.  But somebody had to say it:

Cultural Empiricism? America's the best place for Cultural Empiricists.  You gotta love the range of experiences you get here.  Maybe if more Amurricans were Cultural Empiricists, we wouldn't be such bastards overseas.

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #86 on: August 20, 2000, 07:40:00 PM »
Maybe now I could say something like everything FF needed to know about you he learned from TV"

LOL, maybe everything I needed to know about the Europeans I learned in Sarjevo in 93.  Want me to post some personally taken pictures of bombed out houses, land mines,the shot to hell Sarajevo airport,????  Me on top of the PTT building in Sarajevo trying to keep communications going as the Serbs hit the town with about 1500 rounds of artillery a day???

I left because I got tired of Europeans shooting at my white UN vehicle.

I learned a lot that wasn't on TV.  Those dudes are fricken nutso ... Hell give me a Branch Davidian or a KKK member over a Serb, Muslim or Croat anyday.

Offline StSanta

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #87 on: August 21, 2000, 03:43:00 AM »

I know you probably know this and I do not have to point it out, but the Balkans while part of Europe isn't precisely the Europe us elite rich well developed people live in.

Better to compare with, if you must, would be countries like te Scandinavian ones, Germany, Holland etc. That way ya have a place of equal stability, wealth, technolgical advance and so forth. Will avoid comparing beer to pizza.  

As far as I am concerned, I do think that in some areas of the US (namely the slums, or whatever you call it), you have a low intensity conflict, with people killing each other at an alarming rate. Maybe their lack of wealth and ethnicity plays a role in why it is not taken more seriously.

Europeans want to make the US sound all dangerous and full of crime. The truth of the matter is that it's a relatively safe place where the nutters are just more nuts and have  an easier time getting a gun  .

Now, it has been my experience that Americans are a bit more violent than Europeans of equal status (wealth etc). Ie they have a conflict where French people would yell a lot and throw arms in the air, whereas the Americans end up shooting at each other  

"Hell, boy, you're infringing on my rights!"
"Uh, guess you ain't anymore"

<continues fishing>

JG54 "Grünherz"
"If you died a stones throw from your wingie; you did no wrong". - Hangtime

Offline Naso

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #88 on: August 21, 2000, 03:57:00 AM »
Quote from Akfokerfolder+
(ehhm can i use an abbreviation next time?, please?)

LOL, maybe everything I needed to know about the Europeans I learned in Sarjevo in 93.

This explain a lot about your knowledge, you can be called an expert in european cultures.  

You're so naive, i like you a lot, smack!!  

Offline Naso

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Pullin' The Plug
« Reply #89 on: August 21, 2000, 04:04:00 AM »
Originally posted by StSanta:
Will avoid comparing beer to pizza.  

Offcourse you will avoid, Pizza is the food of gods, and wine is the beverage of gods, there is no comparation possible with anythink (except some anatomical part of woman).  

And dont forget the sacred food of gods, the Mozzarella.