Author Topic: Long Range Bomber Mission in the MA  (Read 350 times)

Offline syncrII

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Long Range Bomber Mission in the MA
« on: December 06, 2005, 05:03:49 AM »

Im going to post a Mission for all the people who get bored about the furbaling gameplay. Maybe we find again the other way of fun in the game.

I will post the mission at 23:00 clock german time.
it must be 5:00 p.m in New York. (maybe someone can post the corect time if im wrong)

Main target is: Keeping many Enemys bysy over there own home land so there frontline bases are not so havy devended.

Scound target is: The strat targets of one Zone. I will diside wich zone if i know what map is on.

Because not many people are interested to do a mission like that with Ju 88 and 109s i diside to made a classic AH mission.

In the mission are 3 flights of B17 (a10 formations) and one P51(maybe p47N) flight.
Every B17 flight hit 2 strat targets. (will be shown on the flight plan)

The p51 flight goese in the zone are we are attacking. The p51 didnt stay close to the Bombers. The Escourts are far ahed of the bombers in the attacked zone and keep them down (this tactick works belive me) not many enemys will reach ouer bombers be sure. You can say the fighters are on free hunt in that zone.

After dropping the ordenenc the 3 groups of b17 and the fighters form up and had home.

Hope we cane made this mission big.

cu chris3

Offline syncrII

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Re: Long Range Bomber Mission in the MA
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2005, 07:11:39 PM »
by the way the mission will go un saturday ;-)

cu chris3