Originally posted by NUKE
I dont know why some people think that China has some great military capability. They dont.
I think I should remember some Soviet jokes about Chinese.
China launched a first artificial sattelite. 2 million Chinese got hernia pulling a rubber band.
China built a world's biggest DC power station: 2 million Chinese in silk pants crawl on ebonite floor.
Soviet border-guard patrol sees a HUGE crowd of Chinese across the border. Chinese say: We have 2 million people here against you four soldiers! Soviet sergeant answeres: "Scary... Scary!!!" - "Are you going to surrender?" - "No, I am scared because we don't have space to bury you all!..."
TASS report in Pravda: "Today, at the Soviet-Chinese border, a peacefull Sovier tractor was attacked by three Chinese infantry divisions. Destroying the enemy force peacefull Soviet tractor got out of ammunition and launched into a near-earth orbit. Soviet government warns that if provocations will continue - we'll use a peacefull missile-carrying VTOL sheaf-binder."
A new one: Warning! Markets are full of fake Chinese Christmas-tree decorations! They look absolutlely like real, but they are no joy