Author Topic: BAN art!!!111  (Read 508 times)

Offline Jackal1

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BAN art!!!111
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2005, 09:16:44 AM »
Originally posted by Chairboy
Actually, I don't have anywhere near enough data to call it a theory.  It's more of a feeling.  Basically, it seems to me that our puritan training in the USA includes, among other things, a sense of shame about the human body.  It seems to me that in my country, you would be more likely to find people who would mistake art for obscenity just because, like David, it shows a human body, and that this is an offshoot of said religious background.

That's all.

OK..........but Phfffffffffffffttttttttttt!
Here`s my theory. It follows a growing trend that started quite a few years back. The trend being to come up with an excuse or an "out" for every action that is viewed as negative. Continue to gamble until you lose the house, the car and your favorite dog and you have a "gambling addiction". All due to an "addictive personality" trait that you supposedly have no control over. Strange that you don`t hear too much from the overall winners, just the losers. :)
Kill some people in a violent rage and out comes the shrinks, working for the defense lawyers, explaining how this all dates back to a long line of abuse or that the person didn`t get the l`il red wagon he wanted on his 6th birthday. "Not his fault"....."he had no control over it".
  Drink to the extreme, you`re an alcoholic. It`s labeled as a disease that you have no control over.
Quite frankly...Horsechit!!! You choose what you do and how you act or react to a situation. If you choose to screw up, then you pay the price.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.