Author Topic: WW2OL new patch : News?  (Read 2328 times)

Offline Tac

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2001, 09:17:00 PM »
Yeah I know the ww2ol community stinks more than OBL's turban, but I dont care about that, im interested in shooting them, not talking to them  :D

The question still remains unanswered: Does the infantry have a way to kill tanks now? I dont care how many obstacles or buildings or crap they want to add, if a single tank can still stroll through narrow streets mowing down infantry without a care in the world, THAT I care about.

A way to kill tanks without having to run up to them that is. Aka, ATR, bazooka or grenades under the tank to light it up.

Offline Wotan

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2001, 09:28:00 PM »
tac they have satchel charges and thrown hand grenades and at weaopons.

no panzerfaust or bazookas.

you can kill a tank as inf only by gettting real close.

grenades sometimes will kill the crews. or you can shoot thro the slits in the tank.

chars never get killed as soon as they are damaged they despawn.

then stukas have bombs again i've only "killed" afew chars they usually despawn.

Its not a very good rps imho. The tank battles are one sided chars vrs p38ts or pnzriii. 88's kill tanks but chars again despawn when they are damaged.

Howver I will recount a story of how I killed my 1st char with a 38t that I posted a while back.
 was in wwiiol earlier and was haulin arse in p38t when I came over a hill and saw a char headed right at me on the road.
i kicked my stick to the right a little and switched to main gun and fired all crazy.

Well I hit the top of his right track (my left) and I guess it came off and he did a hard "snap" turn to his right (my left) as I began to pass him on my left i put 2 rounds into his radiator grill and white smoke poured out.

As I continued to pass I put 5 rounds into the back of his turret where the crew hatch is.


it happened so fast I never slowed down and kept on going........

It was hilarious.......I havent killed one in a while mostly because they despawn when they get disabled.

I can imagin what the char driver was thinking.......

a victim of a p38t drive by .........

Sorry o/t but I'm still stoked........

since then I havent gotten a "kill" on one.

now they new tank they gave the french is basically a abit faster char.

Offline Sunchaser

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2001, 09:36:00 PM »
Actually, I think HTC is closer to having a working WWIIOnline than CRS is.

Too bad IL2 has seduced me so damned completely.

1.09 bomber fixes soon please.

Offline GunFighter

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2001, 06:38:00 AM »
Troops are still limited to satchels or firing through the view ports, though that 20mm which is pretty mobile can open up just about anything but a Char head-on.

There just werent any AT Rockets at that time in the war.

LOOK!!! Its a Front!!!


Wetsy, I could care less who you think I am.

What I am is a customer that catches less grief in WWIIOL and quite frankly has more fun over there instead of here in HT's refreshed WB2/2001 version of AirWarrior. The only reason I still fly here occasionally is because of friends that I have here. When CRS gets their mem requirements down a little, my friends will be moving over there and you will not be seeing me anymore.

IMO you're a prime example of the 'community sickness' widespread in the WW2O community. A mass social dysfunction 'problem' that drove many, many, MANY justifiably upset players out and away. An illness so bad it causes WW2O players eat thier which can be seen when any card carrying "fan boi" steps out of line. Real bad move on CRS for letting the rabid mob rule the community. Now CRS is pleaing with the remaining player base to help bring the poeple who left back. Tough. CRS and the existing players are reaping what they sowed. And all I have to say is ... BUY MORE RAM!

Take a look in a mirror sometime, you might not like what you see.

IMO, YOU are one of the people that you are talking about in the above quote, just an AH fanboi instead of a WWIIOL fan.

But while I am still here, I do love blasting you out of the sky repeatedly.     :D

See you around.

[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: GunFighter ]

Offline Udie

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2001, 07:29:00 AM »
hehe I have fun at WW2 OL, so your stupid for hating it.

Oh yeah?! well WW2 OL sux so your even stupider for liking it!

Oh yeah?!?! I"m going to kill you!!!

Oh yeah>!?!?! Well I'm going to kill your family!


 Pretty fun game

 Sometimes pretty boring game



Offline Replicant

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2001, 07:43:00 AM »
I've been spending a bit more time in there lately, both on allied and axis side.  On the whole I've been enjoying it very much, the Axis still have the advantage but then it is early war.  The Pnzr III is an awesome tank though vs the Char bis it struggles!    :)  Both Blenheims are a pleasure to fly, and simple things like leading edge flaps on the Me's look fantastic.

I absolutely adore the map, terrain and everything associated with it - it feels more realistic - flying at 2500ft feels like 2500ft, and it is incredibly difficult to spot GVs and the like, unlike AH.  The only thing that's dissappointing is the FR hit (heavy a2a combat) and the FM of the aircraft.  In general the aircraft handle brilliantly UNTIL you start E fighting when it gets totally ridiculous with the 109, 110 and Ju87 turn fighting with the Hurricane and Spitfire, and the all the aircraft virtually able to do continual vertical loops.  Kinda feels silly when you're dogfighting Ju87s in a Hurricane or vice versa.

So, yes, it is improving but it still has a lot to go.  The big plus for me is the terrain, totally awesome!

Just my 2 pence worth.



[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Replicant ]

Offline GunFighter

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2001, 09:43:00 AM »

Are you Filth or Tee1? Let me know and we can wing sometime.

Interesting thread just starting up over in the WW2OL forums.

This is the thread link, I took the liberty to quote the beginning of it.

Who is playing what?
Posts: 550
posted Sat, Dec 22 8:45pm    
Who is still playing AH,WB,IL-2 and AW (RIP) or other flight sims? And what is the scuttle butt in their forums about WW2OL?

Posts: 178
posted Sun, Dec 23 9:27am    
I was trying AH...but the graphics arent as pretty as ww2ol. Green mountains blue water. Not the soft oil painted scenario thats in ww2ol. Most of the guys I flew with in AW went to AH tho. Since Ive been here the thought of p51s,mixing it up with f6f,109,zero,spit,p38 all at once seems very cheezy. Once they fix some stuff in here..i know its a work in will be THE best flight sim out there. Most of the guys in AH are basing their views on ww2ol from the first release..which did suck. Ive been trying to tell some to come try it now
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posted Sun, Dec 23 9:43am    
Hi ya Filth, I remember you very well back in AirWarrior. I went to AH from AW and I thought it was AW on steroids. It was'nt worth the 30 bucks a month, but they did bring that down to 15 dollars right before WW2OL was released. From what I heard (Skuttle Butt) AH was'nt all that good in its beginning either. They had just programed Force Feedback in when I started playing. Only stayed with AH for about 2 months then dropped AH and AW to play WW2OL.


[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: GunFighter ]

Offline Tac

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2001, 12:28:00 PM »
Thnx Wotan, that means that the roadkill invincible tank is still at it in WW2OL. Went to a friends house and saw it for a few minutes before we left... its sickening.

"tac they have satchel charges and thrown hand grenades and at weaopons. can kill a tank as inf only by gettting real close.

grenades sometimes will kill the crews. or you can shoot thro the slits in the tank."

Satchels dont kill them. You have to put like 10 of them on the rear of a tank to dent it. Hand grenades only work if the slits are open. They dont blow the tracks either as they should. Shooting through slits is again, useless. I emptied an entire SMG on an open PZ slit and it just ran me over.

The new structures are nice. they give the infantry more cover and they do promote more use of inf. by both sides to take a place, but the same crap of getting 10 tanks that will saturate an area with MG fire from beyond visual range with sniper accuracy around the place they want to take and have a few banzai inf rush to get the flag is still there.

Ill check on it again, in 2 years. Thanks.

Offline Kieran

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2001, 03:08:00 PM »
No offense, Gunfighter, but I don't know what use it is to drag people over to their boards.

You are upset that there are untruths posted here? I find far more untruths about AH over there, including its history, who is responsible for AH, etc. I was here when AH started, it was light years ahead of where WWIIO is today, even from the beginning. My opinion, of course.

A final thought, though; if AH players cannot post some biased information here (assuming you're right, that anything that disagrees with your view is an outright lie), where should they post it? If you come to a competitor's board and post propaganda, what do you expect the response to be?

Of course one can't post anything at the CRS board unless one is a member, right? This is supposedly to prevent flames, yet flames continue- so long as the flames aren't directed at Hatch and company. Minute that happens there is this nasty TOS e-mail that arrives. In short, insults are great as long as they are not directed at the company. Remember Triad's banning? Remember how he was making the point that a recent banning hadn't occurred because of what was said, but to whom it had been said? Sure you do. And he was right.

Play what you want, it is no concern to me. If someone asks for opinions on a game I have played, I'll give it to the best of my ability. I sure don't appreciate being called a liar because I don't agree with your view of it. And, I might add, it illustrates perfectly the behavior Westy so correctly identified. Your board is rank with it.

Finally, as of 1.40 the f/m of WWIIO was terribly flawed. I've read the readme on 1.5 and it doesn't mention changes to f/m, unless I missed something. So tell me, besides the framerate loss people are talking about (as if the game could afford it), how does it suck less than it did from a f/m perspective?

Offline Virage

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2001, 04:29:00 PM »

Originally posted by O'Westy:

Oh. And I still think you're Hatch.

On AH forum...

Originally posted by GunFighter:

Interesting thread just starting up over in the WW2OL forums.
[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: GunFighter ]

Next entry on Linked WWIIO forum...

This is a neat thread. I am interested to see more player origins and in their words, what is the attraction of WWIIOL that they do not get anywhere else.
Rodney "Hatch" Hodge


Offline Tac

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2001, 05:35:00 PM »
"This is a neat thread. I am interested to see more player origins and in their words, what is the attraction of WWIIOL that they do not get anywhere else"

For me:

Its a ww2 game. Thats a big point with me.

Its 1st person. But it aint quakeish with ultrazappo guns and bunny hopping cheats to evade being shot at.

Terrain is great. I left when it became P4Play, but even then it was neat to see the hills and terrain layout. It was like being in a Shogun:Total War map in 1st person.

Ground combat is what I want from WW2OL.

Unfortunately, ever since I got the game, and even NOW (been what, a whole year?) I see that the infantry has received a 5th rate treatment.

When CRS adds the ATR's which will allow inf. to DISABLE tanks at medium range and maybe even kill them at short range/rear,top&under armour sides and gives the inf. the BINOCS they should rightfully have to compensate for the EXTREME lack of visibility beyond 20yds the infantry soldier has compared to the perfect sight a tank has with its scoped machine guns (which has always resulted in a tank in the open mowing down inf. inside a town because the inf will never see him from 100yds!), THEN I would consider it balanced and worthy to pay for.

I also resent that people that BOUGHT the game are banned from posting. I cant post any questions about the game, or anything..because I havent dished out more money to get online.

Why CRS hasnt used the unique CD Key code as a requirement to register and post on their forums (like the Battlecruiser forums have done ..  ) is beyond me.  :rolleyes: . As in 3000ad forums, if you buy the game you have access to the forum. Become a jerk and you will be banned from posting. Simple.

I liked the improvements I saw in new patch, but like I said, no ranged method for inf. to disable/kill tanks and no binocs to equalize the fields of view royally mess up the game.

Call me when common sense hits WW2OL.

Offline Replicant

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2001, 05:41:00 PM »

Replicant = Nexx in both AH and WWIIOL

I don't post on the WWIIOL BBS, only here on HTCs.

Although I do love WWIIOL, I only use it when I get tired of AH, and that is quite rare, but that's how it is at the moment.



Offline Dinger

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2001, 07:08:00 PM »
Someone seriously suggested WW2OL follow the standard set by Battlecruise 3000AD.

I don't think GF is hatch.  Hatch would come in under his own name.

Yeah, okay, I had some fun when I played WW2OL.  But those guys screwed up so bad it's gonna take more than a couple more patches to get to "where they  thought they'd be".

Here's a short list of objections that people made before closed beta:

Objection: The Battle of France is a terrible place to start -- it's fundamentally unbalanced and it doesn't have the tremendous attraction of the more "popular" parts of WWII.

Response: it's a good starting place for later expansion.

Now: Expansion?  You needed a hit first!

Objection: A good deal of the staff is involved in "community management".  Isn't that a waste of resources?

Response: Community management is an essential part of the online gaming experience.

Now: even before they laid off those guys, they had some interesting community management problems.

Objection: unless some incentive is made, nobody will want to be a grunt.

Response: the current ratio of fans of FPS to armor to aircraft games is very similar to the WW2 ratios of front-line Infantry:armor:air.  All we have to do is build it.

Now: I know that the CRS staff lacked experience in MMP Online Games, having come from the tiny niche of flight sims, but even there one rule held: A significant percentage of people will seek out the "best" setup in a game, and use that (p38L ring a bell? F6F? 109F?).
So now they say there are limits on numbers of tanks and more clutter.  What's the opinion? Is that enough?  Can the infantry survive against tanks?

Objection: you can't make a single program that is a top-notch MMP fps, combat flight sim, tank sim, and naval sim all in one.
Response: we can
Now: The tank part isn't that bad.

Objection: the program is too ambitious for the technology available.
Response: No it's not.
Now: Yes it is.

Objection: there's not the market for this type of game.
Response: yes there is.
Now: the release proved that it existed.  Too bad the release alienated it from this product.

Now, my general questions concerning the state of WW2OL now:

Can you bail out of damaged vehicles?
Can you see damage to aircraft?  Can you see damage to tanks (beyond smoking radiators and "brewing up")?  When you kill an AT gunner, does the guy slump over?
Are there any weather effects to speak of, even wind?
Can you still kill your 109 pilot by trimming down a little too rapidly after a tiring mission?
Can you map keys to all vehicles of the same type, or do you have to map each one individually?
Do Brussels and Lille look like Brussels and Lille, 1940, or Pyongyang and Bucharest, 1980?
Do infantrymen take damage other than ATP/Blood loss? (you know, like a wounded arm or leg)
Is there a system in place to organize concerted efforts (e.g., formations, squad tactics), or is most of the action by individuals?
Can combat vehicles and individuals be resupplied, or do they have to despawn?
Is there an ammo counter for the infantry? Can the infantry change clips, or do they have to wait for them to empty?
Do grenades have timed fuzes yet? one of my major objections was that you couldn't use grenades to clear buildings because they kept blowing up in your face.
Has the K98 rifle sight been fixed?
Does closing the view slits on the tanks still open the escape hatch?
Does the Ju87 still handle on the ground like a shopping cart possessed by the devil?

Offline Reschke

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2001, 07:36:00 PM »
"Can you bail out of damaged vehicles?"

No you still have to "despawn" but the person that did the damage STILL does not get credit for the kill. At least that is what happened recently to me when I popped a Char during some testing.

"Can you see damage to aircraft? Can you see damage to tanks (beyond smoking radiators and "brewing up")? When you kill an AT gunner, does the guy slump over?"

No damage to aircraft; still only smoking radiators and "brewing up" armor. Although the armor will slew to the side with the most damage to its tracks. Then you will see it disappear due to a "despawn".

"Can you still kill your 109 pilot by trimming down a little too rapidly after a tiring mission?"

Flight Model still sucks. An example: I took off in a Bf-110 to test something for CRS as a request. I started trimming the plane and had to move the stick quickly to an inverted position. When I did the pilot went into redout and never recovered. Even though the g-meter on the screen only showed pushing - 1g's. Having flown in an F-16 in the back seat and going into an inverted climb and pushing over into dive at ~18,000 feet. I don't remember having a redout or even having the pressure suit activate; if it did inflate it was not for long.

"Does the Ju87 still handle on the ground like a shopping cart possessed by the devil?"

All planes still operate on the ground like they are possessed.

"Can combat vehicles and individuals be resupplied, or do they have to despawn?"

Still a despawn kind of thing there. At least it was recently.
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
Founder and CO VF-17 Jolly Rogers September 2002 - December 2006
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Offline Dinger

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WW2OL new patch : News?
« Reply #29 on: December 23, 2001, 08:54:00 PM »
Thanks Reschke.  The "killing the 109 pilot" is a byproduct of the same phenomenon.  Evidently the fatigue lowers the onset of various phenomena until the slightest twitch affects the pilot.  Add to that the fact that the steps on the elevator trim for the 109 are a little high, and you got trouble.  In level flight, I once hit "j" twice to trim the nose down, and my pilot died.

I wish these guys all the luck in making a go of it, but I'm not going to remove my Blitz CD from the shrinkwrap just yet.  (I wonder how many MB the download from 1.0 to 1.5 is anyway).