Author Topic: A couple of ideas for CM tools that might help  (Read 529 times)

Offline Karnak

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A couple of ideas for CM tools that might help
« on: November 30, 2005, 04:00:32 PM »
I posted this in the Combat Theater forum, but seeing as it is a request for new tools and being ignored there I am reposting it here.

1) In the arena settings a binary switch to enable or disable gun jams. One of the problems with the Hispano is that only three of it's historical shortcomings are modeled (higher weight, lower rate of fire and fewer rounds) and they play the lesser part. In Spitfires the Hispano jammed once every 1500 rounds fired, a 0.000667% chance of a jam per round. The MG151/20 was much more reliable and while I don't have those numbers, I am sure they are out there. This could, to a degree, reduce the desirability of Spitfires and the Allied side.

2) A tool that would allow aircraft ratios to be set. We have all seen setups where it was all Spitfires or all Me262s despite the availability of a wide range of aircraft. This tends to result in a static feel to setups and a heavy disinclination to use the more popular fighters. Using the RAF in the Battle of Britain as an example the CM would set Bish Plane #x (where x = the Hurri I's number) to .66 and Bish Plane #y (where y = the Spit I's number) to .34. The effect would be to limit the percentage of Spits and Hurri's in the air at a given time. If only one RAF player was on, (s)he would only be allowed to take a Hurri I, two players and a Hurri and a Spit are allowed or two Hurris, three players and two hurris and a spit are allowed, four players and three Hurris and one Spit, five players three Hurris and two Spits, six players can have four Hurris and two Spits, ect, ect all the way up, but keeping the numbers of aircraft types in perspective. The Luftwaffe would likewise have a breakdown between Bf109s, Bf110s, Ju87s and Ju88s (Ju88 inclusive of He111s and Do17s).

What do you think?
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-