The Tupolev equivalent to the 737 is the Tu-134, right? has 26 accidents on record, and about 1,000 were built. 2.6% crashed.
4,867 737s have been delivered, with 114 hull loss accidents with just over 3,000 total fatalities, according to wikipedia. 2.3% crashed.
The direct Airbus equivalent is the A320 series. Of 2,571 delivered, there have been 11 hull loss accidents with 327 fatalities. .4% crashed.
Considering how unscientific this is, the numbers are remarkably similar between the Tupolev and the 737, and unusually low for the Airbus.
Mitigating factors, the A320 has been in service since 1987 while the 737 has been in service since 1967, so airframe age and total service hours have to skew it, but it's still interesting.
BTW, I'm from a Boeing family and have no particular love for Airbus, before anyone jumps down my throat. I'd love to see some numbers analysis that include airframe hours, I'm sure we can produce a fact based comparison to replace the innane "If it ain't Boeing, I ain't going".