Author Topic: A hypothetical situation.  (Read 267 times)

Offline miko2d

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A hypothetical situation.
« on: December 26, 2001, 12:51:00 PM »
Guys, I'd like to present a hypothetical situation to see what kind of responce it elicits.
 I think that this hypothetical situation may be a good analogy to a real one that in my opinion was badly misjudged by most of western people.
 I will edit this post later with the description of a real situation and my opinion on how it was misjudged if I get any responces or at least indications of interests. You can probably well guess what it is.

 1. Israeli government reaches an agreement with palestinians/US to restore 1967 borders - whether with or without Jerusalem.
 2. Jewish settlers living in occupied territories - West Bank and Gaza - refuse to move out. Some of them are rabid ortodox adherents of judaism. They enjoy a degree of support among international zionist circles. Most of the world jews admit formal legitimacy of palestinian claims but dislike them anyway.
 Israeli government washes it's hands on the issue and is not holding anyone responcible for their fate.
 3. Palestinians do not feel strong enough to remove the settlers by force but present it as the desire to prevent bloodshed and appeal to UN.

 4. UN entrusts mighty Germany to evict the recalcitrant jews. They have a working plan that would avoid casualties amnong the settlers.
 The plan involves placing the settlers into large concentration camps. A lot of german shepherd dogs are involved in the operation as well as transporting the detainees in a closed trucks/railroad cars. Of course all resemblance to atrocities commited by gernam nazies is purely superficial. Modern germans have no interest in hurting those jews.
 Of course some soldiers may prove unsencitive antisemitic jerks, some pork may get into the detainee's rations by bureaucratic oversight and prayer services may have to be temporarily restricted.

 Germany of course is expected to enjoy huge economic benefits from such perticipation - to be compensated with cheap oil or something they find valuable..
 Anyway, since the operation is not supposed to hurt anyone physically and no government is opposed, would it be reasonable for the german government to dispence with any measures of security and expect no problems in Germany or abroad?

 Or should they expect a lot of people pissed off and agitated beyong any expectations - offering armed resistance, terror acts in Germany and against german property/citizens around the world, etc? After all, jews wrote the book on successfull use of terrorism.

 The actual nationalities are not essential here - turks and armenians or serbs and bosnians/albanians would have worked as well as long as there is a deeply-rooted historical precedent of hatred involved.

 What is your opinion?

 Overview of the real life situation to be placed here later.


[ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: miko2d ]