Author Topic: AH RPS (Fun not Historical)  (Read 4415 times)

Offline Creamo

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AH RPS (Fun not Historical)
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2001, 01:05:00 AM »
"I don't fly a F4u1c. Nor a Niki. Or a nancy boy spitfire."

And you fly a grab and bag E Pony like it's not one of the whine-wagons, or better?

Seems like the point is made, 10 fold.


Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2001, 01:16:00 AM »
LOL.. right Creamo.. but which point? The point that folks are tired of c-hawgs and niki's or ponies or any other 'dweeb plane of the week'? The point that some folks are advocating RPS because they'd like to see a respite from the late war planes tearing up their fave early war planes?

No matter what I think of the chawg; I've never advocated removing it or any other vehicle or object that HTC has modeled in MA play. Isn't the MA is about flying intersting planes ships and vehicles and using them in interesting ways on interesting objectives? MA is "What If" not "What Was".. isn't it?

YES; we need a HA.. but don't RPS the MA. More scenarios.. yes! More snapshots.. yes!

All of us forced to fly spitfires and 109's for a week? In MA? No.

I'll slither back under my rock now. Pardon me.

[This message has been edited by Hangtime (edited 01-21-2001).]
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Offline Yeager

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« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2001, 01:34:00 AM »
Are you people experiencing menstrual flow or what?  There is so much putrid blood spilled out here it makes me wonder if you have all sprouted breasts and vaginas under those balding caps and protruding guts?

the Perk system is an obvious attempt to mimick RPS.  Lets see what sort of damage  that causes before going any further.

[This message has been edited by Yeager (edited 01-21-2001).]
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Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2001, 02:31:00 AM »
Damn; yer right Yeag; where was my head... I shoulda just let some bozo with less time in an AH cockpit than I've put in a chute call me an anal retentive tool, moron and a whiner. Dissenting opinons regarding RPS notwithstanding.. of course.  

Gawd, the pennance will be atrocious. Popcorn; anyone?
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Offline SkyVon

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« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2001, 04:07:00 AM »
Originally posted by lazs:
Well... you knew I was gonna say it...
There is however a simple workable solution that could be easily implemented that would allow for not only different plane sets but balance and parity amongst them... One arena and... Total freedom and choice. Variety, parity and action... New planes would easily be incorporated wether they be early war or late war uber planes without being at either a huge disadvantage or a huge advantage but....


>>>Huh? What on earth are you talking about?

Oh no! Now you've done it...Lazs is gonna post his big area idea again :P

Personally, I prefer the earlier planes (flashbacks to the days of Red Baron on TSN), the only way I can see to get everyone on an equal footing (plane quality wise) is an RPS.  However, if it means losing customers, I don't see them changing our current system.

My greater fear is this damn "jerk" "pork" ... er "perk" system.  This will do to AH what make-up did to Tammy Fay.  I wonder how long I (and others) will put up with this system at $30/month before dropping my account...or how long it stays a part of the game.

I could tolerate others getting better rides if I was paying $9/month, but when I pay the same as anyone else (apparently more than some ;( ) why shouldn't I be allowed to fly the better planes.  Just cause my wife and family don't allow me the luxury to play this >game< as much as I'd like for fun and to improve my game skill, I'm screwed.

I wait with bated breath to see how this thing works...bated breath = $30.

Back to the RPS, I don't see how it could work with our current plane set.  As someone stated earlier, wait a few months and see what we get.  P40B & E, Hurricane, P51B, P47B, early Russian plane or two, maybe a 109E, F4F, A6M2, how about a FRENCH plane?  Most or all of these would be necessary to make it really work.

Offline Glasses

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« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »
I agree with Funked's post it is a great idea but IMO we don't have the plane set yet to fill in all the time periods.  Maybe after ,like it was said before ,get more people interested in the sim as regulars and  get all planes put here maybe then HTC might be able to make that.

Glasses---I may have 4 eyes ,but you only have one wing.

Offline Ram1

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« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2001, 08:30:00 AM »

Would be a positive sign to see AH implement a RPS and Allies/Axis arena separate from the MA (How's that Hangtime  . Pyro said a few months back that I should come back in a few months and then say if the Allied/Axis arena was a success or not.

Well, I can safely say its been a success in Warbirds. No one flies the old style MA any more. Those that want the arcade style game of color vs color and all planes enabled are few and far between now. However, it is still available if folks want to fly that way.

While the Axis vs Allied arena isn't perfect, and we got some major Flight Model issues that are being fixed, most would rather fly against historical adversaries, then the alternative of shooting down the same plane you are flying.

Yeah, there are arena balancing issues that come up, but I would much rather engage a 109F or Zeke in my spit 5 then engage another allied plane. I dunno, more satisfaction in shooting them down for me. Plus the RPS let's you improve your skill set as you move later in the RPS you go from stictly T&B type fighting to B&Z style. Helps relieve the boredom that can set in flying the same thing over and over again.

For my current squad and many other historical based squads, its not perfect, but its the best set up going to simulate WW2 dogfighting IMO.

BTW, one point you should all realize by now. Players flock to where the masses are. If you start a new arena and its enjoyable, don't be surprised if your other arenas suffer. The herd mentality seems to be what drives people to select one arena over another.

No one wants to fly with few people. I had thought the HA's popularity would soar once WB went to flat rate, I was dead wrong. When people log on, they go right to arena where the most players are, whether they like that arena or not. Human nature I guess.

Good luck with trying to get a RPS started here. I'm not sure AH is mature enough for it yet, but you guys would know best.

31st Fighter Group


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AH RPS (Fun not Historical)
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2001, 08:55:00 AM »
Don't get me wrong - I don't want an Axis vs Allies arena.  Nor am I making the argument that my RPS proposal is "historical".  I just think it would create more interesting matchups and provide for more variety in the planes seen in the arena.


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AH RPS (Fun not Historical)
« Reply #38 on: January 21, 2001, 10:44:00 AM »
torgo and sky... yep.... The "one big arena" idea.   It ain't perfect but it sure beats everything else I've seen so far.   With one big arena and seperate "areas" for early, mid and late war, you would eliminate the problem of a deserted arena because... As ram1 says... people go to where the numbers are but the "numbers" would all be in the same arena.  

In the one big arena sceme, no late or mid war planes would be able to get to the early war ones... There would be easily adjusted parity.   If a person wanted to check out early war or whatever planes he could simply look at the map.   People could get their friends to go from one area to another a hell of a lot easier than it is to get them to go from one arena to another now....especially in light of the fact that you don't know what you will find in another arena until you waste a lot of time changing and looking around.   With radar you would be able to see exactly what was going on in the "area" style arena in early, mid, and late war planesets.

With one big arena you would have unlimited plane choice.   If you only wanted to fly P51's forever you could do so... You may not have as many targets but you would likeley have some action.

ram1 I would argue that axis vs allied is not a success in WB.   for a long established sim that is flat rate and $5 a month cheaper ( a big deal to some) and has a player base with a lot of time invested in the sim (a big deal for allmost all) and a huge planeset.... It is not doing much better than AH.   It is akin to the bombing in germany and german ac production.   axis vs allied hasn't killed player numbers but it sure has killed the increase in players one would have expected given all the advantages WB has.

Offline SKurj

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« Reply #39 on: January 21, 2001, 11:12:00 AM »
PERK THE 51!!!

I like the idea Funked, but so long as its in a second arena.


Offline RAM

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« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2001, 11:32:00 AM »
Originally posted by Hangtime:

When and if it becomes available for 9 days outta every thirty here; I'll leave this one too

Hang...Stop it. when you left Wb you came here right? and where are you going to go if you leave AH?...WWIIOL? Starting from 1939?...IL2?...with Russian TO planeset?...Back to Wb?...with its RPS?.

its kinda funny that I tell you this, but if you start saying "I quit" and then you actually quit you'll be back. I've been there, tried Wb,and been back here. The difference is that when I get WWIIOL and Il2 I will have more choices because I like all WWII planes (except nancyfires and Chogs   ) wont be happy there.

And please stop one of your arguments "people here wants RPS to get rid of Chogs and N1K2s".

While I really LOVE the idea to get rid of them, my pro-RPS argument has nothing to do with it. I'd really LOVE to see the planesets advance thru the time, to fly and fight 109Es, Spits I, Ju87s, MiG3s, MC200s, etc. And then advance trhu historical planesets, given by some years each week (39-40-41, 42-43, 44-45).

You seem to be pinned in your P51D, man. I'd tell you to try another thing but I know you won't. But I ask you, that it an early Curtiss Warhawk P40B was included in the early planeset (1st week), a P51A and an A-36 Apache in the medium planeset (2nd week) and the P51B and P51D in the latest planeset...

I ask you, I say, would you REALLY leave AH?. the P40 is like the P51's father (damn, look the P51A and the P40...from the firewall backwards they are twins!!!), and its an US product, thing that you consider almost impassable for you to fly something in the arenas.
The P51A is a very good low alt fighter, and the A-36 a dual role fighter bomber.

YOu really find that unnaceptable? then let me tell you that I am in that situation.

I have a Fw190A5. 1943 plane.
I have a Fw190A8. 1944 plane (but worse than the A5)

I DONT HAVE A FW190D9! AND I DONT LEAVE FOR THAT REASON (though I may for many others hehe   ).

So take your pills, and stay here, because you AINT goin' nowhere.

Torgo...well man, kick out your feet from the toejam you just put it in.

Hangtime has been asking for a Malcom hood P51B for MONTHS. And he has repeatedly said that he'd fly it over the D anytime, regardless its two MG less. So you really blewed this one.

And he is possibly the P51D pilot that can turn that pony the best. At least that I've seen (all the rest climb to 30K, and dive and run, nothing else).

Now, I'll say what I think about funked's idea (not that anyone here can give a ratz prettythang about my opinion   but I'll give it anyway).

With the current planeset we can't hold a RPS. Period. not only we lack REAL early-war planes, but we lack bombers. We have the Ju88, but that's it. With HTC's plans of bringing a big planeset in future versions, maybe in some months we can start thinking seriously in it.

Said that I also think that we need a REAL HA and not a RPS MA. two sides (to the hell with the 3-sided daily ganbang), one axis one allied. A RPS. 5K icons. REALISTIC BUFF GUNNERY, engine management, etc.

I would love a RPS on the MA, but I understand those who wont (only american, I figure that used to fly sissy P51s, to fly P39s and P40s is a bit nasty hehe   ).

Anyway hopefully in a not-so-far future we'll see a HA. With RPS  


[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 01-21-2001).]

Offline Citabria

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« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2001, 11:41:00 AM »
no need for an RPS till there is a lot more planes, historically matched sides and a new axis vs allies arena. btw there were more variants of the P-51 than the P-51D (A-36 apache, P-51A, P-51B, P-51C, P-51d etc.)

leave the stupid MA the way it is as a total chog fest.

[This message has been edited by Citabria (edited 01-21-2001).]
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Offline Hangtime

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AH RPS (Fun not Historical)
« Reply #42 on: January 21, 2001, 12:58:00 PM »
Thanks fer trying to cool the fire RAM.. <S>

I've never threatened to 'quit' this sim over any issue.. except this. When I left WB's I didn't fly a WWII on-line sim for almost a year.. til this was released in beta. "I quit rants" are in poor taste.. but how else do I let the developer know what would motivate me to leave?

Example.. Yer married. Yer wife gets bored with the same ol thing; and anounces she wants to introduce to the relationship other guys... RMS. Weell; yah really love her, right?? But the thought of having to deal with only having access to her one week outta four kinda tosses you into a fit....     you get my drift.

RPS was a miserable way to play a warbird game. Instead of flying spit v 109, it was spit v spit or 109 v 109. I thought it sucked, frankly. Fewer planes; same 'ol same type vs same type kind of play... now hindered by fewer planes across the B&Z to T&B spectrum.

Here the MA is a pretty lively place.. innovative "what if" flying; with all a/c types often mission oriented in use. Yery dynamic; lots of diffrent choices for how to spend your time.

Sure; we're about to critical mass on player numbers and I suspect a HA will arrive shortly.. I think we need one. I think it oughta have historical matchups of country vs country or be one BIG place with plane types limited to fields.. aka 'countrys'. Put RPS THERE. But don't put RPS in the 'main' arena.



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Offline jedi

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AH RPS (Fun not Historical)
« Reply #43 on: January 21, 2001, 02:10:00 PM »
If and when AH gets the early war planes, there will HAVE to be a "gameplay adjustment" to permit them to be used competitively (and thereby justify the resources used to create them).  What would be the point of creating a Hurricane I without a place to fly it as something other than a target for 1945 planes?

Now, what that gameplay adjustment turns out to be is debatable.  You could run simultaneous Early- and Late-war Arenas, at the risk of splitting the players up or having one (probably the early-war) usually empty.  You could have two "counter-rotating" RPS arenas, where it's early war one place and late war in tht other.  Or you could have a "fun" arena and a "historic" arena, and put the RPS into the historic one.  Or, try Lazs' idea and get a huge map where the "early war" area is far separated from the "late war" area, all in the same arena, but you can't tell from the lobby who's where, so you don't have to follow the mob to one arena over another.

Right now there's probably not enough planes to put in the RPS, but there will be soon, and there will have to be some concession made to the guys who love the early war iron.

And IMO, if you're going to have a perk system, the only way it will work is if it's married to an RPS.

P.S. 99% of the objections to the RPS will disappear if you model the F4U-1 Birdcage, P-51A, A-36, and Razorback Jug  



Offline Hatman

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« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2001, 02:25:00 PM »
I vote yes for historical matchup.  I get sick of flying against the same plane I'm flying and I fly a bunch of different planes.

I like the CONCEPT of RPS but not necessarily the reality.

I loved the WW2 axis/allies arean in WB.  Huge success, much fun.

More planes yes, second arena yes, Lazs' one big arena idea . . . . . hmmmmmmmmm...interesting

hatman, out