I'm sure there are some CT'RS here that remember or maybe dont want to remember the GREECE map.i remember from ACES HIGH 1. thought it was a very good map,not to mention the plane set.spits and hurri's vs c205's and 109's.i know there were more aircraft than that.but in ACES HIGH 1,I was a newbie.i was more concentrated on learning the sim at that time.but for some reason,i really enjoyed that map.the terrain was great.well,if i knew how to build it i would have done it already.dont really know whats involved in making a map.but i sure hope somebody will make one or show me how to do it.OLDMAN,i know i tried to ask you one time about it,but you were in the middle of unporking a map.HEY,maybe that can be the opening map for TOD.