Author Topic: Re-positioning Drones Take No Damage  (Read 189 times)

Offline Zazen13

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Re-positioning Drones Take No Damage
« on: January 04, 2006, 03:22:19 PM »
Several times now, myself or another have shot out the lead bomber in a formation. While the lead bomber is going down but still under player control with the dornes following in their warpy fashion or when the lead bomber dies and the drones are repositioning they take no damage. Hits visually appear to strike them, but no damage is caused, if they later die, no recognition that a hit was scored is given, no assist, no nothing. This has happened to others as well both when attacking them from the air and the ground...

Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
Author of, "The Zen Art of Cherrypicking" and other related works.
Quote, "Cherrypicking is a state of mind & being, not only Art and Scienc