Author Topic: Using "Friendly Collisions On"  (Read 668 times)

Offline TequilaChaser

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Using "Friendly Collisions On"
« on: January 15, 2006, 12:22:43 PM »
Last night was the first time we ever used "Friendly Collisions On"

all in all I really enjoyed it, even though I ran into someone who suddenly stalled/chopped throttle right infront of me ( ROFLMAO )

I was wing clipped by another flyer scissoring with him and actually saw him run into my wing.  I lost my wing , while his propeller and right wing or guns suffered nadda bit of any damage, which really can't say anything about it, I should of rolled right instead of left, so is my fault :) Then 1 or 2 other instances, but each time I seemed to be the only one who suffered damage or die while the others received no damage and fly off unscathed

Each time I either got a "you have collided" orange text and suffered damage or died  or got white text saying someone collided with me but yet I still suffered the damage with the opponent suffering none..........that part sucks, especially when no guns or shoots were involved.......( dang think I just repeated my self  LOL )

but all in all, there was only ONE instance where someone came in trying for a HO shot all night, I believe the reason being was because they knew that collisions was on and they had a 50/50 chance of either getting a HO kill shot or they would die. To me this made the fights alot more entertaining this last KOTH.

The funniest thing last night was betty's brother or maybe her boyfriend(not sure who he was) but they had switched up, and this guy starts talking saying"TC where are you, I am coming to get your arse!!!" when I looked up and the gameid said "betty" I was about to fall out of my chair laughing.

Then I was laughing so hard I couldn't do anything except giggle to the point a tear almost dropped out of my eye all the while Raptor01 was trying to kill me and I was dragging him around all over the place and "betty" ended up nailing him right bout same time he nailed me............that was freaking hilarious......

the best point to me of the night, was the ending fight with Slash27, we ended up being the last 2 standing in the round and I came in with a crapload of Energy built up, but blew it all trying to slow down to get him to follow me, I almost slowed down TOO MUCH, for I went into a vertical climb trying to draw him up , he was sitting right about 420 off my 6 firing away when he floundered and gave me the pretty six shot I have enjoyed in a long time.....that was best part of the night for me, Slash27, you just about had me there and I just got plain lucky on that one, was a HOOT

I hope the KOTH CM's continue to use the "Friendly Collisions On" but here is a suggestion, turn them on and off  in individual rounds, and don't tell the participants if they are on or off, just let them assume they are on, this might work even better, possibly.

oh yeah, WTG BluKitty for winning last night,  even with all your computer/AH program troubles last night you prevailed again as another KOTH Title holder, freaking amazing and great flying!!!

Was some great fights last night, and hardly saw anyone trying to do the fly straight at their opponent and FACE SHOOT like has been present in so many past KOTH tournys.........I think this "Friendly Collisions On" is turning out to work just like I thought it would...........

on a side note: I went into this KOTH trying to fly in a way I saw so many others in the past fly, just BnZ and zoom in at a plane fire a couple of shots and then fly on to the next group, I didn't much care for that tactic, and this coming friday will go back to engaging every opponent I come across, that to me is much more funner than just flyin all over the arena at ALT and cherry picking opponents as alot of people do.........

well another side note: IF you fly in the KOTH, please follow the freaking rules, and if the CM says give 5K seperation, then do it, don't fly right under someone in their blind spot or above them in the SUN and try to hide, then pounce them with in 5 seconds of "FIGHT ON" being called, that isn't very good sportsmanship and all of us in the KOTH that participate do not really want you there if you going to use BS tactics like this........

In the past if I was within say 4k of someone we would either say "heck with it, lets get it on" and fight or 3K distance for that matter, BluKitty is a good one to refwerewnce in this type situation, and BigMax and some others- it is having respect and knowing neither of the 2  are trying to take advantage of the other, but at least we knowed how close each of us was and was not trying to hide or shadow and sneak a kill at the onset of FIGHT ON being called......... if we was closer than 4 or 3K we would fly in total opposite directions and not reverse at 5K and shoot each other unless we agreed to it before the fight was called, we honored & respected the other to not reverse and try to catch the opponent, we just said NO JOY to , with his pants down why  he was engaged in another fight with 1/2 or 3 others , we knowed that that person we had called no joy had flew on and went after another target or gaggle of flyers......for the most part every participant that flys in the KOTH is a gentleman or lady and everyone has respect for the others, this is what makes flying in these events with each other so damn fun!!! and keeps me coming back each time

Thansk for hosting WMLute and fuzeman, really enjoyed the KOTH last night.......
« Last Edit: January 15, 2006, 12:33:07 PM by TequilaChaser »
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Offline Slash27

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Using "Friendly Collisions On"
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2006, 11:00:28 AM »
Well Im glad I could be there for you buddy:D  I had been shot up and collided with in a three way just before you came in.  Was lucky to get out of it at all. Not that Im taking anything away from you, you roped this dope perfectly. Man I was hoping to take your bellybutton off when I saw a few 20mms hit. But then she floundered, I knew I was a dead man. I think I even whimpered on range.  I was the second to last guy standing like 4 times, man I wanted to win one:cry

I'll be back. Congrats on your wins TC <>.

btw, Id leave the collisions off. I think it makes it a more even playing field with them off. But if they were left on it wouldnt stop me from coming back.

Offline fuzeman

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Using "Friendly Collisions On"
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2006, 09:47:39 PM »
TC, I arrived late but anyone who gets that close and engages should be called out. We have four eyeballs watching and usually more than 20 flying. I'm not Marty Feldman so I can only watch one thing at a time.
If anyone feels un-comfortable doing that PM one of the hosts and we will eyeball the offender. I agree that's way over the line. I can see it happening once due to ignorance of the rules but they do it twice they wont be flying any more rounds that night.
Actually, with the MOTD and the way we go over the rules, once is too many times in my opinion. Anyone know what's on TV Friday afternoon at 3:35pm?
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