actually I meant Crime rate in general, specificly we are discussing Gun Crime and Gun control
So you've backed away from the claim that the murder rate in the UK is actually three times the reported level?
The murder rate in England is reported to be actually lower than the united states but gaining fast.
Not really. The US experienced a large drop in murder in the 90s, but the figures for both countries have been stable since 2000.
But Rape, muggings, robbings, assaults, are all much higher.
Let's compare, shall we?
FBI recorded rapes: 94,635
England and Wales: 12,354 (the US has approx 5.5 times the population)
FBI: 401,326
E&W: 88,710
FBI: 854,911 (the FBI only records "aggravated assault", which they define as "an unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. The Program further specifies that this type of assault is usually accompanied by the use of a weapon or by other means likely to produce death or great bodily harm."
England and Wales: 43,829 (includes attempted murder, threats or conspiracy to murder, wounding or other acts endangering life)
The assault categories don't compare well together, because the FBI only records serious assaults, whereas the UK records all assaults. However, breaking down the British figures as above gives a fairly close approximation. The US figures are so high because assault with a weapon, even if it is not fired, counts as aggravated assault.
we can assume, that these general crimes are not being done with Twinkies. Knowing the toughness of the english, nothing but a gun would allow these crimes to occur.
Nothing but a gun allows robbery, assault, rape?
The police record firearms crime, the percentages of crimes involving firearms (which includes replica guns and air weapons):
Robbery: 4.1% (ie 4.1% of robberies were carried out with guns or imitation guns)
Burglary: 0.095%
Rape: not recorded
Assault: 0.75%
The only comparable figure for the US is:
Robbery: 40.6%
Burglary figures don't record the use of firearms, assault figures are only for aggravated assault, which is the most serious form of assault.
logicly then, we can say that either the english are much more likely to assualt/rape/mug thier victims and then not kill them, or that English medical care is better after they are shot,
Or that the abscence of guns means they are far less likely to get shot.
Look at the comparable figures again. The use of firearms in robberies in the US is ten times as high as the UK, and a great many of the UK robberies are with imitation guns, because the real ones are so hard to get hold of.
or as many suggest the reporting is in error.
Can you give any
credible source that suggests that? ie, not a pro gun lobby group.
This is a bit like arguing with certain Russians, who claim that the press in the US only reports what the government allows them to report. It's complete nonsense.
Either way, the argument for gun control working in england does not seem to be valid.
It doesn't if you make assumptions that the crime rate is higher than it is, that more people are getting murdered than reported, that guns are used in far more crimes, etc.
Assuming the criminials in the US and England have the same morals and motivations, we can look at a micronism in the US as a sterling example of how gun control doesnt work.
In the District of Columbia, (nations capitol) which has very strict gun control similiar to Englands, the crime and murder rate has skyrocketed.
In an 8 mile square city surrounded by water (similiar to england) there are over 500 murders per year, more than half are unsolved.
How hard is it for someone from DC to buy a gun in a neighbouring state? IIRC, about 60% of the guns traced in DC come from Virginia and Maryland.
This argument is rather like the old left wing local governments in Britain in the 1980s, who declared themselves "nuclear free zones". Pointless, if it's just a local policy.
the State of Virginia, (right next door ) which borders DC has some of the most lenient citiizen gun laws in the US, any citizen who is not a felon or considered mentally impaired can apply for and carry a concealed weapon,
Virginia with over 1000 times the population and 1500 times the land mass, has less murders than the District of columbia.
Virginia has 1,000 times the population of DC? DC has a population of 570,000, if Virginia had a population 1000 times that, it would have about double the population of the entire US. As Virginia is part of the US, I don't see how that could work.
Virginia actually has a population about 12 times that of DC, and has about twice as many murders, although a much lower murder rate. More facts from
Murder rates in US are highly skewed because of cities like New york and DC where the citizens are not allowed to carry guns.
Actually New York has a lower murder rate than the US average, so skews the rate downwards. Arizona, which has amongst the least gun restictions, has a murder rate substantially above the US average. Louisiana, which has the highest murder rate of any state, allows pretty free access to guns.