Author Topic: Some questions about the new AvA arena in general and about this friday specificly...  (Read 354 times)

Offline TexMurphy

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Hia guys.

Ive been downed due to moving in RL and not having a ISP. Im getting my connection back this friday and Im dieing to get back into the cockpit. Ive been thrilled to read that there is a AvA arena since that is what Ive been wanting since I got here.

Ive got a few questions about this new arena.

What are the online numbers these days?

Does it still like the old CT only get high numbers in US hours or does it even have decent numbers in EU hours?

As I understand it BoB map is on currently and that there has been pretty good fights going on.

What map and what plane set will be up and running on friday?

Cant wait to check this out!!


Offline wasq

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Hi Tex!

The Euro time numbers have been high as well, 20-50 lately.

The map will be the same BOB map, but we now have rolling planesets, I don't remember exactly what planes will be on Friday, it's in some post here on the AvA forum... We expect to run some pretty intensive missions again on weekend, LLv32 has squad nite on Saturday. See the screenshot thread for last weekend pictures :)

Edit: Here  is the discussion about rolling planeset.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 04:55:27 AM by wasq »

Offline TexMurphy

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Ill try to drag my squadies with me from the MA....

Btw what date was "Day 1" of the rolling plane set rotation for the BoB map?


Offline wasq

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I think RPS started last Friday.

Offline Panzzer

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Yes, that is correct, day 1 was friday the 20th. Tomorrow (wednesday) is day 6. See this thread for the dates.
Panzzer - Lentorykmentti 3

Offline Treize69

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To give an idea on times, there was between 20 and 50 on all night last night, starting about 2 or 3 in the afternoon when I signed on and gradually dwindling until I was the last one out at about 4 this morning.

And some great fights, with the exception of the Hurri pilot who was strafing chutes. :mad:
Treize (pronounced 'trays')- because 'Treisprezece' is too long and even harder to pronounce.

Moartea bolșevicilor.