Author Topic: Liberals lose power in Canada  (Read 680 times)


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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2006, 08:07:09 PM »
Originally posted by Habu

It is a very sad day when even faced with the heaps of proof of all the misappropriated funds and other corruption the current Liberal government was responsible for, a huge segment of our population will still vote for them.

Happens here in New Jersey all the time.

Just happened again a few months ago in fact with our latest election for governor.

The Democrats in Trenton have been shown to be among the most currupt in the nation.

Our last governor, before admitting he was "a gay American" tried appointing several people to positions of power with mob ties. Including the head of our state police.
As well as trying to make his formar gay lover our homland security guy.
His qualification? He was from Isreal.

So what did we do?

Elect another Democrat Governor

15 more years on this mortgage and Im out of here.
Gonna re-invade the south maybe
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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2006, 08:13:36 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Happens here in New Jersey all the time.

Just happened again a few months ago in fact with our latest election for governor.

The Democrats in Trenton have been shown to be among the most currupt in the nation.

Our last governor, before admitting he was "a gay American" tried appointing several people to positions of power with mob ties. Including the head of our state police.
As well as trying to make his formar gay lover our homland security guy.
His qualification? He was from Isreal.

So what did we do?

Elect another Democrat Governor

15 more years on this mortgage and Im out of here.
Gonna re-invade the south maybe
if you come to south florida and drive slowly I'll kick your ass. damn yankees.

Offline loser

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2006, 08:30:45 PM »
I voted for Chuck Norris.

Offline Nash

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2006, 08:34:51 PM »
I also welcome any comments on Canadian politics. Why the eff not?

FWIW, I voted Conservative.

Our Conservatives aint like your so-called Conservatives (patoohey!)... such that any comparison is basically meaningless.

Thank cod.

Offline midnight Target

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2006, 08:37:39 PM »
Originally posted by Habu
It is a very sad day when even faced with the heaps of proof of all the misappropriated funds and other corruption the current government was responsible for, a huge segment of our population will still vote for them.


Simply amazing! I agree.

Offline vorticon

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2006, 08:48:00 PM »
jumping the gun aint theyÉ results dont even START coming in for another 13 minutes...american media ****s it up again...

Offline Saintaw

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2006, 03:22:21 AM »
I cringed when I saw the news this morning. One more big country that's going to be ruled by farmers... great, just what we needed...
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline MiloMorai

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2006, 04:47:08 AM »
Canadians have such short memories. They forget about 'lieing Brian', a Conservative. But to be fair, PET, a Liberal, started the long road into the red for Canada.

It was NDP and Bob Rae who put Ontario into the red. The NDP in BC were no saints either. Some want the NDP to be the governing party.  :eek:  :eek:

It make no difference which party, they is ALL crooks, especially the higher up the ladder they are.

Pooh21, can we laugh at the mooshine swiggin hillbilly hicks from south of the 49th?

Offline SirLoin

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2006, 06:30:50 AM »
Yep..We elected a wacko fundamentalist neo-con Bush clone.

Thankfully it is a minority govt so we won't see his true colours(ie troops going to Iraq,gay rights quashed,abortion banned etc..)

We will hopefully see the gun registry scrapped as well as gun collectors and target shooters being left alone.

We will see madnatory sentencing for gun crimes and tougher sentences.

We will hopefully see more spending on military and more troops in Afganistan.

Actually us Canadians got what we wanted..The Liberals booted out and the Conservatives in charge with no chance in hell of implementing loony right wing policies...I predict they last less than 2 years in power before being defeated.

i voted for the Green Party btw mostly cause they were excluded from the TV debates despite having candidates in every riding(yet the separatists were allowed into the debate despite running in only 1 province & whose agenda is to break up the country)

It seems we wanted the Liberals booted more than we wanted Harper to implement his old Canadian Reform Alliance Party (CRAP) policies.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 06:42:56 AM by SirLoin »

Offline Habu

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2006, 06:59:39 AM »
What looney right wing policies did Harper promise to introduce?

I see you have been getting your information from the most reliable of sources, Liberal TV ads and the Toronto Star.

Amazing how ignorant the average Canadian is regarding the Conservative agenda.

Conservatives want more accountability and more self sufficiency. That means less special interests protecting their entitlements.

The Liberals want to stay in power by buying votes by catering to special interests who will support them.

The fact that you believe that Harper is a fundamentalist neo-con Bush clone shows me the Liberals did their job well of getting the most divisive of labels applied to a man who has been in government for long enough to see that all he has been doing is asking for the Liberals to clean up their house.

I am glad you wasted your vote.

My family income is not enormous in my view but in the view of the NDP and Liberals it is large enough that each tax time I see the tax relief they have delivered clawed back. I pay for child care in the form of a nanny but the Liberals want me to send my kid to institutional care to get any tax relief and then if I did it would be clawed back.

I see hundreds of millions of dollars given illegally to Liberal ad firms and bogus programs and I don't see a single person going to jail.

I am amazed SirLoin that you feel so strongly anti Conservative. Do you like living in this cesspool of corruption the Liberals have created?

Offline weaselsan

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2006, 08:01:19 AM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Happens here in New Jersey all the time.

Just happened again a few months ago in fact with our latest election for governor.

The Democrats in Trenton have been shown to be among the most currupt in the nation.

Our last governor, before admitting he was "a gay American" tried appointing several people to positions of power with mob ties. Including the head of our state police.
As well as trying to make his formar gay lover our homland security guy.
His qualification? He was from Isreal.

So what did we do?

Elect another Democrat Governor

15 more years on this mortgage and Im out of here.
Gonna re-invade the south maybe

Upper 70's here....headed to the golf course now, a few cold ones at my favorite tiki bar on the beach, then over to the marina to take the boat out for some offshore fishing at my private (secret) spots. It's a rough life but someones got to do it. Not as lucky as you to be living the good life in joisy.

Offline SirLoin

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2006, 08:23:16 AM »
Originally posted by Habu
What looney right wing policies did Harper promise to introduce?

Conservatives want more accountability and more self sufficiency. That means less special interests protecting their entitlements.

I am glad you wasted your vote.

I see hundreds of millions of dollars given illegally to Liberal ad firms and bogus programs and I don't see a single person going to jail.

I am amazed SirLoin that you feel so strongly anti Conservative. Do you like living in this cesspool of corruption the Liberals have created?

Looney right wing policies?Sending troops to Iraq,gay rights(marriage definition),elimination of "corporate welfare" eg no more taxpayer $$$ given to auto manufacturers(woulda been a lot more Ford plants closing here if he had won previously)...Oil pipeline from Alaska,pulling out of Kyoto,missle testing & the fact that he mentions God at the end of every speech..

I'm actually very happy he was elected cause on most other issues i agree with his platform...last election Joe Clarke (Progressive Conservative))got my vote cause he was the best leader.This time around there was the right party(Conservatives) but a leader i cannot stomache...the Liberals deserved to get turfed for arrogence & corruption(like u said..not one person went to jail for Ad-Scam) so couldn't live with giving them my vote..the NDP had by far the best leader but the party policies would plunge Canada into vote there either from me.

Woulda voted for the Rhino party this time around but the only alternate protest vote on my riding's ballot was Green Party.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 08:28:49 AM by SirLoin »


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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2006, 08:39:18 AM »
Originally posted by storch
if you come to south florida and drive slowly I'll kick your ass. damn yankees.

well technically Im not a full blooded Yankee as I was born in North Carolina.
I just grew up in the north. But my loyalties have always been in the south.

Just think of me as a southern mole living in the north waiting for the day that The South Rises again LOL

Slow? Define slow, cause living up here and visiting down there I've discovered that northern slow is definately different then southern slow.

Thats the one thing I'd find hard getting used to. The pace.

Example. If I go into a supermarket here and am at the register getting my items rung up. it goes somethign like this
 grab item "beep",grab item "beep",grab item "beep",grab item"beep"

and we think that pace is too slow

Yet whenever I gone into a supermarket in the south (and you typically have pretty crappy supermarkets btw) after you have waited behind 2 customers 1/2 hour to reach the register, as I've noticed on every single trip into one you realise the reason why.
It goes like this.
You would think they all went to the cashier school of Fred Norton the way they ring things up.
Cashier picks up item,looks at item,reads item scans item "beep" often 2 or 3 times because they cant find the code bars on a can of corn
Cashier picks up item,looks at item,reads item scans item "beep" often 2 or 3 times because they cant find the code bars on a bag of potatoe chips
Cashier picks up item,looks at item,reads item scans item "beep" often 2 or 3 times because they cant find the code bars on a Box of Pasta
Cashier picks up item,looks at item,reads item scans item "beep" often 2 or 3 times because they cant find the code bars on a bag of potatoe chips
Cashier picks up item,looks at item,reads item scans item "beep" often 2 or 3 times because they cant find the code bars on a 1 Gallon Milk container (How can you not be able to find the code bars on a 1 gallon milk container? There is only 1 flipping label on the thing!)
Eventually I get to the point where it takes just about all the self restraint I can muster to keep from doing my best Ralph Cramden, smacking the cashier  and saying  "Will you just scan the damn items already!"

Another thing I'd find hard getting used to as my sister who now lives in Va also has is the
"Good morning. How Y'all doing"

now up north we may here "Good morning how ya doing" In which the common responce is "Hi, How you doing" and thats it.
But down there when you are asked that. You mean it. You really are expected to tell how your doing. You actualy wait for an in depth responce!

Up here you dont give any kind of lengthy responce because quite frankly you know very well that nobody really gives a damn how your doing. They just want to get rid of the line thats in front of them
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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2006, 08:46:53 AM »
Originally posted by weaselsan
Upper 70's here....headed to the golf course now, a few cold ones at my favorite tiki bar on the beach, then over to the marina to take the boat out for some offshore fishing at my private (secret) spots. It's a rough life but someones got to do it. Not as lucky as you to be living the good life in joisy.

See now pace of life Fla is more like the north.
It just gets too damn hot and I really would miss things like the change of seasons and snow
Plus I'd miss my tradition of BBQing during blizzards and heavy snowstorms and when the temp drops below 10.

Kinda my way of flipping the bird at mother nature

and the only real Tiki bars in Fla is where they originated down ther.
the keys.

We have Tiki bars in Joisey too. I just dont go to em.
Its not the same. even in the summer
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Offline Habu

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Liberals lose power in Canada
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2006, 08:49:32 AM »
Canada supported Iraq by having our Navy support the US invasion under the Liberals. Harper never pledged to put ground troops there. We are in Afghanistan on the ground yet no one seems to mind that. Hypocrisy issue raised the the Liberals as it was polled to be very divisive.

Gay union or gay marriage? I guess you support the latter. I see not reason why not to have a free vote on the issue. I think gay union is fine as marriage should be defined in the traditional sense. Now that you bring it up how do you feel about polygamy? Many Muslims living in Canada practice it now. Should we legalize it as well? Again you are sucked in by a very divisive issue as was identified by Liberial pollsters.

I agree in eliminating corporate welfare. Toyota and Honda did not locate here because of corporate welfare. Magna is not here because of corporate welfare. They are here because of the more productive workforce. Corporate welfare does not work. Look at the Sydney coal coal mines or Algoma for examples of why this is so.

The science of Kyoto is dubious at  best. I see it as a way of making northern countries like Canada have to pay for pollution in the third world. We live in the north. How are we supposed to heat our homes? What energy is going to power those Ford plants you are so found of? Not Nuclear since you voted Green and not coal or fossel fuel as Kyoto limits that? Tell me how you feel about it when you electrical bill is thousands of dollars a month.

Missle testing? What you would rather have a guy who hides the criminals of Ad-Scam in power instead of a guy who says Canada will share the cost (and research grants) of missle testing with the US. That issue has to rank like 1500 on a list of 1501 that I care about.