Author Topic: AvA gameplay ideas  (Read 319 times)

Offline Knite

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AvA gameplay ideas
« on: January 27, 2006, 05:16:31 PM »
Hi all,

I know I'm VERY new here, and I don't get to play much, so if you all just tell me to piss off, well then, I know where I stand ;-) lol. But I had a couple of ideas that I thought might make the AvA a little more interesting... I don't know if any of this can be implemented, but I think the idea has some merit.

As of right now, I don't see much of a reason to be a bomber. If I am understanding correctly, the idea is to currently keep things pretty historic, which means no taking of bases. Really, the only to fly right now is because of the nice AvA balance of planes and RPS...

This is what I propose :
A) Make 2 bases capturable. London, and Berlin. Make ONLY those 2 bases capturable. This gives each side a goal and focus. Once captured, map resets to current plane set.
B) Make it so that when you bomb a VH, FH, and BH, it stays down a long time. Hours worth. Maybe 3-6 hours worth of time.
C) Keep it so that you can repair a base by dropping supplies on it. If adjustable, see if you can adjust so approximately 20 goon drops would heal a base's FH, BH + VH
D) Keep radar towers destructable, but is there a way of making them tougher to destroy? If destroyable by 1 JABO fighter, keep rapair to 15-30 minutes.. but if you can change how strong they are, make them take a good 5k of ord.... and stay down an hour.

What is the goal in all of this? To increase realism, to add gameplay, and to hopefully give more goal and enjoyment to all. What I hope with changes like this is with a "goal" is that we will now do what was originally the idea, crush the enemy at thier home. Making BH, FH, and VH take so long to repair would make bomber interception a HIGH priority, and also a high priority to escort those bombers because of how important it would be. Of course, the ability of the goons to heal would mean hopefully you'll see some cargo runs. The fact that the Radar would be destructable, and down for so long means you really CAN affect what the enemy sees, so you could plan invasion strategies. By making it so that you cannot take bases other than the HQ, means that your goal is always solely focused, and there is something that can be attained, and at the same time, because they are the ONLY ones that can be captured, will keep everyone on the same page, instead of the MA where hordes can take 8 bases in 2 hours at non-defended fields and ignore the cries for help elsewhere. If HQ cries for help, you're movin your butt =)

As I said, I have no idea if any of this would be possible. Just thinking it would add more "spice" and more direction. I guess I kind of fear AvA turning into a Rolling Plane Set furball arena.

39th FS "Cobra In The Clouds"

I'm basically here to lower the 39th's score :P

Offline FiLtH

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« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2006, 05:41:41 PM »
I think the capture idea conflicts with what they are trying to do with a timeline. I would like to see the fuel become more of a crippler than it is atm though. If there was some score system that kept track of eggs on target during each phase it could add alot to it as well.

  As far as the bomber not doing anything...I think the players are creating and participating in those missions, regardless of it doing anything other than the challenge to get thru and drop..which pretty much what it was all about anyways. Each side has been doing this and its great.


Offline gear

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« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2006, 06:31:04 PM »
I have alreasy posted an idea like that but more hitorical.
they would have to enable vehiles on the Vbases as well as Cv's.
I think it would add a little extra to the game play.
This would have to be  in june 1944 D-DAY
CLick on the links.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 06:34:19 PM by gear »

Offline TexMurphy

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« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2006, 07:02:58 PM »
Ive got a much simpler idea.

Make two factory strats "plane factories". Make the buildings stay down a long time like 24 hours.

If the factory is fully down when planes are to be added, delay the introduction 1 day.

That way strats get a meaning and flying raids really impacts on the game setup.

If its a factory that is a bit into enemy territory you will have to raid it inorder to lower it.


Offline Panzzer

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« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2006, 07:14:44 PM »
Hmm.. Some of these things we simply can't do, some of them we could... But keep the ideas coming. :)
Panzzer - Lentorykmentti 3

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2006, 08:27:38 PM »
Originally posted by Panzzer
Hmm.. Some of these things we simply can't do, some of them we could... But keep the ideas coming. :)

Panzzer is right, at present there is no reasonable way to designate only a few bases as capturable.

However, part of the reason for making newer planes available only at rear bases is to give the bomber folks a reason for bombing those rear bases.  Granted that there's not going to be a huge reward for this (no base captured, no reset, no perk points), it still IS an objective, and a relatively historical one at that (Luftwaffe in 1940 was not trying to capture the English fighter bases, only put them out of action) (and same idea with 8th AF policy from 1944 on).  

And as Panzzer notes, in a broader sense this arena has always reflected the ideas of people who are interested in it.  Not all of them get adopted, but most of them are discussed, and there's constant fussing around to improve things.  So thanks to all who try to come up with new notions.

- oldman

Offline gear

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« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2006, 10:28:23 PM »
Originally posted by Panzzer
Hmm.. Some of these things we simply can't do, some of them we could... But keep the ideas coming. :)

I know somw things can't be done.
But the D-Day invasion can.The CV's could be locked into a course that would only allow them to reach the beaches of Normandy.This way they wouldn't be  parked in the channle off Dover causing a wall of flak and there by eliminate any whinning or any other complaints.:cool:

Offline gear

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« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2006, 10:41:26 PM »
Originally posted by Oldman731

However, part of the reason for making newer planes available only at rear bases is to give the bomber folks a reason for bombing those rear bases.  Granted that there's not going to be a huge reward for this (no base captured, no reset, no perk points), it still IS an objective, and a relatively historical one at that (Luftwaffe in 1940 was not trying to capture the English fighter bases, only put them out of action) (and same idea with 8th AF policy from 1944 on).  


Your right about the botched attempts to conquer England.
But the fact that the allies did invade in mid 1944 and capture territory and finally moved inland to defeat the axsis.Sure air supremacy was a major factor, but no war was won without the involvement of ground troops.