Our Pleasure Skyfoxx.
We were glad to have you guys along.
I have never seen that many airplanes in one peice of sky. Probably because I don't play in the MA, but it was still impressive. There were so many that I could see but had no icon contact on. I remember seeing the text from the 56th P-47s that they had made contact , then seeing them warn us that some were OTW to the bomber stream.
Then all of the sudden we start hearing 4th FG P51 pilots calling out 109s and 190s on vox. I'm looking over where the 4th FG is and all I can see are dots. Then in zooms one of them and it's a FW-190 . It made a pass rolled inverted and was gone down and away.
I didn't get a shot at it, there was nobody shot down on that pass , or even any damage to the B-17s or the FW-190. However that was one of the coolest sights I've ever seen on AH. It was right out of all those books you read.
Great job both sides.
Fencer thanks a million, for all your effort.
It was a blast!