Yeah right.
Apease teh terrorist! Succumb to Fascism!!
Yeah that's me in a nutshell. Wotev.
And there you are, worrying about some catastrophic terrorist attack on you - deep in the heart of the Mojave desert.
That's not a slight. I find it highly inspiring. How you sit there on your keyboard somewhere with the courage to "face it and defeat it" under such trying cirmcustances emboldens me. I look up to you, and wish you godspeed in fending off this fascist threat.
One question....
Why is it that the people who were actually attacked, hate the way this administration is conducting this so-called war on terror, and the people like you, who terrorists can't be arsed to attack and who couldn't even locate you on a map, are so scared of terror?
In any event, may your courage be absolute, may your actions be resolute, and may the long and perilous struggle from your homestead in the Mojave desert be victorious.
Bless you, brave warrior.