Author Topic: HTC moderators are a joke  (Read 4681 times)

Offline Brenjen

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #120 on: February 16, 2006, 03:40:28 PM »
HT has a difficult job in bringing the most enjoyment to largest number of people to keep sales up. If they allow a permasquelch to take the place of a human rule enforcer, people will find ways to subvert this & continue to annoy people. I can imagine the administrators of Aces High would get annoyed by having to change programming because of a few unruly people. Does that clarify my "I understand HT's position" statement? I am much more PRO-moderator than my written words indicate, I just don't like to see abuse no matter the format the abuse is submitted in.

 I include this only as a side note----> When I had desktop speakers instead of headphones for a few months when I first started playing, I had a squaddie who let off strings of profanity that would put off a sailor anytime something went other than positive for him. I couldn't squelch him without some explanation & I didn't want to make him angry at me as he's usually a great guy & I like him. Besides; there are plenty of others who spray the range channel with language just as bad; by then the damage is done. As long as no one P.M.'s me with personal threats I won't report anyone...the current squelch function is enough for me.

 ( I finally got headphones when my youngest daughter was having a sleep over with some of the girls she goes to church with & someone let loose while one of the girls mothers was in the house dropping off her child....yikes. )

Offline uberhun

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #121 on: February 16, 2006, 04:05:53 PM »
Originally posted by Iceman24
not tryin to jack the thread, just saw that Betty has posted recently and I wanted to say that I saw "your" plane on the military channel last night... There was a show on about P47N's and in the background I saw 1 that was called the "Betty" I tried looking online to find a pic with no success, if anyone has ever seen or has a link or pic for that plane we need to get it skinned so Betty can fly her own plane :)

I also posted this in the planes and vehicles section

Also not trying to jack the thread but I saw the same show to followed by the new commercial for Aces High:aok Ok back to the show you all may continue with this Springer moment:huh

Offline Blixen

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #122 on: February 16, 2006, 04:54:00 PM »
hun are u going to make a point in this thread?

Offline Bear69

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #123 on: February 16, 2006, 05:00:16 PM »
My insulting banter?  you're a joke.  I sent your PM to HT and we'll see whats said after that, all i did was comment on your exceptional ramming skill and go whine to someone else if you've got issues with me saying your NAME on 200, you then cal me a flat top haircurt POS?  Get off your high horse and get a life.  I dont have problems with anyone around here, aparently you just like looking for trouble.

Originally posted by Blixen
bear just because im using blixen on the board doesnt mean im using that cpid in the game

i deleted blixen do to mods and certain players harrasing

and yes bear69 u did harass me after i asked u not to converse with me
u kept up ur insulting banter therefore i got pissed

ty ht for responding and i applaud ur efforts in this matter
i feel i shouldnt have to turn 200 off cuz of these idiots
cuz im friends with serveral players from different countries
and i should be able to converse with out these trouble makers
harrassing me and fellow country , and game players

Offline Blixen

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #124 on: February 16, 2006, 05:04:08 PM »
i asked u sir to stop nicely and u kept going therefore its harrassing
what about stop dont u "understand"
and pls feel free to send the screen of what i said be sure to add ur comment though but i suspect ull leave that part out in which i asked u not to talk with me in this manner

Offline TalonX

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You can't just squelch 200
« Reply #125 on: February 16, 2006, 05:39:30 PM »
Originally posted by uberhun
Hmmm! Content I score a 6. Use of names takes some stones.
Subject matter a 1 turn off 200 if you do not want to get flamed.
Challenging Ah Florida residents to a arse whooping. Well that is a Mastercard Classic I'm buying my plane tickets right now. I want to meet the arse that would get so worked up over a $15.00 a month game that he would resort to violence. I just want to shake your hand Blix and take your picture for my Darwin Regression study:O

I have had three personal flamings in PM's.  One tard actually tuned VOX to me to berate me for diving down to kill his 51 in my Tempest.  
The next two were really about the same - crying about me being at high alt hunting buffs, finding them, killing them.  Went on for a long time.

Die like men ....  sometimes you get beaten.....   Of course, we all know the ones that never get beaten, they were cheated somehow.


Forgotten, but back in the game.  :)

Offline yayyyy

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #126 on: February 16, 2006, 05:49:04 PM »
but for real. some mods seem to chose who they want.

Offline Skuzzy

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #127 on: February 16, 2006, 05:57:38 PM »
Sometimes my kids use to *borrow* cookies from the cookie jar.  Once in a while I would catch one of them.  Punishment followed.  When asked, "So and so did it, why aren't they getting punished?".  

I would respond, "Does it make what you did right?"

Moderators are players.  They volunteer to help moderate.  If they are in the middle of a good fight and miss something, no one here will complain about it.

Also keep in mind they are not always around.  Of course, if we did not need moderators, this would all be a moot point.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline doc1kelley

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #128 on: February 16, 2006, 06:13:34 PM »
Originally posted by WMLute
Couple points to make here.

I'm not sure how I feel about moderating things like STFU or WTFG.  YES I know they usin' Fbombs, but they have almost become "acceptable" in popular culture.  I need to meditate on that one, as I am 100% guilty of WTFG all the time.

(I had more, but ma'h chick just showed up bringing me lunch, and I wanna tell her how much I hope she dies)

You are most correct here WMLute about the WTFG and at work it is more than acceptable and it's common place to say "Way to Frigging Go".  So WTFG doesn't always carry the "Fbomb".  The intent is probably still there but being in polite company it is acceptable and common in my neck of the woods.

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Offline Rolex

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HTC moderators are a joke
« Reply #129 on: February 16, 2006, 06:19:21 PM »
How is it possible to have a long pm flame war? I guess the emotion runs so high that people forget about the squelch command. I wonder how many players don't even know it exists? Perhaps far more than we might imagine.

The Message of the Day (motd) might be the most underused, but potentially helpful feature in AH. Just think of the possiblities - welcoming new account holders, dot command tips, event reminders, keyboard command tips, etc.

I don't know the reasons HTC is against a permanent squelch list feature. I won't try to read their minds, but my instinct tells me that not one customer would complain about having the option available.