Hey, buddy... All you need to do is go to the Training Arena and there is usually a trainer in there who is willing to help you. If you look on the roster, there will be certain people labeled Aces High Trainer Corps. They are really good sticks that can give you help...
There's not always someone in there. So, if you need, go to the Main Arena and ask on Channel 200 if anyone is available to help for a few minutes. Usually, someone will give you a few minutes of time.
As for landing... The basics are, get below 200 to drop gear, and slower than that to drop flaps... Chop throttle when close to the tarmac and pull the nose up to bleed off airspeed to almost stall and let the aircraft settle to the ground. Space bar to hit the brakes... (don't worry if the stall warning horn blasts at you, it's normal).
Hope this helps... <>