Anybody tried to build a barrage balloon with wire? I build a few test versions. The barrage balloon with several lod's is not the problem but the functional wire is.
Wire specification:
1. Must be collide on
2. appears thick at closest point, gets thinner to the ends and finally disappear to the distance.
3 Die & disappear with barrage balloon object.
Here we go
1. NoCollide=0, Check
2. I was testing the B-balloon with different build-in wires. I tried a single and multi polyline wire objects but I didn't like how those shows up from different distances & angles. IMO The single center point is the problem.
The solution was a 500ft long wire object with two lod's for two different partially transparent materials. I stack these 500ft wires in TE to the intent height and add barrage balloon to the top. Check.
http://warezhouze.1g.fi/Here/AH/pics/BB1.jpg3. Well, now I'm in trouble. The single object barrage balloon with build-in wire would work like a charm but that wire appearing... The nicely appearing stacked wire objects must kill one by one... FUBAR >8^|
I guess the stacked wire object groups would work ok in air-race, KOTH, and h2h FFA kind of "friendly" scenes.
HTC, how about some parent/kids object hierarchy and sense & action relation for TE object groups in next version?

.baba2k5: 2500ft Barrage balloon object group in TE
.kids 1
.......bbtruck1: towing truck, the parent
.......kids 1
............bind1: 1 die = all dies group
............kids 6
...............barbal1 (barrage balloon)
...............wire5 (500ft wire)
...............wire5 (500ft wire)
...............wire5 (500ft wire)
...............wire5 (500ft wire)
...............wire5 (500ft wire)
Kill the truck and all the rest dies.
Kill the balloon and wire(s) die too.
Kill the wire and the balloon dies too.