Author Topic: Bush plans 'space bomber'  (Read 480 times)

Offline 10Bears

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Bush plans 'space bomber'
« on: July 29, 2001, 12:46:00 AM »
Bush plans 'space bomber'

Special report: George Bush's America The Bush files - Observer special

Ed Vulliamy in New York Sunday July 29, 2001 The Observer

The United States is exploring the development of a 'space-bomber' which could destroy targets on the other side of the world within 30 minutes.

As part of a weapons modernisation strategy personally directed by Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the Pentagon is drawing up plans for a 'sub-orbital vehicle' launched like a spacecraft, which Rumsfeld describes as 'valuable for conducting rapid global strikes'. The craft - which would set the scene for a new generation of stratospheric warfare - would be able to drop precision bombs from a height of 60 miles, flying at 15 times the speed and 10 times the height of America's current bomber fleet. It is unclear whether it would be manned.

Plans for the weapon appear to undermine claims that President George Bush's controversial Missile Defence Screen - dubbed 'Son of Star Wars' - is purely defensive.

The new plane could be developed quickly by adapting shelved research for Ronald Reagan's 'Star Wars' together with plans for a reusable spacecraft called the X-33 Venture Star, under development by Nasa and Lockheed Martin.

It would drop bombs from such a height that they would act as 'bunker busters', penetrating deep into underground silos without explosive warheads and causing massive pre-emptive damage on the ground within minutes of the start of a conflict - indicating a clear intention to take out enemy missiles before they have the capacity to launch. It would also be out of reach of conventional air defence systems.

The bomber could return to base in the US within 90 minutes from any point on the globe. In 1999 it took US bombers in Kosovo 24 hours to return to base in Missouri.

The development of the bomber - details of which have been obtained by the Los Angeles Times - has keen supporters, including the man tipped to be nominated by Rumsfeld as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Ralph Eberhardt, commander of Space Command.

Pentagon spokesman Admiral Craig Quigley is also optimistic, saying 'the military couldn't get anything [to a war zone] faster than this. It could be useful in any number of scenarios'.

But the plan also touches many raw nerves, most obviously among those who object to the militarisation of space, which Democrat Senate leader Tom Daschle calls 'the single dumbest thing I've heard from this administration'. The project's supporters deny that the craft marks a move to militarise space, saying that its targets would be on Earth and that it would not make a full orbit.

Last week the Pentagon announced its intention to test a space-based laser weapon, capable of zapping incoming missiles, as early as 2005 at a cost of $110 million. The test would signal a return to the heart of Reagan's Strategic Defence Initiative - the so-called 'Star Wars' - of the early 1980s and constitute a clear and offensive violation of the 1972 Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia.

And, The Observer has learnt, US embassies have been instructed to inform host governments that the administration intends to test not just land-based missile interceptors, as it did two weekends ago, but 'other technologies and basing modes' for such weapons.

As with many such projects, such as the Stealth bomber, the new craft could bypass a Congressional veto by being included in the secret 'black budget' of undeclared defence spending.

Dan Plesch, director of the British American Security Information Council, said the development revealed that America was engaged in military 'anarchism' and was seeking to dominate space militarily before China or Russia were able to do so.

'They are now engaged in a grossly militarised foreign policy which seems to be their only reaction to global politics,' he said.

heh.. Heh.. mess with us now.. We got one space bomber heh.hehe.
Hey Egler, down boy! down... easy easy..

Offline Panze

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Bush plans 'space bomber'
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2001, 05:50:00 AM »
Jihaa! not long before americans have their very own interstellar battlecruiser blowing up everything that floats in space without their permission. Why not arm international spacestation with few nukes or even better with some wierd-mega-lazer-gun-thing that can shoot Saddam from orbit at once he gets out of his office...

Offline Sandman

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Bush plans 'space bomber'
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2001, 06:12:00 AM »
Not far from the truth is my guess, Panze. The Air Force and the Navy are engaged in their own arms race to see who will hold the "power projection" hat for the U.S. military.

Offline milnko

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Bush plans 'space bomber'
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2001, 06:58:00 AM »
I wonder if this "space bomber" will be modeled on the Aces High B-17?  :)

Offline DingHao2

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Bush plans 'space bomber'
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2001, 06:36:00 PM »
The best defense is a good offense.  Eddie Rickenbacker said in his autobiography that had America possesed a sizable airforce at the time of Hitler's rise to power, perhaps he would have been so impressed to decide not to invade Poland...think of all the problems that could have been avoided and all the millions of lives that could have been saved...

Offline LuckyDay

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Bush plans 'space bomber'
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2001, 09:17:00 PM »
The Pentagon leaked a photo of flight testing the other day...


Offline Panze

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Bush plans 'space bomber'
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2001, 01:43:00 AM »
Originally posted by Ding_Hao:
The best defense is a good offense.  Eddie Rickenbacker said in his autobiography that had America possesed a sizable airforce at the time of Hitler's rise to power, perhaps he would have been so impressed to decide not to invade Poland...think of all the problems that could have been avoided and all the millions of lives that could have been saved...

And why would Hitler withdraw his attack to Poland if someone he wasnt planning to fight would have reasonable force to strike at distance!? And if americans would have powerful aerial strike force before 39 why the heck would they attack to german. Allies really didnt seem to care what happens to countries they promised territorial integrity. Yes i know they (not americans)declared war but thats all help they gave!!

Offline DingHao2

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Bush plans 'space bomber'
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2001, 10:29:00 AM »
So are you telling me that you don't trust Eddie Rickenbacker, American Ace of Aces, Veteran of WWI, Veteran of 3 War Department missions to the Eastern Front, the Pacific Theater, the Western Desert, and the British Isles, and reciepient of the Congressional Medal of Honor?  He lived through this time period.  With all due respect, I think that he is a lot more qualified to make a judgement on this than you are.

Offline Pongo

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Bush plans 'space bomber'
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2001, 10:37:00 AM »
Originally posted by Panze:

And why would Hitler withdraw his attack to Poland if someone he wasnt planning to fight would have reasonable force to strike at distance!? And if americans would have powerful aerial strike force before 39 why the heck would they attack to german. Allies really didnt seem to care what happens to countries they promised territorial integrity. Yes i know they (not americans)declared war but thats all help they gave!!

Because no one had a bomber fleet to do anything about it. But during the depression the US couldnt have afforded to make such a force anyway. And in the absesence of war experiance the bombers would have been way ineffective in design and deployment.
Most of the B17s the US had in 1941 where sent to the Philipines to deter Japan..did that work? They were destroyed on the ground cause Macarther didnt have the nuts to use them.(or he was bribed by the Philipene Gov not to use them).

Offline Panze

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Bush plans 'space bomber'
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2001, 04:32:00 AM »
Originally posted by Ding_Hao:
So are you telling me that you don't trust Eddie Rickenbacker, American Ace of Aces, Veteran of WWI, Veteran of 3 War Department missions to the Eastern Front, the Pacific Theater, the Western Desert, and the British Isles, and reciepient of the Congressional Medal of Honor?  He lived through this time period.  With all due respect, I think that he is a lot more qualified to make a judgement on this than you are.

I think in this case there's nothing to do with trust. We are talking about totaly hypotetical situation and things might have been VERY different if americans would have had those long range bombing forces before 39. My oppinion is based on situation where everything would be almoust same as it was, but americans had those bombers.

Which brings us to few points.

Germans, mainly that silly untalented austrian painter, didnt  see airforces as strategigal element but only tactical. Thats why they didnt had enemy heavy bombers, and thats why they would have ignored other countries bomberfleets as forces capable of delivering huge damage.

By whos permission americans would have bombed german! They werent playing world police then, as they now are, and they werent even member of that UN's father (cant remember its name right now  :( ). So they would have acted as individual country! Bombing other country would surely be same as declaration of war, at least from Hitlers point of view.  And would other countries join americans in their battle? Americans would had began war between german and US. Let us not forget that primeminister of England sayd summer 39 that "we have secured peace to our lifetime", or something like that. So other countries didnt knew what really was going in Hitlers twisted mind