1.) so, you fly around with film on. Do you think about the views that you need right at that time? (pan, flyby, zoom in or out, Look left, right..)
2.) Then you save it, open in FRAPS or AH2 viewer, look at it but you want to work with it, right?
3.) Save it to something that you can import to Vegas (5 or 6 or M/S VideoFilmmaker) ?
4.) Do the intro screens, mix sound, clip, cut, transistion, save it to 1600x1600 for Real SLooooo Rendering and Massively Large Size. (does size Really Matter?)
5.) save it to mp2, or 3, or avi, mwv and Done?
WAIT, Hold the Show!!!!
You Mean That I Have to STOP Playing the Game while I do this?? (I dont think I can do THAT, withdrawl issues and all the way it is).
Poo, Email me bro...