For those few of you who keep on about the Seafire, please understand. For the longest time the CT(now AvA) was ruled by the mindset of "make it as historically accurrate as possible". The spits tend to throw logistics all out of whack in such a small arena. I'm not making an argument of whether or not they are better than they should be, just talking reality. They are one of the easier planes to 'jump in and fly', especially for newer players, and on top of that they are one of those legendary Icons like the Mustang that everyone recognizes right off and wants to fly. The lesson that was learned was, balance is more important to overall gameplay than being 100% historically accurate (which we never could be anyway with the holes we have in our planeset). Recently, with well thought out planesets and a good map rotation, the AvA has started to regain some of its old popularity. I'd like to see it continue to pick up new players and hopefully fill in some of those holes. I DONT want to see it go back to the way it was. I hope you can understand, and forgive the lack when they are left out or limited, that your way has been tried and it didnt work.