this is a winge and I do not mind admitting so BUT IT IS A BIG WINGE
I have ben an avid fan of Aces High for 6 years or more. I grew up on warbirds 2 in 1997, a programme, of which, HiTech is aware of. I state this just to establish my credentials, that I am not a newbie to Aces High. I will also admit that I am the worst pilot in the game. However after actually surving combat and approaching a friendly field devoid of enemy and making an approach to land to be shot down by a tree in the landing approach just does not seem right. Please bear with me in this winge. Had the tree been apparent from 50 yards I could have avoided it and gone around. This tree appeared out of nowhere when I was committed and had no room to manauvre around it. IF YOU MUST PUT TREES IN THE FLIGHT PATH, SO BE IT, BUT, PLEASE,!!!!!! MAKE THEM OBVIOUS, EVEN TO A PC WITH 20 OR LESS FRAMES PER SECOND