Well, gentlemen, its certainly been enlightening now, hasnt it? I largely fly bombers, and it takes me an hour to get to target to *help* you guys. So, god forbid I try to coordinate with you, I'm a "Desktop General". Ok, sure, whatever. <chuckles, shakes head>.
But then again, I'm getting the big scrutiny from the furballers, and I don't recall seeing anyone of your names on the missions I've been in with Ripsnort. You guys talk the talk...
But ya know what? Its a game, a $30 one at that. I listen to your text babbles like everyone else. If you wanna think Im being a General, well be my guest. You guys play the game as you wish, and I'll do the same.
Paul J. BusiereAces High Arena handle: BD5Pilot
http://bd5.checksix.net BD-5 "T" (TurboProp) 90% complete, first flight in 2001 (We hope!)