Originally posted by pluck
remember. the big issue here was the taking of FT. furballers are not asking for strat guys to stop taking bases, they were just asking for FT to be left alone, the same way TT has been asked to be left alone. imho asking for 3 fields, 1 field for each country, on 1 map to be left out of the land grab equation is hardly intolerant or arrogant.
Yeah, I've read the thread, I understand the issue. I haven't said anyone's arrogant or intolerant for objecting to FT being captured. What I'm saying is arrogant or intolerant is accusing people of being griefers simply because they don't enjoy the same style of gameplay. Big difference.
Now, as to FT, I understand that as well. Its an old concept, after all. The AW3 "Big Pac" map featured this very thing - an atoll in the center of the map with one field for each country.
Porking, vulching, and capture of FT was a problem there too. It didn't take long before the capture problem got solved by arena settings - those fields were made uncapturable. Peer pressure in the arena helped keep the vulching and porking to a minimum. The community worked pretty well together to discourage each others' country members from upsetting the furball cart. However, it did often happen that some folks would ignore that.
Tit for tat was another way the community dealt with this. If you persisted in upping at FT then porking or vulching, and it couldn't get solved on open channel, then the next thing you knew you were getting porked and vulched yourself. Sometimes that just degenerated into a "ruined" furball atmosphere for the night, but sometimes folks got the message and things settled back down.
I've wasted all that text in order to illustrate why I'm keeping an open mind here. I don't know what led to folks deciding to roll up FT on the night in question here, but I have heard it said that it started because of rampant vulching.
Personally, its easy for me to see both sides of this. I've sampled pretty much all styles of play over the years, and enjoyed most of 'em. I like a good furball as well as anyone. I also have had a lot of fun working with teams taking fields, both defended and not. Its all good, IMO. I can't see calling anyone names because of what kind of play they like. Different strokes and all that.
Thing is, if I was having fun in a furball at FT and I noticed that the other countrys' players were persistently vulching and/or porking, I would see retaliating as a perfectly legitimate thing to do. You reap what you sow. It wouldn't be about griefing, it would be about giving someone a taste of their own medicine in hopes they'd learn better.
And when I retaliate I tend to eschew half-measures
![Smiley :)](http://bbs.hitechcreations.com/smf/Smileys/default/smile.gif)
If people ain't "playing nice", why not use gameplay to slap 'em down and keep 'em down a while?
My $0.02 in all this, bottom line, is that the people bashing each other in this thread are mostly just incapable of understanding a POV that's different from theirs. IMO, that's too bad because it limits the community's ability to solve its problems on its own.