Author Topic: Im Declaring War On Lca  (Read 8570 times)

Offline BUG_EAF322

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #75 on: April 01, 2006, 02:57:45 AM »
Everybody his own fun
I understand both sides
Im totaly zen.

Offline culero

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #76 on: April 01, 2006, 04:30:22 AM »
Originally posted by Zazen13
I think you've hit the nail on the head there...That's exactly the 2 spectrums of attitudes present here and in the game that seems to indicate their actions...


I dunno, Zazen. My opinion, those who dismiss someone as a "griefer" simply because they don't dig the same style of play are pretty much intolerant and/or arrogant. I'd agree that griefing is a factor here, but I also think its true for only a minority of the folks that are being accused of it. Some folks simply enjoy different things in the game.

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Offline AKWarp

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #77 on: April 01, 2006, 08:29:26 AM »
Ding Ding Ding....finally, someone that gets it.  Wtg Culero and Bug.

And Guppy, I respect many players in this game, but only those where respect is due.  I don't set out to disrupt anyone's game on purpose, but my goal is to take bases and win the war, that's why I play.  You don't have to like it, or like me, or respect my opinion.  

As for the "tough guy" thing, there's no "tough guy" routine here.  The guy made a comment about being anonymous over the internet.  You can think what you want, I don't care.  As I said, I have nothing to hide, and I certainly ain't about to "hide" from any of you.  It has nothing to do with being a "tough guy"'s about some punk using a convenient excuse to be an idiot.  It's happened in the MA to me many times.  Many punks send PM and say all sorts of crap, threaten, etc.  Tell me they'll beat my arse, etc, etc, ad nauseum.  I simply call them out.  So who's being the tough guy?  The one making threats and puffing up their chest.  I never send a PM and call someone a name or threaten them simply because they shot me down (right RTMoose? or Baba?).    

As for alternatives, I gave some.  Make the bases in FT where they can't be taken, or take the furballing to the TA, or create a whole new arena just for that.  But speaking of "interupting" peoples fun, I often see furballers hanging at bases and doing nothing but vulching.  It becomes clear that there is no base taking intent.  When that happens, I just go elsewhere, but that's the point all the furballing crybabies don't get.  There are plenty of other bases and fights to be had.

Waaaaaaaaaa...I have to fly five or ten minutes to get to a fight
Waaaaaaaaaa...they won't fight the way I want them to
Waaaaaaaaaa...I have to climb to 10K or more to fight
Waaaaaaaaaa...the odds aren't even (as if they ever are in FT)
Waaaqaaaaaa, waaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaa

Lol, I'm a "senior member" in here...since 2001 in this forum and I have a whopping 213 posts.  I don't usually come in here simply because it's nothing but a whinefest....and apparently, it still is.  Maybe I'll come back in another couple's betting that it won't have changed at all....hahahahaha.

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #78 on: April 01, 2006, 09:44:10 AM »
I will state 1 problem the last time I was in FT on donut.

Rooks had 2 bases knits had 1. Rooks were bringing wave after wave of buffs . Most of the knits were shooting down the buffs some just continued to furball. So I upped a tif  and proceeded to to go pork ords.
Now here comes the problem. I had a guy follow me to both bases mind you. I take ords out at 1 base. he vulches1or 2 planes. I say to myself ehh good enough i it'll let me get away for the next base. I look off my 6 and he is following me. Hmmm escort np . I then pick off a napping 110, and proceed to the next base. I kill all but 1 ords bunker but it is soft. My little tag along is vulching . I politely ask him on range to pop that last ords so buff will stop upping. He then tells me sorry he cant he is in a yak and needs all ammo for nme planes.
Furballers who complain about the buffs and base capture, and won't lift a finger to help stop it ????? People if HT won't remove ords and troop transport,  police it ourselves. It took me about 15 min to do what i did.
Now if just 2 people would take a little time out of there precious furball. That they wish to preserve, it would take about 7 1/2 min.  Or are you all to important to help keep the furball going.

Sorry for the rant but if you don't want to help ,your part of the problem also.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2006, 10:37:50 AM by Bronk »
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Offline lazs2

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #79 on: April 01, 2006, 10:08:54 AM »
warp... you are saying that there is no such thing as griefers?   I would dissagree.   If your only purpose is to have fun by making sure that as large a group as possible is deprived of same....

I do think you serve a purpose tho.  you make people aware that sometimes game elements need to be changed to keep you from simple griefer play.  

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Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #80 on: April 01, 2006, 10:09:37 AM »
Originally posted by Gryphons
Been palying Aces High 2 for a while now after leaving warbirds due to dwindling numbers and one thing i notice is that furballers think they are almighty,supremely skilled omni-intelligent super heros or something :rolleyes: Sure furballing takes skill but so does droping a perfectly placed bomb or getting a direct hit on a tiger with a rocket.  I love flying with the LCA, it actually feels like being part of a ww2 mission as opposed to upping a fighter and heading into a fight at 5k (which i see all the time and is really stupid).  If you don't like hoardes or people landgrabbing then go to the DA (Don't understand y they don't make the DA into a fighter town and leave the MA to those who want to play the game they way it's designed)  Nothing makes me laugh more then when someone complaines that the fighter hangers are down and they can't vulch newbies who are dumb enough to up at a capped field :lol

Funny, I don't ever recall seeing you in the MA.   JABO and bombing takes less skill.  Put me in a Hellcat, any GV I drop on is toast, or hanger.
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Offline culero

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #81 on: April 01, 2006, 11:20:55 AM »
Originally posted by Bronk
My little tag along is vulching . I politely ask him on range to pop that last ords so buff will stop upping. He then tells me sorry he cant he is in a yak and needs all ammo for nme planes.
Furballers who complain about the buffs and base capture, and won't lift a finger to help stop it ?????

Bronk that guy doesn't sound like a "furballer". You've described a "cherrypicker". Big difference.

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Offline pluck

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #82 on: April 01, 2006, 11:36:17 AM »
Originally posted by culero
I dunno, Zazen. My opinion, those who dismiss someone as a "griefer" simply because they don't dig the same style of play are pretty much intolerant and/or arrogant. I'd agree that griefing is a factor here, but I also think its true for only a minority of the folks that are being accused of it. Some folks simply enjoy different things in the game.


remember.  the big issue here was the taking of FT.  furballers are not asking for strat guys to stop taking bases, they were just asking for FT to be left alone, the same way TT has been asked to be left alone.  imho asking for 3 fields, 1 field for each country, on 1 map to be left out of the land grab equation is hardly intolerant or arrogant.  in total we are asking for about 1% of all bases to be left alone....leaving 99% of the rest of the bases, i would say that is a fair compromise.  if you ask me the intolerance comes when 1 part of the community asks for such a small concession, and is greeted with a bunch of "stick its"

i'm sure the next time the FT map comes up, a bunch of these squads will run missions for the sole purpose of "griefing" the furballers.  you are right some folks do enjoy different things in the game, and it is up to the community to have some tolerance/respect for this.  i think most furballers can respect other forms of gameplay even though they do not enjoy, though everyday i suspect the latter is not the case.

we get all these comments about furballers only want to vulch and so on and so forth.  that is like saying all strat guys do is suicide hangars.  niether is true, and there are some strat guys who are good sticks.  lets filter out the dweebs here.  also i might point out, that most furballers could care less about strategic parts of the is up to you strat guys to do the job, remember we don't care about taking a do, so don't get mad at us when you can't seal the deal.

i can accept the fact that there will always be hordes and that there will be base taking, i am fine with that.  horde the whole map as usual, just one small reprieve to FT is not asking for the world, nor is it asking for the land grabbers to drastically alter their style of play.  they are still welcome to FT, as many have said it always has some action there.  just don't end the action.
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Offline Bronk

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #83 on: April 01, 2006, 11:42:49 AM »
Originally posted by culero
Bronk that guy doesn't sound like a "furballer". You've described a "cherrypicker". Big difference.


Yes but I'm not a big furball nut either. Ocationaly I like to furball and if i had sence enough to stop buffs why not the diehards? That was the other point being made.

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Offline culero

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #84 on: April 01, 2006, 12:44:25 PM »
Originally posted by pluck
remember.  the big issue here was the taking of FT.  furballers are not asking for strat guys to stop taking bases, they were just asking for FT to be left alone, the same way TT has been asked to be left alone.  imho asking for 3 fields, 1 field for each country, on 1 map to be left out of the land grab equation is hardly intolerant or arrogant.  

Yeah, I've read the thread, I understand the issue. I haven't said anyone's arrogant or intolerant for objecting to FT being captured. What I'm saying is arrogant or intolerant is accusing people of being griefers simply because they don't enjoy the same style of gameplay. Big difference.

Now, as to FT, I understand that as well. Its an old concept, after all. The AW3 "Big Pac" map featured this very thing - an atoll in the center of the map with one field for each country.

Porking, vulching, and capture of FT was a problem there too. It didn't take long before the capture problem got solved by arena settings - those fields were made uncapturable. Peer pressure in the arena helped keep the vulching and porking to a minimum. The community worked pretty well together to discourage each others' country members from upsetting the furball cart. However, it did often happen that some folks would ignore that.

Tit for tat was another way the community dealt with this. If you persisted in upping at FT then porking or vulching, and it couldn't get solved on open channel, then the next thing you knew you were getting porked and vulched yourself. Sometimes that just degenerated into a "ruined" furball atmosphere for the night,  but sometimes folks got the message and things settled back down.

I've wasted all that text in order to illustrate why I'm keeping an open mind here. I don't know what led to folks deciding to roll up FT on the night in question here, but I have heard it said that it started because of rampant vulching.

Personally, its easy for me to see both sides of this. I've sampled pretty much all styles of play over the years, and enjoyed most of 'em. I like a good furball as well as anyone. I also have had a lot of fun working with teams taking fields, both defended and not. Its all good, IMO. I can't see calling anyone names because of what kind of play they like. Different strokes and all that.

Thing is, if I was having fun in a furball at FT and I noticed that the other countrys' players were persistently vulching and/or porking, I would see retaliating as a perfectly legitimate thing to do. You reap what you sow. It wouldn't be about griefing, it would be about giving someone a taste of their own medicine in hopes they'd learn better.

And when I retaliate I tend to eschew half-measures :) If people ain't "playing nice", why not use gameplay to slap 'em down and keep 'em down a while?

My $0.02 in all this, bottom line, is that the people bashing each other in this thread are mostly just incapable of understanding a POV that's different from theirs. IMO, that's too bad because it limits the community's ability to solve its problems on its own.

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Offline Masherbrum

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #85 on: April 01, 2006, 01:20:30 PM »
Originally posted by pluck
remember.  the big issue here was the taking of FT.  furballers are not asking for strat guys to stop taking bases, they were just asking for FT to be left alone, the same way TT has been asked to be left alone.  imho asking for 3 fields, 1 field for each country, on 1 map to be left out of the land grab equation is hardly intolerant or arrogant.  in total we are asking for about 1% of all bases to be left alone....leaving 99% of the rest of the bases, i would say that is a fair compromise.  if you ask me the intolerance comes when 1 part of the community asks for such a small concession, and is greeted with a bunch of "stick its"

i'm sure the next time the FT map comes up, a bunch of these squads will run missions for the sole purpose of "griefing" the furballers.  you are right some folks do enjoy different things in the game, and it is up to the community to have some tolerance/respect for this.  i think most furballers can respect other forms of gameplay even though they do not enjoy, though everyday i suspect the latter is not the case.

we get all these comments about furballers only want to vulch and so on and so forth.  that is like saying all strat guys do is suicide hangars.  niether is true, and there are some strat guys who are good sticks.  lets filter out the dweebs here.  also i might point out, that most furballers could care less about strategic parts of the is up to you strat guys to do the job, remember we don't care about taking a do, so don't get mad at us when you can't seal the deal.

i can accept the fact that there will always be hordes and that there will be base taking, i am fine with that.  horde the whole map as usual, just one small reprieve to FT is not asking for the world, nor is it asking for the land grabbers to drastically alter their style of play.  they are still welcome to FT, as many have said it always has some action there.  just don't end the action.

Am I understanding that the "Recent Rook Capture" of FT was to Reset the Map?   If so, I could understand this.   HOWEVER, if it was captured to just be d**ks like the Bish did, for Lute and I to form a Knight/Rook truce, I do NOT agree.
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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #86 on: April 01, 2006, 01:46:21 PM »
Originally posted by Bronk
Yes but I'm not a big furball nut either. Ocationaly I like to furball and if i had sence enough to stop buffs why not the diehards? That was the other point being made.


well, there is only so much you can do.  you can't stop every single bomber and plane carrying ord.  if the enemy is determined to kill the FH's, then the FH's will die. i have offed countless bombers for this reason and so have many others.

culero, i hear what you are saying, and can agree to an extent.  but, i might submit that if your country is the one vulching at FT (which is not right either imho) then taking those bases does not equal any form of retaliation.  this is especially true, again imho, when your country has superior numbers to begin with.  

i wasn't there when the rooks captured the first base, so like you i'm not sure what instigated this whole thing.  but i do know that after the bish FT base was taken, the knights took the brunt of the attack.  i only flew one sortie that day to FT because rooks were vulching the knights.  after a few other flights, i looked back a FT, and rooks still vulching.   i logged, came back, and FT was controlled by rooks.  at no point did i ever see the rooks being vulched to an extent that they could not fight back.  there are always those dweebs who head straight for the runway, i don't think you can count them.

seems like so long ago now and many threads, but what i believe happened was FT was captured by rooks.  then bish base was recaptured with the help of some rooks before the field was reset.  hope i have my facts straight:), feel free to correct me if i'm sure you guys will;)

p.s.  i don't think a big fuss would have been made if this capture was specifically for a reset, that i could accept.
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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #87 on: April 01, 2006, 01:54:17 PM »
Originally posted by 96Delta got it all wrong..

Its an organized horde! :aok
Think of us as locusts on steroids. :D

You know, kinda like a big flying ant farm. As a whole, they are one, alone they are....well, when you run into them its kinda fun to shoot em up. Kind of a target rich environment. :) I kinda like running into them. It adds to the fun!

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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #88 on: April 01, 2006, 03:48:25 PM »
Karaya, it was captured by rooks, next day me and hooch switched to nits...hooch put out call to get a FT base back...think it was batfink that joined in, he posted mission, we took nit ft base back, then helped bish get thiers back...reset happened after all, at that time, it was not to reset map, otherwise it wouldnt of been there for us to retake.
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Im Declaring War On Lca
« Reply #89 on: April 01, 2006, 07:00:37 PM »
All I know  LCA is the Best thing to happen to the Knights in Months. ENY didn't even thing out But the LCA Did.  WTG :aok :rofl :lol

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