Author Topic: Perk points idea  (Read 366 times)

Offline Spatula

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Perk points idea
« on: March 28, 2006, 08:14:06 PM »
This one is my squadmate's (Ladle) idea, i asked him to post it, but he aint, so im gunna...

Basically, leave the way perks are, except that instead of getting the number of perks awarded based on dividing ENY values, can we also multiply them by a factor of how many kills the pilot you shot down has under his belt for his/her sortie (say kills/10 + 1)

 Fred in a plane with ENY of 10 and has 4 kills under his belt (cause hes l33t).
 John in a plane with ENY of 15 and has 0 kills under his belt (cause he's a n00b)

With the existing system its:
John shoots down fred => 15/10 = 1.5

My (Ladle's) proposal is:
John shoots down fred
 => 15/10 * (4 / 10 + 1)
 => 1.5 * 0.4 + 1
 => 1.5 * 1.4
 => 2.1 perks earnt.

The number 10 used above is just an arbitrary example, it could be any number really (except 0...), vary it depending on how much you want the number of kills your victim had to influence your perk points gained for that kill.

Ok, so why would we want to do this, you ask? Well, it rewards more those players that downed someone with a stack of kills under his belt, more than rewarding killing someone who has none. An assumption is that the more kills you have, the better skilled you as a pilot probably are - note: i say **probably**... With that assumption, this system rewards those that kill skilled pilots, versus n00bs.

you could go further and make it just multiply your perks by the number of kills that pilot had. Eg 15/10 * 4 = 6 perks. What this would do is give you NO perk points for vultching (or killing someone with no kills). And only the normal amount of perks if they had scored a kill allready.

what dya reckon? maybe someone has a better formula which gets a similar sort of effect? Many possibilities really, and it would add a new dimension to the game.
Airborne Kitchen Utensil Assault Group