Keep in mind that the folks who post on the BBS represent only a small fraction of the player base, and also that burnout, or just plane boredom, is going to be more commonplace among those who've played for years, as opposed to the relatively newer players, in their first weeks/months/etc.
Those of us (us meaning the community as a whole) who've been around long enough to tire of some of the game's mechanics are a bit of an anamoly, in that no one really expected us (or at least so many of us) to stick around this long.
Anyway, back on topic.
I'm not so sure about 1 and 2, as there are a lot of folks who don't play a great deal, or just log in for that hour or 2 in an evening they can spare, and factors such as weather would limit their ability to just log in, shoot stuff for a bit, and log off. Random placements of maprooms and towns and such gets to be a PITA, especially for the newer players (who we need to stay, so that we're guaranteed more targets). I, too, had thought some variety in that area would be fun and different, until I flew on the Frac map.
I like #3, in so far as giving towns a varied appearance, but I think, unless they were just picked at random when the map loaded, that this wouldn't work with the current tiles setup. AFAIK, a town is a town, and a city is a city, as far as the terrain setup is concerned. I don't think there's support for different objects to fill the same role.
I like #4 as well. The Karelia map those Finn lunatics put up is amazing in that regard. The atypical field layouts are interesting, the overall appearance of the terrain is stunning, IMO, and contribute to the overall feeling of immersion. However, I was completely and utterly lost most of the time, constantly checking the maps to see what was what. While it looks cool, it'd probably drive a lot of noobs insane were a setup like that to find it's way into the MA.